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Native American California Report: Central Valley Region

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1 Native American California Report: Central Valley Region
Caressa Wong, Bryan Chang, Hemal Madaan, Brandon Boi, Brianna Carino, and Katherine Peterson

2 Miwok Tribe At a time, more then half of the California Indians lived in the central valley region. The Miwok tribe was one of them. Like many other tribes in the central valley they produced many varieties of baskets, each with their own designs. The Miwok had special houses for ceremonies that were dug into the earth floor that were dug 3 or 4 feet below the ground. Each Miwok village had it’s own sweat lodge. The Miwok had a legend that was called How the Red Robin Got His Red Breast. Legend was told that the red robin had brought fire to the tribe and laid on the stick of fire from the oo-noo tree and when he left he put the fire in the oo-noo tree for the people of the earth to use.

3 The Miwok Tribe (continued)
The Miwok made shell necklaces, rattle made from moth cocoons. The Miwok used necklaces both for money or colorful beads. The climate in the central valley region supported a large population. Many foods the central valley Indians ate were fish, animals, plants, nuts, and berries. They, alike the Yokuts lived along the San Francisco Bay.

4 The Yokut Tribe The Yokuts lived in the San Joaquin Valley. There was a large source of food in the San Joaquin Valley. Fishing was done all year. Lake trout, salmon, perch, steelhead, and chubs were caught by the Yokuts in rivers and lakes. Other main foods were acorns, seeds, roots, and fish. Each Yokuts village had its own leaders and shamans. The Yokuts were great hunters.

5 Yokut Tribe (Continued)
Most Yokuts built rounded house, but some others made cone shaped ones. Trees were an important natural resource for the Yokuts. A lot of the time, the Yokuts used oak trees to build their houses.

6 Thank You! Thank you for watching!
Thank you for watching our slideshow! Hope you liked it! Thank you for watching!

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