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Published byVincent Rich Modified over 8 years ago
Religion: Rights and Responsibilities
CHURCHBIBLECONSCIENCE FOR The body of Christ working in the world. Bible needs to be interpreted for today’s world. Magisterium give infallible guidance. God speaks to the world through the Church. No-one will be confused as sure they are doing the right thing. FOR Word of God Contains God’s teachings such as the Decalogue. Teachings of Jesus on how to live (parables). Follow the example of Jesus. Letters from disciples on how to be a good Christian. The writers were guided by the Holy Spirit. Moral decisions approved of by God if Bible used. FOR Voice of conscience the same as voice of God. The Church teaches people should follow their conscience. St Paul and St Thomas Aquinas said Christians should use conscience as the final part of decision making. (e.g. Church on artificial contraception.) Bible needs to be interpreted. Church teachings come through the Pope not directly to individuals. AGAINST Best to go straight to the Bible. Best to use the conscience as it speaks directly to individuals, not through Pope, Bishops etc. AGAINST St Paul’s views on women and slaves. Evidence for using the Church. Evidence for using the Bible. AGAINST The conscience has told people to do the wrong thing. All Christians agree to follow the Bible. Chaos as different decisions made. Wouldn’t know what to expect.
SITUATIONS ETHICSA VARIETY OF SOURCES FOR Jesus seemed to follow situation ethics. Christians should only do what will produce good results such as stealing nuclear weapons or allowing a 12 year old to have an abortion. Jesus said greatest commandment is to love thy neighbour, therefore to do the most loving thing. Xtianity a religion of love – decisions should be made on love not laws. Joseph Fletcher’s idea of situation ethics influenced laws on abortion, making it legal in the UK (1960s). FOR PROTESTANTS - mainly use the Bible but the Bible says nothing on contraception or civil partnership. They will use their conscience or the teachings of the Church for these issues. CATHOLICS – would use the teachings of the Magisterium, however they might not agree with the Church’s ban on artificial contraceptives or civil partnerships. CONSCIENCE – these Christians might turn to the Bible or the Church if their conscience was telling them to do something against Christian teachings (kill doctors who perform abortions). SITUATION ETHICS – The issue might be so complicated that the safest thing would be to follow the teachings or the Bible or the Church. AGAINST The Bible is God’s word and should be used to make moral decisions. Follow the Decalogue and the Sermon on the Mount not your own ideas. The Church knows best. You cannot be sure what the consequences of your actions will be. – (The story of the old man and the mother). AGAINST Only use the Bible – give reasons. Only use the Church – give reasons. Always use the conscience – give reasons. Always do the most loving thing (situation ethics) give reasons.
CHURCHBIBLECONSCIENCE FOR The body of Christ working in the world. Bible needs to be interpreted Magisterium give infallible guidance. God speaks to through the Church. No-one will be confused FOR Word of God Contains God’s teachings - Decalogue. Teachings of Jesus on how to live (parables). Follow the example of Jesus. Letters from disciples Moral decisions approved by God FOR Conscience the same as voice of God. The Church teaches people should follow their conscience. St Paul and St Thomas Aquinas said use conscience as the final part of decision making. Bible needs to be interpreted. Church teachings come through the Pope. AGAINST Best to go straight to the Bible. Best to use the conscience as it speaks directly to individuals, not through Pope, Bishops etc. AGAINST St Paul’s views on women and slaves. Evidence for using the Church. Evidence for using the Bible. AGAINST The conscience has told people to do the wrong thing. All Christians agree to follow the Bible. Chaos as different decisions made. Wouldn’t know what to expect.
SITUATIONS ETHICSA VARIETY OF SOURCES FOR Jesus seemed to follow situation ethics. Christians should only do what will produce good results. Jesus said greatest commandment is to love thy neighbour, therefore to do the most loving thing. Christianity a religion of love Joseph Fletcher’s idea of situation ethics influenced laws on abortion, making it legal in the UK (1960s). FOR PROTESTANTS - mainly use the Bible. They will use their conscience or the teachings of the Church for contraception or civil partnership. CATHOLICS – might not agree with the Church’s ban on artificial contraceptives or civil partnerships – use conscience or situation ethics. CONSCIENCE – these Christians might turn to the Bible or the Church if their conscience was telling them to do something against Christian teachings The issue might be so complicated that the safest thing would be to follow the Bible or the Church. AGAINST The Bible is God’s word and should be used to make moral decisions. Follow the Decalogue and the Sermon on the Mount not your own ideas. The Church knows best. You cannot be sure what the consequences of your actions will be. AGAINST Only use the Bible – give reasons. Only use the Church – give reasons. Always use the conscience – give reasons. Always do the most loving thing (situation ethics) give reasons.
