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By Will Holoman. University of North Carolina – Wilmington - B.A. in Environmental Science – Marine Science Emphasis University of Utah - B.S. in Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "By Will Holoman. University of North Carolina – Wilmington - B.A. in Environmental Science – Marine Science Emphasis University of Utah - B.S. in Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Will Holoman

2 University of North Carolina – Wilmington - B.A. in Environmental Science – Marine Science Emphasis University of Utah - B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering Currently employed by The City of Laguna Beach - Stormwater Program Manager - Sewer Capital Projects Manager - Water Grant Writer - Sewer Systems Engineer

3 - Permits are issued by the Federal, State and Local governments for virtually all impacts to the natural environment from public and private sources. A permit allows someone to discharge into the environment. A permit dictates the amount of contamination allowed in the discharge. - What types of activities would need a permit? - Your environmental career will likely be connected to permitting in some way! Writing permits, advocacy, implementation, monitoring, data analysis, compliance reporting. You could work for a public agency, private party, environmental group, funding agency, contractor, or many others.

4 We will focus on the South Orange County Stormwater (MS4) Permit today. First the parts, then we’ll pull it all together. Who – regulators, regulated, basis in law, public participation What –storm water systems, types of discharge, pollutants of concern Where – receiving water bodies, beneficial uses, watershed map of permit area When – permit term, renewal, changes to the permit How – JURMP implementation overview

5 Major Players in the South County MS4 Permit: Everyone has input into the regulations

6 Permitees are the REGULATED PARTIES. The focus is on the South Orange County Stormwater Permit - all areas of California have similar permits. 1. The County of Orange is the Principal Permittee – the County leads the Cities in permit compliance. 2. The following Cities are Copermitees under the leadership of the County: City of Aliso Viejo City of Dana Point City of Laguna Beach City of Laguna Hills City of Laguna Niguel City of Laguna Woods City of Lake Forest City of Mission Viejo City of Rancho Santa Margarita City of San Clemente City of San Juan Capistrano Orange County Flood Control District

7 Cuyahoga River, 1969:

8 THE REGULATORS, and their basis in law:

9 South Orange County Stormwater Permit Map:

10 Public Participation - Permits are not issued without significant public participation. 1. Anyone can participate – information on how is found on the Regional Board's website. 2. This is a chance for Non-Government organizations and citizens to participate in lawmaking. 3. Numerous public hearings are held. 4. Written comments get written responses. NGOs who participated in the 2009 South Orange County Permit: Surfrider, Coastkeeper, NRDC, South Laguna Civic Association, Building Industry Association

11 This permit regulates discharge from storm drains to receiving waters All storm drains lead to receiving waters – creeks, rivers and the ocean. Storm drains can transport pollutants from a source to the receiving waters. Storm drains are owned and maintained by local cities. Local cities are responsible for discharge from their storm drains. The Regional Board regulates the discharge with the Stormwater Permit.

12 Storm drains have two types of flow – WET WEATHER and DRY WEATHER What is the main difference between wet and dry weather flows? Why is there water in the storm drain during dry weather? What types of pollutants would we expect in dry weather? What types of pollutants would we expect to see in wet weather?

13 Pollutants identified in the permit:

14 Major receiving waters/watersheds in South Orange County:

15 Beneficial Uses: How do you know what levels of pollution are acceptable in a receiving water?

16 Beneficial Uses Table – each has specific pollutant levels attached to their designation:

17 Each permit term is five years so we will go through the whole process again in 2014!

18 SO FAR we have established that: 1. The stormwater permit was developed by a public process involving all interested parties; 2. The permit regulates pollutant levels in the discharge of wet and dry weather storm drain flows; 3. The purpose of the permit is to protect beneficial uses of receiving waters; NOW we can explore HOW this is accomplished…

19 Two philosophies, one major shift: South Orange County Stormwater permits have traditionally been “action based”, the 2009 permit has added a “results based” feedback loop. What are the pros and cons of each approach?

20 Controversial permit requirements for local Cities 1. NALs/MALs – Dry and wet weather pollutant action levels. Test the discharge water, exceedence = prescribed action 2. Prohibited discharges into the MS4 – overirrigation vs. car washing, reclaimed water considerations 3. Natural source exemptions – metals, groundwater, springs, animals 4. Low impact development – retrofit requirements, new development

21 Compliance Requirements – Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan (JURMP), a document which details the City’s permit compliance plan and includes: 1. Planning – require water quality considerations in City planning decisions 2. Construction – require inspections to verify runoff compliance, water quality included in all building permits 3. Existing Development – inspections, training and water quality compliance in all municipal and private facilities 4. Illicit Discharge – Investigations and citations for water quality violations 5. Public Participation – Outreach and training to City employees, citizens, homeowner associations and businesses JURMP deadline is December 18, 2010

22 More information: Discussion/Questions?

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