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Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director z Youth.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director z Youth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director z Youth Tobacco Presentation

2 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Cost of Tobacco: Dollars and Sense $5.50 a pack X 1 pack a day 365 days a year $2007.50 on cigarettes a year

3 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director $9,900 in five years. $19,800 in ten years. $39,600 in twenty years. What would you buy!? Cost of Tobacco: Dollars and Sense

4 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director The Real Cost of Tobacco

5 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Where do you see tobacco in your everyday life?

6 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Tobacco in your life Someone you know Television Movies Music Advertising Convenience/Grocery Stores

7 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director 90% of all smokers begin before age 20. 99% of smokers begin before age 26.

8 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Reasons Why People Use Tobacco? Social (to fit in) Relaxation/Stress Relief Peer Pressure Look older Try something new Bored/alone Cultural

9 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Cigarettes Cigars, cigarillos, pipes Dip, snuff, chew Hookahs Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) What is tobacco use?

10 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Tobacco Products

11 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Nicotine Addictive substance found in all tobacco products. Causes mood-altering effects in your brain. Makes you want to use tobacco products, which leads to dependence and addiction. Nicotine’s addictive effects causes people to use it again after quitting.

12 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Ingredients in a Cigarette

13 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director First-hand smoke Second-hand smoke Third-hand smoke Tobacco Exposure

14 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director New Tobacco Products Dissolvable  Orbs  Strips  Sticks Ariva Snus Sweet Flavored Tobacco Products

15 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Electronic Cigarettes Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) Includes: e-cigarettes, e-hookahs, hookah pens, vape pens, e-cigars Battery-powered devices that deliver nicotine to users “Vape” or “vaping” is used to define the act of using a ENDS product

16 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What are e-cigarettes? Image Sources: WFBH; Rechargeable – Replacement Cartridges Rechargeable – Refillable Tank System Disposables

17 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Legacy Foundation How e-cigarettes work

18 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Health Risks and Concerns: E-cigarettes E-cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance. E-cigarettes may contain toxic chemicals, irritants, and known carcinogens. Vapor emitted is not clean air and exposures non-users to toxic chemicals and nicotine. E-cigarettes can lead to trying other nicotine products (cigarettes, snuff).

19 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Tobacco and Your Health: Quiz

20 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smoking do to my body? The health impacts of smoking can account for: A.Three out of every five deaths in the United States B.20,000 deaths a month in the United States C.1 out of every five deaths in the United States D.None of the above

21 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smoking do to my body? Smoking is the number one cause of cancer worldwide: A.True B.False Why? Because a smoker breathes the smoke into their lungs when they take a puff from a cigarette, the organ most likely to be damaged is the lungs. Toxins in cigarettes and other tobacco also damage other parts of the body, leading to a variety of different health problems.

22 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smoking do to my body? Which of the following health problems are related to smoking? A.Cancer B.Emphysema C.Heart disease D.Warts

23 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Chronic obstructive lung disease - Emphysema - Bronchitis Cancer (primarily lung cancer) Increased respiratory rate What does smoking do to my body?

24 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Straw Activity Experience what it’s like to breathe with COPD/Emphysema Grab your straw!

25 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Heart and blood vessel effects:  Heart disease  Stroke  Poor circulation  Increased heart rate  High blood pressure What does smoking do to my body?

26 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smoking do to my body? Smoking helps to keep a person looking young. A.True B.False

27 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Cosmetic Effects:  Bad breath  Teeth decay  Yellow teeth  Wrinkles  Loose skin What does smoking do to my body?

28 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smoking do to my body? Smoking during pregnancy can impact the fetus (developing baby). A.True B.False

29 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director In pregnant women, smoking can cause:  Preterm delivery  Stillbirth  Low birth weight  Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) What does smoking do to my body?

30 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smokeless tobacco do to my body? Smokeless tobacco, like snuff, dip and chew, have less toxins than cigarettes. A.True B.False

31 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smokeless tobacco do to my body? Sometimes referred to as dip, chew, or snuff NOT a safe alternative to cigarettes

32 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director What does smokeless tobacco do to my body? Which of the following health problems are related to smokeless tobacco? A.Cancer B.Joint pain C.Bad breath D.Muscular degeneration

33 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Nicotine addiction Mouth, tongue, throat cancers Stomach, pancreatic cancers Heart disease, heart attacks Teeth break down and loss Stained and discolored teeth Bad breath Health Risks and Concerns: Smokeless Tobacco

34 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Tootsie Roll Activity Unwrap your tootsie roll DO NOT EAT IT! Place it either in the side of your mouth OR between your lip and your bottom row of teeth Try not to swallow the juices Hold it in your mouth until after next few slides

35 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Legal Consequences Legal age to purchase tobacco products in North Carolina is 18 Things that will get you into trouble:  Purchasing  Attempting to purchase  Using a fake ID  Distribution of tobacco products to those under 18

36 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Legal Consequences If caught:  Guilty of Class 2 misdemeanor  Criminal offense  30 days community service  $1000 fine  Permanent record

37 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Chatham County Schools Policy The policy now defines tobacco product as: “…includes but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, pipes, bidis, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, nicotine- delivering devices, and chemicals or devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances or emit nicotine vapor.”

38 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director School Disciplinary Consequences In Chatham County Schools, if you’re caught using tobacco products (including e-cigarettes):  First offense: Detention and a meeting is held involving the student, their parents, and a school principal.  Second offense: 3-day OSS  Third offense: 4-day OSS  Fourth offense: 5-day OSS  Fifth offense: 10-day OSS and a recommendation to the superintendent that the student be suspended for the duration of the school year

39 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director You can eat your tootsie roll now! How did you feel? Did you want to swallow? How does chew affect those who use it? Tootsie Roll Activity

40 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Reasons Why People Use Tobacco? Social (to fit in) Relaxation/Stress Relief Peer Pressure Drinking and Smoking Try something new Cultural Environmental

41 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Staying Tobacco Free Saying no to tobacco is hard Peer pressure Use skills  Refusal strategies

42 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Staying Tobacco Free

43 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Say “no” firmly and repeat it Take the offensive Refuse to discuss the matter any further and leave. Three Models of Assertive Refusal

44 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director z ACTIVITY

45 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Nicotine Replacement Therapy Provides low doses of nicotine without harmful toxins found in cigarettes or smokeless tobacco. Relieves nicotine cravings and eases symptoms when someone stops using tobacco products. Types: Patch Gum Inhalers Lozenges

46 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Resources to Help Quit QuitLineNC: 1-800-QUITNOW QuitSmart (free through the Chatham County Public Health Department) American Lung Association Freedom from Smoking: 1-800-LUNG-USA SfT Teen (Smokefree Teen): Become An Ex:

47 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director Next Steps Kick Butts Day Tobacco 21 The Real Cost Campaign Truth Campaign Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Legacy Foundation

48 Leading the Charge to a Healthier Chatham. Chatham County Public Health Department Holly Coleman, Health Director z Debrief

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