The right to life. No one has the right to end your life. Freedom from inhuman treatment. Torture is banned. Freedom from slavery. Forced labour is outlawed. Right to liberty. Everyone has the right to do what they want if it is not against the law. Right to a fair trial. Under UK law. Retrospective penalties. You cannot be charged with a crime if it wasn’t a crime when you did it. Privacy You right to your private life. Freedom of conscience & religion. Hold the opinions and beliefs you want to without persecution. Freedom of expression. Express your views so long as it doesn’t break the law. Freedom of assembly. To gather with others and if necessary to demonstrate. Marriage and family. To get married and have a family (within the rules of the law). Freedom from discrimination. Not to be discriminated against for an reason. The First Protocol (Civil Liberties). Have the right to own possessions, have an education and participate in the democratic process. All these rights are declared to be for all people for all time.
It outlaws discrimination against Christians and others. It allows for the freedom to have a religion and meet together. It is in line with Biblical teaching on how we should treat others. Human Rights: Human Rights: The rights and freedoms to which everyone is entitled. In 1998 the UK passed the Human Rights Act giving UK citizens by law, the fundamental rights already laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. Christians believe human rights are important because: They believe in the Sanctity of Life as all are made in God’s image. Christian groups could break the Act by refusing to give a non-Christian a job. Some Christians feel homosexuals should not adopt children. The Catholic church discriminates against women as priests. However, the Human Rights Act can cause problems for religious people. Christians could break the Act if they refuse to support gay marriage.
Why we should take part in democratic and electoral processes Democratic processes The ways in which all citizens can take part in government (usually through elections). Electoral processes The ways in which voting is organised Political party A group which tries to be elected into power on its policies e.g. Labour Pressure group A group formed to influence government policy on a particular issue
Why we should take part in democratic and electoral processes As a democracy every UK citizen over 18 can vote for; MPs who sit in the House of Commons Local councillors MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) As a democracy every UK citizen over 18 can vote for; MPs who sit in the House of Commons Local councillors MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) Every UK citizen over 21 can be a candidate in any of these elections.
Every citizen has the right to try and change the policies of the government or local council by; joining or forming a political party joining or forming a pressure group having a meeting with their MP or councillor. Why we should take part in democratic and electoral processes
Why we should take part in electoral processes. Many people feel that as a citizen of a country you not only have a right to have your say, but you have a responsibility to take part in the electoral process (voting) and the democratic process (citizens choosing and influencing Parliament). They think this because... It gives you more control over local issues that affect you on a day to day basis. National government make new laws that affect your life. You have a say in these laws. National government are responsible for many things. You have a say in the decisions made. In the past, people died fighting for our right to choose those who govern us. We owe it to these men and women to use these rights. Decisions in Europe affect UK laws. We need to elect people who will speak out for us. National government sets our taxes to raise money and chooses how our money is then spent. The term ‘democracy’ means ‘a government of the people, by the people, for the people’. Not all countries have a democracy, their citizens have no say over how the country is run or who will lead them. How can you complain if you don’t use your right to have your say?
Christian Teachings on Moral Duties and Responsibilities Golden Rule The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you. Social change The way in which society has changed and is changing (and also the possibilities for future change).
Christian Teachings on Moral Duties and Responsibilities Christians believe they should take part in democratic processes. Many Christians believe they should bring about social change so that society becomes truly Christian. The main teachings that guide Christians in this are…
1) The Golden Rule. (Matt 7:12) ‘So in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.’ Christian Teachings on Moral Duties and Responsibilities When voting Christians will look at policies and see how they will affect other people and see if they would be happy being treated that way e.g. a party wants to cut benefits for the disabled. A Christian would ask if they would be happy if that happened to them.
2) The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. (Matt 25:31-46) ‘Whatever you did not do for the least of my people you did not do for me.’ Christian Teachings on Moral Duties and Responsibilities Jesus said it was a Christian’s duty to help the poor and hungry. Again this would force a Christian to look at the policies of a candidate. If they wanted to imprison homeless people they would not vote for them as it is not helping them.
