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Closed Loop Multi-Channel Marketing Szymon Komorowski Managing Principal – East Europe, IMS Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Closed Loop Multi-Channel Marketing Szymon Komorowski Managing Principal – East Europe, IMS Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closed Loop Multi-Channel Marketing Szymon Komorowski Managing Principal – East Europe, IMS Health

2 IMS Health: From Information to Consulting & Services...... and to Applications Creating transforma- tional impact World´s leading source for unique healthcare information assets Information Evidence-based strategic advice and implementation support focussed on life science Consulting & Services Healthcare industry- specific solutions for more effective and efficient operations Applications & Tech

3 Nexxus Sales: Aligning all commercial operations digital narrative evolves

4 Focus on the Customer 80% of EU HCPs use the internet for work 70% of HCPs watch video online for work

5 There are new partners in healthcare

6 There is a room for innovation

7 2005 2013 And new ways of using digital technologies

8 The new customer engagement model Text messages Direct mail responses Medical apps and portal visits Website visits and registrations Email and survey responses Mobile apps Customer service call Telesales detail KOL/ Thought leader Sales rep detail with iPad Remote speaker education and programs Conventions Social networking Devices/ search engines Personal interactions Non-personal interactions Customer

9 Nexxus Sales: Aligning all commercial operations what stops pharma?

10 What stops pharma from moving ahead? KEY CHALLENGESEXAMPLES 1.What channel to be used? (set priorities) Each channel activity is planned, delivered and evaluated separately 2.Unclear role and application of digital channels A VIP-focused support-tool, or a cheap solution for D-segment? 3.Scattered and unaligned activities are easy to start, but costly and ineffective Duplicated costs, incomplete benefits (1+1<2) 4.Current databases and activity registries do not deliver required information in the required way How many systems do you need to query to understand what a particular doctor is exposed to? 5.Inconsistent and inadequate monitoring of effects Relative actions effectiveness evaluated intuitively if at all

11 Nexxus Sales: Aligning all commercial operations answers are available

12 Processess and structures need to be revised (1/2) CHALLENGESSOLUTIONS 1. What channel to be used? (set priorities) Alignment of processes & structure around clients & brands Synchronization of cycles Adapting role of channels to context 2.Unclear role and application of digital channels WWW

13 Processess and structures need to be revised (2/2) Pharma Customer PUBS Sales Rep. Time/ Complexity of data and Channel Management Traditional Model New Model WWW Customer Pharma Customer Old Model

14 Integration requires automation CHALLENGESSOLUTIONS 3.Scattered and unaligned activities are easy to start, but costly and ineffective Design of coherent client journeys for key brands Automated journeys execution across channels, brands and clients Automated e-marketing Insight Operational reports Insight Builder Customer segmentation Customer profile Database Campaign management Surveys Digital communication Journeys Mobile Field Force Website integration

15 Build technology solutions on data coherence CHALLENGESSOLUTIONS 4.Current databases and activity registries do not deliver required information in the required way Cloud-based data integration Built-in monitoring of geo- specific action metrics tied to sales outcomes A coherent cycle of evaluations > revisions > decisions 5.Inconsistent and inadequate monitoring of effects

16 Nexxus Sales: Aligning all commercial operations best practices

17 Case Study: multichannel activity integration with IMS Nexxus technology (Central Europe) Case (Q1 2014):  Client: major innovative firm  Geography: 3 Central Europe countries  Portfolio: two mature brands  Audience: 13,000 doctors  Goals:  Switch selected doctors to remote communication  Maintain assumed revenue  Improve margin Automated Manual CRM fax Call center WWW Service materials Post Pen-drive E-mail Fax Reps MCM

18 Case Study (continued): organization of processes and structures to enable true multichannel Clients Rep: high volume of doctors and fragmented territories low visits frequency high cost and low yield Call center: outgoing calls high coverage unassigned individuals medium cost MCM campaigns: all doctors low/mid cost Dedicated handler for each doctor (rep/MCM): Personalised contact via: telefon (in/out) e-mail fax MCM database - selection of doctors for remote communciation

19 Getting to Multi-Channel Excellence is no chrystallized discipline Channel Optimization Customer Targeting Technology Enablers Basic MCM Advanced MCM ▪ Selected channels in selected products ▪ Campaigns are deployed independently and by uncoordinated agencies ▪ Full use of channels across entire portfolio of products ▪ Sophisticated channel optimization based on analytics ▪ Selected target groups only ▪ Customer targeting based on brand advocacy or on potential alone ▪ Full customer base targeted ▪ Portfolio value- and preference- driven segmentation (actual behavior based) ▪ Advanced CRM integration, integrated customer view ▪ Central platforms for core channels ▪ Advanced analytics (focus on optimal channel integration) ▪ No CRM integration; manual workarounds ▪ Local platforms

20 The whole journey towards Multi Channel Management can be planned in three phases 20 Setting the base Conduct and evaluate pilot 1 2 Conduct roll-out 3 Conduct status quo analysis Define Multi-Channel strategy Define pilot scope and goals Define and implement corresponding multi-channel solution architecture Adopt/Develop campaign and respective marketing material to run the pilot Execute pilot for 6-12 month Define further roll-out plan Approach and waves Roll-out toolbox Adapt overall approach according to pilot results Start roll-out of multi- channel approach across TAs/ Brands taking into account individual needs and set-ups © 2014, IMS HEALTH

21 Multi-Channel Benefits... 21 © 2014, IMS HEALTH Deliver better, more interactive content to your customers Capture attitudinal information towards your product and company Measure customer interaction across channels Create tailored messages Personalize your messaging and communication channels React faster to market events with focused product messages Optimize promotional strategy across channels Improve collaboration between Marketing, Sales, and IT

22 … creating measurable value add 22 Increase reach of customers (e.g. Reach of customer groups that could not profitably covered by sales force) Increase contact frequency (e.g. to support sales force activities) Increase response rates (tailored channels) Increase customer satisfactions (tailored messages) Decreased costs per contact (channel mix) Increased number of interactions/ campaigns (better technology support) Leading Indicators Sales growths Reduced marketing costs Increased marketing and sales efficiency Lagging Indicators © 2014, IMS HEALTH


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