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ASMC NCR PDI Mini-Course Credit ROE  Survey: Attendees must complete the survey hosted via Survey Monkey within 24 hours of taking the course. 2015 ASMC.

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Presentation on theme: "ASMC NCR PDI Mini-Course Credit ROE  Survey: Attendees must complete the survey hosted via Survey Monkey within 24 hours of taking the course. 2015 ASMC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASMC NCR PDI Mini-Course Credit ROE  Survey: Attendees must complete the survey hosted via Survey Monkey within 24 hours of taking the course. 2015 ASMC NCR PDI - FM Certification Survey Link: Be sure to include your email address, as this is how completion certificates will be distributed.  Sign out: At the conclusion of the course, attendees must deposit their “sign-out” badges with volunteers upon exiting. Attendance throughout the duration of the course will be monitored and tightly controlled.  Leaving early results in no credit awarded for this mini- course!

2 American Society of Military Comptrollers National Capital Region Professional Development Institute March, 2015 Richard Gustafson, Professor CFO Academy, iCollege, National Defense University

3  WHY: Meet FM Certification Requirements  WHAT: Intro to CFO Academy Challenges and Opportunities Barriers and Networks Problem Solving, Decision Making and Innovation Motivation Maintaining Your Edge  WHEN: Today  WHO: You, me, AI, ASMC  HOW: Introduction Purpose Briefly expose to theory Practical Application Some examples

4 Intro to CFO Academy 4

5  Preparing 21st Century Government Financial Leaders!  Positioned in an educational environment conducive to educating, informing and connecting  Program dedicated to the Federal Financial Management community  Senior-level guest speakers and students  Tailored courses/programs to address latest challenges  Offering flexible graduate ‐ level learning options  Provided by highly experienced faculty

6  Academy Roots:  In 2008, the CFO Council determined that financial managers needed to strengthen their knowledge and understanding in areas such as:  Strategic Leadership and Change Management  Federal Financial Policy and Organization  Performance Management and Accountability  Portfolio Management  Primary Sponsors:  DOD Comptroller  U.S. Chief Financial Officer Council

7  The CFO Academy is a component of the National Defense University and the iCollege  NDU Mission: Prepare military and civilian leaders from the United States and other countries to evaluate national and international security challenges through multi ‐ disciplinary educational and research programs, professional exchanges, and outreach.  iCollege Mission: Prepare military and civilian leaders to direct the information component of national power by leveraging information and information technology for strategic advantage.  The CFO Academy launched September 2008  Academy Mission: To prepare middle-level to senior-level members of the government financial management community for senior 21 st Century management and leadership responsibilities. i-College National Defense University CFO Academy

8 Degree Master of Science (MS), Government Information Leadership (GIL), Financial Management Leadership Concentration Transfer to Partner Universities and Colleges Certification CFO Leadership Certificate (CFOLC) Program Professional Development {`{` COURSES

9 Leadership vice Management 9

10 Managing  Planning  Organizing  Budget  Human Resources  Reporting  Controlling 10

11 Managing  Planning  Organizing  Budget  Human Resources  Reporting  Controlling Leading  Strategic Planning  Developing relationships  Investing  Motivating/Inspiring  Implementing change  Risk Taking 11

12 Managing  Planning  Organizing  Budget  Human Resources  Reporting  Controlling Leading  Strategic Planning  Developing relationships  Investing  Motivating/Inspiring  Implementing change  Risk Taking 12 You Manage things and processes…. You Lead people and change!

13 Challeges and Opportunities 13

14  Budget Constraints  Workforce mix  Uncertainty  Political front 14

15  Budget Constraints  Workforce mix  Uncertainty  Political front 15

16 Barriers and Networks 16

17  Chaos  Why?  Barriers: Pace of change New technologies Multiple generations in workplace Increased expectations Lack of trust  What others?


19  They can break down the barriers  “A small number of “idea scouts” and “idea connectors” are disproportionately influential in producing successful open innovation outcomes. Smart companies make sure they are linked.”