S H E E PG O A T S The bad/unrighteous Didn’t give drink Didn’t give food Didn’t give clothes Didn’t give shelter Didn’t visit those in jail Didn’t look after the sick The good/righteous Gave drink Gave food Gave clothes Gave shelter Visited those in jail Looked after the sick
Christian Teachings on Moral Duties and Responsibilities 3) ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ (Gen.4) Abel kills his brother Cain. God asks him where Abel is and Cain replies with this quote. God punishes Cain by making him become a homeless wanderer. This shows God wanted us to look after each other (be ‘my brother’s keeper’. As such a Christian would vote for people trying to look after those in need.
Most genetic research is based on two methods: : This enables changes to be made to cells that pass on defective information from one generation to the next, allowing permanent changes to be made. Gene Therapy: This enables changes to be made to cells that pass on defective information from one generation to the next, allowing permanent changes to be made. is the most recent form of genetic research. Stem cells are the ‘ and can be used to create () new organs or cells to replace diseased ones. They are ‘harvested’ from either embryos created by in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), bone marrow or blood. Stem Cell Research is the most recent form of genetic research. Stem cells are the ‘ building blocks of life’ and can be used to create (clone) new organs or cells to replace diseased ones. They are ‘harvested’ from either embryos created by in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), bone marrow or blood. : Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. This removes defective genes from embryos so women at risk of passing on diseases can produce healthy babies. PGD: Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. This removes defective genes from embryos so women at risk of passing on diseases can produce healthy babies. Genetic Engineering: Genetic Engineering: The deliberate alteration of a person by manipulating its genetic framework in order to cure or prevent diseases and disabilities in human beings. Some people believe this will eventually lead to us picking and choosing any characteristic of a child including gender, eye and hair colour, even their sexual orientation. Some people believe this will eventually lead to us picking and choosing any characteristic of a child including gender, eye and hair colour, even their sexual orientation.
Stem cell research is illegal in the United States of America. However, it has been legal in the UK since February 2001 under certain conditions, regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Stem cell research is illegal in the United States of America. However, it has been legal in the UK since February 2001 under certain conditions, regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority In May 2008 the UK government made it possible for scientist to use ‘cybrids’ for research. That is; a human nucleus (the inside of a human embryo) implanted in to an animal egg, to create a new embryo for DNA research into causes and cures for diseases. From this research, scientist have found out how to reproduce human organs. They believe that they will eventually be able to recreate all human tissue and organs to help replace diseased kidneys, livers, lungs and even hearts. It may one day be possible to recreate a complete human being. From this research, scientist have found out how to reproduce human organs. They believe that they will eventually be able to recreate all human tissue and organs to help replace diseased kidneys, livers, lungs and even hearts. It may one day be possible to recreate a complete human being. The Human Genome Project plans to map out the complete human genetic outline. It is believed if we can identify every human gene, then we can remove the defective ones, replace them with healthy ones, and eradicate illnesses completely.
1.10 The nature of genetic engineering, including cloning. What is genetic engineering? Is using techniques of gene (DNA) development to find cures or prevention for disease and disabilities in humans. What kind of diseases may be cured by genetic engineering? There is research looking for cures for cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell anaemia, Tay-Sachs disease and Huntington’s chorea. What has most genetic research been based on? Germline gene therapy, which allows cells that transmit information from one generation to the next to be changed. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which removes defective genes from embryos. All the above conditions can be detected by PGD as well as many more see list at;
Stem cell research, genetic engineering and cloning, offer the prospect of cures for currently incurable diseases. It is available in some countries and so is only available to the rich who can afford to travel and pay medical bills. Cloning has been used to grow healthy cells to replace malfunctioning ones. Genetic research is a vital tool in medical science, it would be wrong to ignore the advantages genetic engineering can bring. The laws on what can be done are strictly monitored to protect from abuse. Stem cell research, genetic engineering and cloning, offer the prospect of cures for currently incurable diseases. It is available in some countries and so is only available to the rich who can afford to travel and pay medical bills. Cloning has been used to grow healthy cells to replace malfunctioning ones. Genetic research is a vital tool in medical science, it would be wrong to ignore the advantages genetic engineering can bring. The laws on what can be done are strictly monitored to protect from abuse. Genetic engineering treats the human body as a commodity to be manipulated no different to plants. Once started there is no going back, scientist will be able to reproduce scientifically created human beings. There is no information about the long term consequences. The process is irreversible so if anything went wrong it would be permanent. It opens the way for genetic screening where people could be checked for likely illnesses before getting jobs or life insurance. Genetic engineering treats the human body as a commodity to be manipulated no different to plants. Once started there is no going back, scientist will be able to reproduce scientifically created human beings. There is no information about the long term consequences. The process is irreversible so if anything went wrong it would be permanent. It opens the way for genetic screening where people could be checked for likely illnesses before getting jobs or life insurance.
