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Subduction, Seafloor Spreading, and Ring of Fire:.

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Presentation on theme: "Subduction, Seafloor Spreading, and Ring of Fire:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subduction, Seafloor Spreading, and Ring of Fire:

2 Sea-Floor Spreading Objectives: 1.What is the process of Sea- floor Spreading? 2.What happens to the ocean floor at deep ocean trenches?

3 Vocabulary: 1.Mid-ocean Ridge – Longest chain of mountains extending into all of Earth’s oceans, that curves like the seam of a baseball along the sea floor.

4 Mid-Ocean Ridge

5 2.Sea Floor Spreading – The process that adds new material to the ocean floor at the mid-ocean ridge. Molten material erupts and spreads out through the valley that runs along the center of the Mid-ocean Ridge. It then pushes aside the rock that was already there.

6 3.Deep Ocean Trench – This forms from Subduction (The Oceanic Crust bends downward forming a deep underwater canyon on the ocean floor).

7 4.Subduction – When the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and gets swallowed by the mantle.

8 Subduction Diagram

9 Sea-floor Spreading and Subduction can change the size and shape of the oceans. (See Diagram next 2 slides) The Pacific Ocean, aka “The Ring of Fire”, has lots of Subduction Zones, thus it is getting smaller.(See Diagram next 2 slides) The Atlantic Ocean is expanding.

10 Subduction and Seafloor Spreading:

11 Ring of Fire Diagram:

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