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Developing Leadership in a CRP: Roles, Responsibilities, and Lessons Learned Alex Freeman Melissa Oliver Walker Pruett.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Leadership in a CRP: Roles, Responsibilities, and Lessons Learned Alex Freeman Melissa Oliver Walker Pruett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Leadership in a CRP: Roles, Responsibilities, and Lessons Learned Alex Freeman Melissa Oliver Walker Pruett

2 BYLAWS Student Leadership 2015-2016

3 Articles I and II Article I: Name Very simple, just declaring the name we chose for ourselves – Colligate Recovery Community Student Leadership Referred to as “CRC Student Leadership” Article II: Purpose Most importantly, serves as the student voice to CYAAR and Board of Directors Determined what our purpose is – kept it kind of vague to allow for freedom of interpretation In addition to being the student voice, our purpose is to “plan, implement, evaluate” and to “create”

4 Article III: Membership Details membership requirements for joining student leadership – different from standard CRC requirements – 12 credit hours recognized by KSU – At least 2 semesters left at KSU – Strong passion for CRC ideals Remaining an active member in “good standing” – Attending at least 2 events per semester – No more than 2 absences from seminar – Attend all Celebrate Recovery meetings each semester – Serves as an active member

5 Articles IV and V Article IV: Advisors Describes requirements and expectations of an advisor Helps to make sure that KSU policy is followed Must be an administrator, faculty, or staff of KSU CYAAR If advisor steps down, CRC Coordinator takes position Article V: Officers Lists the positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Media Chair, Service Chair, Events Chair, and New Member Chair Term length of one year Elections are held in Spring Semester and new officers join in a transitional role for the rest of the year. Positions are officially assumed in the Fall.

6 Articles VI and VII Article VI: Duties of Officers Describes the role of each officer Stipulates that New Member chair is appointed by Leadership at the beginning of a new academic year Officers can be removed for “non-performance” of their duties by majority vote of CRC Student Leadership (an opportunity to step down is presented first) Article VII: Meetings At least 4 every semester Monthly basis at a time determined by Leadership Faculty Advisor and Officers can call a special meeting outside of scheduled ones if needed

7 Articles VIII and IX Article VII: Voting All members can vote, except President, who can only vote in event of a tie Faculty advisor cannot vote Article IX: Officer Replacement If a position is open, members of leadership will assume responsibilities of officer until a special election can take place If all positions are vacant, faculty advisor must organize an immediate election

8 Articles X and XI Article X: Dues and Finances Membership is subject to no fees or dues However, may be expected to pay for themselves for field trips, outings, or other activities off of KSU campus Article XI: Amendments and Revisions to the Constitution Outside of yearly review, any amendments much be submitted in writing to the Secretary by active members of leadership Changes must be received prior to a scheduled meeting to allow time for review Ratified by majority vote

9 Articles XII and XIII Article XII: Non-Discrimination Policy “CRC Student Leadership does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, creed, color, handicap, disability, veteran status, national origin, or sexual orientation.” Article XIII: Non-Hazing Policy “CRC Student Leadership will not practice any physical or psychological forms of hazing, and our members are free to discontinue their membership without undue pressure or interference.”

10 MEETING STRUCTURE Student Leadership 2015-2016

11 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Student Leadership 2015-2016

12 President “The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the CRC Student Leadership, determine that all duties of the other officers are performed in accordance with the Constitution description, and promote the function and purpose of the organization; etc.” Article VI, Section 1 Presided over Student Leadership meetings Led Celebrate Recovery meetings Sent out an email/text reminder for each Celebrate Recovery – Used RemindMe for text messages

13 Vice-President “The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and act on their behalf and assume their responsibilities upon the absence of the President; etc.” Article VI, Section 2 Called new members to greet them Assisted President whenever she was unable to perform her duties

14 Treasurer “The Treasurer shall have oversight on all funds regarding the Collegiate Recovery Community, including but not limited to: recovery meetings, donations, events, etc…” Article VI, Section 3 Kept record on an Excel spreadsheet of all expenses and donations for various fellowships Gathered meeting’s 7 th Tradition funds from safe once weekly Held student leadership funds Ordered pizza for Celebrate meetings – Contacted CRC staff when Celebrate account was too low so that pizza would still be ordered Stocked CRC with Twelve Step literature and chips when necessary Donated to AA Central Office when AA account was too full

15 Secretary “The Secretary shall record the minutes of regular and special meetings, etc.” Article VI, Section 4 Recorded meeting minutes Developed an agenda for meetings Typed meeting minutes – Emailed them to members of Student Leadership

16 Social Media Chair “The Social Media Chair will have access to all CRC social media accounts and have the trust of the leadership that any information shared will stay in line with CRC and university values and ethics.” Article VI, Section 5 Ran existing social media – Facebook page – “KSU Collegiate Recovery Community” – Admin of secret Facebook group – Facebook character – “Bill Willingham” Started new social media pages and connected all existing social media to a common email address – Twitter – Bi-monthly blog of CRC student experiences based on a monthly theme Posted information about CRC events to social media pages Acted as moderator in secret Facebook group

17 Service Chair “The Service Chair will coordinate and be responsible for all service outreach that the CRC is involved with, including but not limited to: The Extension, speaking engagements, etc…” Article VI, Section 6 Coordinated with local treatment centers to send CRC students to speak to the young adult population Renewed annual service contract with the Extension – Served dinner once a month with other CRC students Found students willing to speak when local schools reached out to the CYAAR Created sign up sheets for people to volunteer for events created by the CYAAR

18 New Member Chair “The New Member Chair is appointed by elected officials at the beginning of each academic year however holds a vote at the table. The new-member chair will be responsible for matching older CRC members with new CRC members and following up with the “mentors” throughout the semester.” Article VI, Section 7 Paired current CRC members with new members Gave pairs one another’s contact information Instructed the current student to reach out to their new student initially – Left it up to the new student to continue the relationship

19 Events Chair “The Events Chair will be responsible for organizing, communicating, and implementing CRC events.” Article VI, Section 8 Stepped down at the end of his first semester. No events were planned or hosted.

20 SUCCESSES AND STRUGGLES Service Chair, Social Media Chair, and Secretary 2015-2016

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