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Basic Concepts for Python Web Development. What Does Make Python Different Batter Software QA Developer Productivity Advance Program Portability Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Concepts for Python Web Development. What Does Make Python Different Batter Software QA Developer Productivity Advance Program Portability Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Concepts for Python Web Development

2 What Does Make Python Different Batter Software QA Developer Productivity Advance Program Portability Support Most of Libraries

3 Major 3 Parts of Web Applications Front-end Middleware Back-end Define or Presentation layer Front-end & Back-end Part between information Data stored & Executes Code

4 Python – Sockets, Files & Processes SocketsFiles Processes

5 Python Web Server List ChaussetteCherryPyGunicornRocket Spawning Tornado Waitress

6 Web Programming in Python Server ProgrammingClient Programming Web Frameworks Cgi Scripts Web Servers Content Management Systems Web Services Web Browser Programming Web Client Programming Web Services

7 Python Web Frameworks Django Web2py CherryPy Pyramid Zope Flask

8 Features of Python Simple Structure :- Python is extremely easy and simple structure with focus on the solution to the issue rather than the language itself. Easy to Learn :- Python has an simple syntax format and easy to learn Open Source & Free :- Python is an open source software, so you can freely download online software or distribute copies of this software.Python is an open source High Level Programming :- When you create programs in python, you never need to worry about low level details such as advance storage memory used by your programs.

9 Features of Python Easy Portable :- Python program can run or execute on any platform without requiring any changes.Python program Object Oriented :- Python is a procedure oriented programming as well as OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Extensible :- It you need a critical module of code to run very fast, you can write your code that part of other programming language and then use then python program. Embedded:- It can embedded with C or C++ programs to give 'scripting' ability for your program's users.

10 Python web framework functionality URL routing Format like HTML, XML & JSON Database Control Best security with Secure Other Attacks Session storage & improvement

11 Contact US Royal Square" 1st Floor, Off No. 110, Nr. Shilp Tower, Tagore Road, Rajkot - 360 001 Gujarat - India “Titanium Square” 3rd Floor, Office No. B-302, S.G. Highway, Beside Parsoli Motors. Nr. Thaltej Crossing, Ahmedabad – 380 054 Gujarat – India Development Centre 09043869


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