20 Whole Brain Thinking 20

21 Whole Brain ® Model & Decision Making


23 02-10 ©2010 Herrmann International Upper Left A A Quadrant Clusters D BC Technical Factual Critical Rational Realistic Rigorous thinking Knows the basis of things Logical Analytical Problem solving Test & prove Knows how things work Financial Numerical Quantitative Mathematical Knows about money Intellectual thinking

24 02-10 ©2010 Herrmann International Lower Left B Conservative Traditional Controlled Dominant Safekeeping Implementation Gets things done Linear Sequential Step by step Procedural Neat Organized Planning Administrative Preventive Speaker Reader On time Organized Reliable Detailed d B Quadrant Clusters A D C

25 02-10 ©2010 Herrmann International Lower Right C C Quadrant Clusters A B D Intuitive (people) Interpersonal Friendly Sensitive to others Supportive People oriented Empathetic Talker Teacher/ trainer Expressive Communicator Symbolic Intuitive (people) Emotional Feeling Musical Spiritual Writer Reader

26 02-10 ©2010 Herrmann International D Quadrant Clusters Upper Right D A BC Playful Breaks rules Risk taking Originate Simultaneous Impetuous Likes surprises Integration Synthesizing Holistic Originate Imaginative Innovative Creative Curious Artistic Conceptual Metaphoricall Intuitive (solutions) Strategic Future oriented Imaginative Intuitive (solutions) Artistic Spatial Visual


28 Problem Solving, Decision Making and Innovation 28

29  Traditional Approach  Analytical vice Intuitive  Think, See and Do 29

30  Define Problem  Define Success  Gather Facts  Analyze Facts  Develop Alternatives  Compare alternatives  Make decision 30

31  Define Problem  Define Success  Gather Facts  Analyze Facts  Develop Alternatives  Compare alternatives  Make decision  Implement  Evaluate 31

32 Analytical  Similar to traditional approach  Very facts based  Does take time  Useful when time and data are available  Hard to argue with  Can be distorted by hiding some pertinent facts Intuitive  Is not “gut based”  Is experienced based  Sometimes referred to as Rapid Decision Making  Useful when time is short or data is unavailable  Can be distorted when experience is dated 32

33  People think differently  Situations require different approached  Leaders who only use one approach limit their capability  You must be aware of your “default” approach and the situation you face  In any case you must do a bit of all three approaches 33

34 Think First  Much like traditional model 1. Define 2. Diagnose 3. Design 4. Decide 5. Do  Proven effective  Takes time  Is this how you choose a spouse? What about a car? 34

35 See First  Requires an open mind 1. Preparation 2. Incubation 3. Illumination 4. Verification  Works well for the tactile, the visual, the auditory….but not limited  Imagine the idea that comes to you out of the blue…you can see it 35

36 Do First  The opposite of think first  You kind of jump right in 1. Try some things 2. Figure out what works best 3. Keep doing it 4. Refine as you go along  Works well in chaos or where things are new  Requires an understanding that the first attempts may not work 36

37  Different models for different people and situations  Best to have all models in your toolbox…or have people on your team that do.  Let’s move on to creativity. 37

38  What is it?  “every creative journey begins with a problem”  It is not easy…often born out of hard work and frustration from not finding a solution  Often comes out of the “blue” 38



41  The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

42 Motivation 42

43  Money?

44  Security?

45  Money?  Security?  Belonging?

46  Money?  Security?  Belonging?  Esteem?

47  Money?  Security?  Belonging?  Esteem?  Self-Actualization?

48  Money?  Security?  Belonging?  Esteem?  Self-Actualization? *Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs

49 49  Theory X & Theory Y  McGregor

50 50  Theory X & Theory Y  Satisfiers/Dissatisfier s  McGregor  Herzberg

51 51  Theory X & Theory Y  Satisfiers/Dissatisfier s  Promotion/Prevention  McGregor  Herzberg  Grant Halvarson/Higgins

52 52  Latest attempt to bring new light to what makes us tick  Suggests that more recent generations are motivated by “THE WORK”  Theory X vice Theory I  Three main issues: Purpose Autonomy Mastery

53 53  Back to WWII  Many studies indicated that the average GI WAS NOT motivated by: Democracy Fight against evil Saving the homefront Revenge Even survival

54 54  Back to WWII  Many studies indicated that the average GI WAS NOT motivated by: Democracy Fight against evil Saving the homefront Revenge Even survival  They didn’t want to let their buddies down

55 55  Back to WWII  Many studies indicated that the average GI WAS NOT motivated by: Democracy Fight against evil Saving the homefront Revenge Even survival  They didn’t want to let their buddies down Things really have not changed that much!!!


57 Last But Not Least: Maintaining Your Team’s Edge! 57

58 An Old Guy’s Perspective


60 This session is about you and the people you lead

61  Just like a knife

62  Sharp edge makes work easier

63  Just like a knife  Sharp edge makes work easier  Sharpen all the time

64  Just like a knife  Sharp edge makes work easier  Sharpen all the time  Sharpen both sides

65  Just like a knife  Sharp edge makes work easier  Sharpen all the time  Sharpen both sides  Balance is important

66  Just like a knife  Sharpen all the time  Sharp edge makes work easier  Need to sharpen both sides of the knife  Balance is important You are like the knife!!!