Different Christian attitudes to genetic engineering Some (mainly liberal Protestants) believe genetic engineering is fine if it is to cure disease, but not to create the perfect human. They support it because… Jesus was a healer who encouraged his followers to cure the sick. An embryo is not considered regarded as a potential life until it is 14 days old. Being responsible stewards includes improving the lives of others with the scientific knowledge God has allowed us to gain (or given to us). Liberal Christians will accept most of the secular arguments for genetic engineering.
Different Christian attitudes to genetic engineering Some Christians, mainly Catholics, allow GE if it is to cure diseases and does not use human embryos because… Life begins at conception, be it in the womb or a glass dish. Killing an embryo is taking a human life which is banned by in the Bible and by the Church.
Different Christian attitudes to genetic engineering Some Christians are opposed to any forms of genetic research at all. They believe this because… God has created the genetic make- up of a child for people to overrule that would be to interfere with God’s plans. Cloning or creating a life is taking the role of Creator which is God’s role. They accept the non- religious arguments against genetic engineering.
How many attitudes towards genetic engineering and cloning are there in Christianity? Three; Liberal Protestant; Roman Catholic and some other Christians and Some Christians from a variety of denominations who are against all genetic research. What is the attitude of Liberal Protestants? They support genetic engineering as long as it is done to cure disease and not to create perfect humans. Why do they support it? 1. Jesus showed that Christians should do all they can to cure disease. 2. Finding genetic cures is no different from finding drug cures. 3. There is a difference between creating cells and creating people. 4. Embryos are not foetuses until they are 14 days old. 5. They accept the non-religious arguments in favour of genetic engineering. 1.11 Different attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning in Christianity.
What is the attitude of Roman Catholic and some other Christians? They agree with genetic research but they do not agree with genetic research if it involves the use of embryos. Why does the Roman Catholic support genetic research? 1. Jesus showed that Christians should do all they can to cure disease. 2. Finding genetic cures is no different from finding drug cures. 3. There is a difference between creating cells and creating people. Why does the Roman Catholic Church not agree with genetic research if it involves the use of embryos? 1. Life begins at the moment of conception whether in a womb or a test tube and killing life is wrong. 2. Killing an embryo is killing a human life. 3. Embryos have been produced by un-Christian means (see topic 2.7 Environment and medical issues). 1.11 Different attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning in Christianity.
What is the attitude of some other Christians (a variety of denominations, a matter of conscience)? They are against all genetic research. Why are these Christians against all genetic research? 1. They believe that God creates the genetic make-up of each person at conception and people have no right to interfere with this. 2. It is trying to play God which is a great sin. 3. It is wrong to try to make the world perfect, only heaven is perfect. 4. They accept all the non-religious arguments against genetic engineering. Look at the excerpt below, did the 2008 bill become law? Yes 1.11 Different attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning in Christianity. Scientists are responding angrily to claims by the Catholic church that a new bill currently before the UK Parliament "will allow scientists to create embryos that are half human, half animal". Catholic churches across England and Wales read a statement making this claim to their congregations this week, and calling on Catholics to protest. British scientists have responded angrily that there are no such plans. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill due to be discussed later in 2008 in the UK House of Commons changes the regulations governing assisted reproduction and embryo research. It is strongly backed by the government and expected to become law next year. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales sent a letter to parishes which was read in churches on Sunday 20 January, saying the bill raised "key concerns". The leading concern was about hybrid embryos: "for example, from the egg of a woman and sperm from an animal. To do this would be a radical violation of human dignity.“ (From ‘Scientists hit back at Catholic church over 'cybrids‘’ New Scientist 25 Jan 2008. (accessed online 17 March 2013)
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