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Good MorningMorning Union Owls!. Ready In ……………….. 5 4 3 2 1 Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Good MorningMorning Union Owls!. Ready In ……………….. 5 4 3 2 1 Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good MorningMorning Union Owls!

2 Ready In ……………….. 5 4 3 2 1 Action

3 Good morning and welcome to WOWL morning news. Today is Thursday, March17, 2016.Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’m Ester. And I’m Arnie.

4 Please pause for a moment of quiet reflection.

5 Thank you. Leading us in the pledge to the American flag is Jaden from Mrs. Pearsons’ class. Please stand for the pledge and continue standing for our Union Owl Pledge.

6 Stand, Salute, Pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisable, with justice for all.

7 Union Elementary Pledge Thank you, please be seated. I promise today to do my best In reading, math, and all the rest. I will be responsible for all that I do, Be orderly and keep a positive attitude. I will show respect everywhere I go, Be trustworthy, caring, and show what I know. I will be held accountable every day. Hear me hoot the Union Owls’ way!

8 Having a birthday for today is: Rey M. from Mrs. McConnells class

9 Today in History in 1854 the first land for a park was purchased in Massachusetts

10 The Tech Word of the day! Shortcut - When you click on an icon, it is a shortcut to a file or program

11 Today for lunch we are having: Popcorn Chicken with roll Beef Teriyaki with roll Carrot Sticks w/ranch Green Beans Cherry Fruit Crisp P B & J Sandwich Choice of Milk

12 Today’s Weather Forecast Our weather for today warm and sunny We are currently at 44 with a high of 77 and a low of 44

13 Our character trait for March is Self-discipline. You can show self- discipline by doing jobs you don’t want to and not procrastinating and putting it off until later.

14 Our safe bus tip today is to stop and look both ways then wait and watch for directions the bus driver gives you before you cross the street.

15 School Announcements! Students tomorrow is the last day to turn in your Talent Show Registration forms to Mrs. Spillman. Make sure you turn them in by the end of the day tomorrow. Have a great day and remember to treat others the way you want to be treated.

16 Thought for the day! I believe that I am someone who can do important things.

17 That concludes our morning news. Have a great day. Remember to Engage: Become involved. Explore: To examine closely. Empower: To make confident. I’m Mallie, and I’m Kellie, signing off for WOWL.

18 Anchors: Arnie C & Ester M. Music: Victoria K Boards: Evelyn W. Camera: James B. Director/Producer: Mrs. Heavner Image Source: Google Images 7 Day Forecast Safe Bus Tips by NC School Transportation Department

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