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EAS270 Prof. J.D. Wilson ‘ 492-0353, Tory Room 2-105A ‘ 1100-1200 Mon/Wed/Thurs Teaching Asst. Tanya Prozny ‘

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Presentation on theme: "EAS270 Prof. J.D. Wilson ‘ 492-0353, Tory Room 2-105A ‘ 1100-1200 Mon/Wed/Thurs Teaching Asst. Tanya Prozny ‘"— Presentation transcript:

1 EAS270 Prof. J.D. Wilson ‘, 492-0353, Tory Room 2-105A ‘ 1100-1200 Mon/Wed/Thurs Teaching Asst. Tanya Prozny ‘, Tory Room 2-104 Course Details ‘ ‘ important dates ‘ resources ‘ grading ‘ policy on exams The Atmosphere “The Atmosphere”

2 Sources of Examinable Material  Textbook, less exclusions as noted in course web page  Powerpoint lecture notes + maps (posted on web)  Your own notes

3 Evaluation…  3 in-class, multi-choice quizzes (each 25 mins). Your best 2 count  20%  2 take-home assignments  20%  mid-term mulit-choice exam, Fri 27 Oct.  20%  final exam, 2-4 pm, Friday Dec. 15 th. 30% multi-choice + 10% short answer  40% 80% knowledge of text/lecture material 20% interpretation of weather charts

4 Instructor’s Objectives for EAS 270  for students not majoring in science – an enjoyable overview of the atmosphere and a glimpse into the methods of science  for science students, preparation for more in-depth treatment in other courses, so that the mathematics & physics can be better appreciated + Assist students to gain a broad overview of Meteorology, focusing on processes, and thus providing the logical skeleton for a qualitative causal understanding or interpretation of weather phenomena + Introduction to weather analysis/maps.

5 Significant Dates MondayWednesdayFriday 6 Sep, Lec 18 Sep 11 Sep13 Sep15 Sep 18 Sep20 Sep22 Sep, Quiz 1 25 Sep27 Sep29 Sep 2 Oct4 Oct6 Oct Thanksgiving11 Oct13 Oct, Quiz 2 16 Oct18 Oct, Assig. 1 due20 Oct 23 Oct25 Oct27 Oct, Mid-term exam 30 Oct1 Nov3 Nov 6 Nov8 Nov10 Nov Remembrance Day15 Nov17 Nov, Quiz 3 20 Nov22 Nov24 Nov 27 Nov29 Nov1 Dec 4 Dec6 Dec, Assig. 2 due

6 Daily Schedule: Note that material from Chapters 4,8 (especially) will be anticipated for the map discussions DateActivity/TopicChapter Wed 6 SepCourse introduction Fri 8 SepAtmos. Composition & Structure1 Mon 11 SepAtmos. Composition & Structure1 Wed 13 SepPressure & wind in relation to weather mapsFragments of 4,8 Fri 15 SepMap discussion; Solar Radiation & Seasons2 Mon 18 SepSolar Radiation & Seasons2 Wed 20 SepEnergy balance & temperature3 Fri 22 SepQuiz 1; Energy balance & temperature3 Mon 25 SepEnergy balance & temperature3 (continued on web page)

7 GradeRecommended/NormEas270, 2003Eas270, 2004Eas270, 2005 A+5%6%5% A7% 8% A-12% 13% B+15% B16%15%17%16% B-14% C+11%10%12% C8% 7%8% C-5%6%5%4% D+3%4% 2% <=D2% 4% GPA2.832.882.85 No option to alter date of quizzes, mid-term or final exam. For policy on missed exams, grading, see:

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