67  Work

68  Family

69  Work  Family  Health

70  Work  Family  Health  Learning

71  Work  Family  Health  Learning  Spiritual

72  Work  Family  Health  Learning  Spiritual  Fun

73  Work  Family  Health  Learning  Spiritual  Fun Everyone is different….it is about YOUR balance!!!

74 LET’S DISCUSS  Is a leader responsible for the team’s balance?  Should they be?  What benefits accrue if the leader is?


76  Great raw talent  Great work career  All-star 20 times

77  Great raw talent  Great work career  All-star 20 times But  Family destroyed  Alcoholic  Almost in poverty  Early death (64)

78  Great raw talent  Great work career  All-star 20 times But  Family destroyed  Alcoholic  Almost in poverty  Early death (64) NO AMOUNT OF SUCCESS AT WORK….WILL MAKE UP FOR FAILURE AT HOME


80 Nobody wants to listen to the old guy, but…….it’s free!!!!

81  Pass the time test  Real world experience  Fast and easy communication  Get passed down

82  Pass the time test  Real world experience  Fast and easy communication  Get passed down I am not an old wife but I am old!!!

83  Most things are small stuff  Most things you worry about don’t come true  Do the best you can and move on

84  Most things are small stuff  Most things you worry about don’t come true  Do the best you can and move on Caution: Your “small stuff” may be someone else’s “big stuff”

85  Americans are great at this  We would rather win an argument then be successful  This is really true if you are “in charge”  Let’s do some simple math

86 You Are Right: Your idea is 100% correct Your staff is less than thrilled They execute at 60% effort End result = 60% solution

87 You Are Right: Your idea is 100% correct Your staff is less than thrilled They execute at 60% effort End result = 60% solution Let Staff Do It Their Way: Their idea is 60% correct Your staff feels empowered They execute at 100% effort End result = 60% solution

88 You Are Right: Your idea is 100% correct Your staff is less than thrilled They execute at 60% effort End result = 60% solution Let Staff Do It Their Way: Their idea is 60% correct Your staff feels empowered They execute at 100% effort End result = 60% solution Plus side benefits of building trust and staff learns from their own mistakes

89 You Are Right: Your idea is 100% correct Your staff is less than thrilled They execute at 60% effort End result = 60% solution Let Staff Do It Their Way: Their idea is 60% correct Your staff feels empowered They execute at 100% effort End result = 60% solution Plus side benefits of building trust and staff learns from their own mistakes


91  Trust pays dividends

92  Lack of trust costs taxes

93  Trust pays dividends  Lack of trust costs taxes  Think of your relationships:

94  Trust pays dividends  Lack of trust costs taxes  Think of your relationships: Trusting one Distrusting one

95  Trust pays dividends  Lack of trust costs taxes  Think of your relationships: Trusting one Distrusting one  Not just about integrity






101  Talk Straight  Demonstrate Respect  Create Transparency  Right Wrongs  Show Loyalty  Deliver Results  Get Better  Confront Reality  Clarify Expectations  Practice Accountability  Listen First  Keep Commitments  Extend Trust Trust Me: Read the book!

102 I Low PROPESNITY High TO TRUST Low ANALYSIS High NO TRUST (Indecision) DISTRUST (Suspicion) BLIND TRUST (Gullibility) SMART TRUST (Judgment)

103  Diversity of thought  Introvert/Extrovert  Think/See/Do  Facts/Intuition  Gender  Generations  Values  Opinions Have a problem? Find co-workers who ARE NOT like you!!!

104 “A problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created the problem” Albert Einstein

105  Dream big

106  See your dream

107  Dream big  See your dream  Plan to the vision

108  Dream big  See your dream  Plan to the vision  Execute small

109  Dream big  See your dream  Plan to the vision  Execute small  Succeed

110  To master something you need: Instruction Practice Surrender Intentionality The “edge”  Become a learner again and relish it Another “Read the Book”

111  Key points in life  Maximum challenge Marathon  They harden or break us  You see world in a new light Birth of a child Heart attack  It is about how you deal with them Play the hand you are dealt!!


113  Contact Information: ograms/ChiefFinancialOfficerProgram.aspx ograms/ChiefFinancialOfficerProgram.aspx

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