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Waternet, oktober 2011 Rob Kemmeren Jannnis van Zanten Waternet Heat and cold.

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Presentation on theme: "Waternet, oktober 2011 Rob Kemmeren Jannnis van Zanten Waternet Heat and cold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waternet, oktober 2011 Rob Kemmeren Jannnis van Zanten Waternet Heat and cold

2 Summary introduction Policy of the municipality District heating: explaination; usefullness and neccesity Central or decentral megadeal

3 Amsterdam Energy demand 4 billion kWh 850 million m3 natural gas Amsterdam 760.000 inhabitants 400.000 houses 8 million m2 office space

4 Seweage system Drinking water Groundwater; Waterway Management Surface water; Sewage treatment plants

5 Energy strategy2040 Energystrategy reliabale, affordabele, sustainable City council: two motions: “heat, unless…” and “climate neutral buillding” Energytransition: –heat: replacement conventional gas by different sources (wasted heat, geothermal, heatpumps) –cold: replacement electricity by different sources (districtcooling, districtheating)

6 CASCADING: ELECTRICITY High voltage: 380.000 V Industrial 700 V Industrial: 400 V household: 220 V E power plant, gas, coal, nucleair, wind off shore Wind on shore Solar cells middle: 10.000 V Middlevoltage: 50.000 V

7 110/ 70 Huis: floor: 40; tap 70 Huis: 70/40 (radiator) Old, existing 90/70 (radiator) Net 1: 90 /70 Net 2 Yburg – I: 70/40 Net 3 Hout- havens 70/30 Geothermial, 100 0 C, CHP Geothermal 70 o C Wasted heat, data center, 50 CASCADING HEAT

8 Wasted heat, high temperature: 100 0 C Deep lakes: LT: 6 0 C Geothermal, 70 0 C Geoththermal, CHP, 100 0 C 20 0 C heatpums, air-water cooling 40 / 15 0 C CASCADING: HEAT AND COLD WEB area 1 area 1 t/m xxx

9 Total real estate (totale heat demand Real estate intensity (heat demand / ha) Individual solutions Urban area: collective solutions Choice: collective or individual Building, optimalisation

10 All possible sources –now: gas fired power plant; 50% CO2 reduction; Waste incineration: 80% CO2 reduction; RWZI: 100% sustainable No source is excluded (eg: gas-infra excludes geothermal or straw-burning). Most optimal exergetic use of gas; Combination Heat and Electricity grids: future ready

11 Example sustainable source: RWZI Waternet – waste incineration AEB RWZI Waternet Waste incinetarion AEB sludge biogas elektricity heat

12 Sustainability in the whole chain! The grid Isolate Buffer Close ring Consumer Isolate Low temperature cold Bron: Choose the most sustainabele source (see next sheet) NB: passive ≠self sufficient

13 Decreasing heat demand in 30 jaar Temporary heat demand Future heat demand geothermal Residual heat biogas MW Load curve

14 Diemen 33, Powerstation (NUON, gas)Diemen 33, Powerstation (NUON, gas) planned Diemen 34planned Diemen 34 AEB (Municipality, waste) Hemweg 7, 8, Powerstation(NUON, coal, gas) Hemweg 7, 8, Powerstation(NUON, coal, gas) planned Hemweg 9 (NUON, gas) planned Hemweg 9 (NUON, gas) Districtheating in cooperation with NUON

15 Nieuwe Meer lake supplies Zuidas Ouderkerkerplas lake supplies A’dam South East Distric Cooling: NUON

16 Realised New (Yburg-II, existing real estate!!) Districtheating: connections Gecontracted (Parkstad, Noord / Houthavens, ZBE)

17 WPW Vision: busines Task –delivering –Increasing sustainability; –Growth network Real estate owners Vision: affordabel en sustainable real estate Tasks : –Isolate building –Sustainable energy –connections Municipality Vision: sustainable heat and cold, with central and decentralised sources Task: making preconditions DEAL: Growth and continuous sustainability (RAS) Public / private partnership (ROI) Policy (“heat unluss”, climate neutral building,, heat cold maps) Tarifs connections

18 Contribution for connection Variable costs (Euro/year) GJ-pricerent Occupant / tenantX (indirect) expense Developer (building, selling) expenseXXx Housing corporation (building, exploitation) expenseXXincome Energiy company (tbv investering in het net) Income incomex Businescasus all relevant actors

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