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Health 2013 Mr. Vecchio.  A disease spread from one living thing to another via the environment  Infection-A condition when pathogens enter, multiply,

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Presentation on theme: "Health 2013 Mr. Vecchio.  A disease spread from one living thing to another via the environment  Infection-A condition when pathogens enter, multiply,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health 2013 Mr. Vecchio

2  A disease spread from one living thing to another via the environment  Infection-A condition when pathogens enter, multiply, and spread in the body  Pathogen-Organism that causes disease

3  Viruses-genetic material surrounded by a protein  Inactive by themselves  Burst host cell/run course  Bacteria-Single celled microorganisms  Some are essential/many are harmless  Some produce toxins (Treated with Antibiotics)

4  Fungi-Plant like organisms  Athletes foot  Protozoan-single celled that are larger/more complex than bacteria  Malaria

5  Direct Contact  Touching, kissing, sex, eyes, mouth, nose,  Indirect Contact  Contaminated objects (table, door handle)  Vector-organism that transmits to humans/other animals ▪ Water/Food  Airborne  TB, flu, chicken pox

6  Disease not transmitted by a person, vector, or environment  CVD  Hypertension  Atherosclerosis  Angina  Arrhythmia  Congestive Heart Failure  Stroke

7  Tumor- mass of tissue that has no body function  Benign vs. Malignant  Remission- symptoms respond to treatment  Types of Cancer pg. 682-683


9  Infectious diseases spread through sexual contact  Epidemic- occurrence of disease where many people in the same place/time affected.  1 in 4 in U.S. have STD  ABSTINENCE

10  Rampant for several reasons:  Some have NO symptoms  Birth control  stop using condoms  Developed strains that resist antibiotics  Embarrassed to seek treatment

11  Sexually active with more than one partner  Unprotected sex  High Risk partners  Alcohol/Drugs (25%)

12  Genital Warts  65 different strains  Warts start localized and spread  Symptoms:  Warts

13  1/10 adolescent girls 15-19 (46% of total infections)  Caused by bacteria (treated and cured)  “Silent Disease”  Symptoms:  Men- frequent urination, swollen scrotum, discharge  Women- Discharge, abdominal pain, unusual bleeding


15  Bacterial STD affects mucous membranes  Most common 15-24 yrs old  Symptoms:  Men- Yellow discharge, fever, swelling testicles  Woman- 80% no symptoms….burning/pain in urination, abnormal bleeding

16  Type 1- causes cold sores/Type 2- genital sores  20% of adolescent population affected  Virus (HSV)  Symptoms:  Fever, muscle ache, fatigue, pain in abdomen

17  Antibiotics for most bacteria caused STD’s  Info is private/confidential  Social obligation to others



20  AIDS vs. HIV  5 th leading cause of death for 25-44 year olds  40 million with HIV  Pandemic- global outbreak as of 2002


22  Enters blood and invades T-cells  Virus attaches to a healthy cell surface  enters nucleus  Virus makes a copy of genetic material  new virus reassembles at cell surface  New virus breaks away from host cell and spreads  Virus count goes up, T cell count goes down

23  Blood, semen, sexual contact, breast milk  Needle sharing  Mother  baby through umbilical cord

24  Asymptomatic- 6 months-10 years of no symptoms  Symptomatic- weight loss, swollen glands, loss of memory

25  ELISA- tests for presence of antibodies in blood  False negative results  False positive results  Western Blot Test  Done as a last resort (100% accurate)  Tests proteins from largest to smallest

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