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Presentation on theme: "CHANGE OF MENTALITY. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM Ion Galea."— Presentation transcript:


2 Importance of administration reform  EU enlargement; Copenhagen criteria  stability of democratic institutions guaranteeing democracy, rule of law, human rights and  existence of a functioning market economy, as well as capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the EU  Without an efficient administration, these goals could have been hardly achieved.

3 Importance of administration reform  Role of state: how “much”/how “well”  it is essential to concentrate on how “well” the State functions.  having an efficient administration is essential for the good management of resources collected through taxes from the citizens

4 Perception  Citizens may perceive administration to act in personal interest;  Point of departure: Commission Report on Romania 2000 “Weak policy co-ordination and consultation procedures continue to reduce the efficiency of the government” “Corruption continues to be a widespread and systemic problem. It undermines not only the functioning of the legal system but also has detrimental effects on the economy and has led to a loss of confidence in public authorities.”

5 Difficulty of the reform  Administration is composed of people  Changing the mentality/attitude of civil servants;  1903: “I wish the administration to become a second magistracy”;  Ideal civil servant: professional, proud of his work, sufficient financial resources, conscience of duty to work for citizens

6 Recruitment and training  Law on the Status of Civil Servants was adopted in 1999 (Law 188/1999)  Civil Service Agency: - design public administration reforms - monitor the implementation of the statute, to organize training programs - set up evaluation criteria and to keep the record files of civil servants

7 Recruitment and training  Detailed regulation of competitive recruitment procedures  Implementation  Role of Freedom of Information requests for implementation: composition of the commission in charge with the specific competitive requirement (thus checking for possible incompatibilities), names of persons declared admitted following the competition, names of persons appointed on management positions

8 Cases  Case no. 385/22.02.2011, TM v. Local Public Finance Service Dambovita. The petitioner requested the document containing the attributions of head of unit M.C. The Tribunal admitted the action, rejecting the plea of the Public Finance Service based on the personal data exception and lack of direct interest. Even if the solution of the Court of Appeal was contrary, the Tribunal also granted moral damages to the petitioner.

9 Cases  Case no. 272/08.02.2011, TM v. Police, by which the petitioner requested a table containing the list of all employees of the Local Police, including surname, first name, position and functions. The authority replied that the names of all employees were already made public ex officio, on the website of the institution, but that other information was covered by the exception on personal data. Both the Tribunal and the Court of Appeals upheld the position of the Police

10 Continuous training Examples of good practices: i) a system of promotion, according to a scale of professional grades provided by law, on the basis of “points” obtained following participating in training programmes; ii) a system according to which young graduates from universities were provided government scholarships for master programmes in EU Member States, subject to the contractual obligation to work in the public administration for five years; iii) the creation of a National Institute of Public Administration, in charge with training programmes

11 Salaries  highly important factor for creating a professional and effective administration  it is essential for civil servants not to be practically obliged to search for other sources of income  system of professional grades and managerial structures  difficulty to regulate national-level salaries  economic crisis: i) 25% reduction; ii) “freezing” new recruitment

12 Establishing procedures  Procedures provided by laws and implementing regulations reduce corruption, reduce the margin of discretion of deciding factors  De-centralisation – advantages: i) decisions are taken on a local level, thus enhancing the sense of ownership for local authorities; ii) civil servants on local level know better the realities involved by the respective decision.

13 De-centralisation  Challenges: i) the need to provide for strict competencies of the local authorities and to regulate their relation with the central government and ii) the need to provide adequate financial resources for exercising their competence - Law 215/2001 on local public administration

14 Transparency Transparency in decision-making - Law 52/2003: - procedures for consulting citizens and non-governmental authorities when elaborating normative acts and procedures related to the participation of interested persons in public meetings - institutions are obliged to make a public announcement about a draft normative act and to allow citizens and non-governmental authorities to formulate proposals

15 Transparency in decision-making  Deadlines - 30 days prior to initiating the formal submission proposals and 10 days for receiving written comments from the public  if citizens or non-governmental authorities demand in written the organization of a public debate, the authority is obliged to establish such a debate – by making a public announcement about the debate with a minimum 3 days notice

16 Transparency - financial resources  law on free access to public information obliges all public authorities to make public the “financial sources, budget and balance”  development through practice of requests:  all salaries of all officials and civil servants are published on website;  a list of expenditures and the name of companies to whom the payment is made is posted monthly on the website.

17 Declaration of assets and interests  Law 176/2010 concerning integrity in the exercise of public functions  every official and civil servant is obliged to issue a declaration of assets and interests  The declaration is communicated to the National Integrity Agency and posted on the website (except for personal data).  The National Integrity Agency is competent for verifying the relation between the declared assets and the regular income of a person.

18 National Integrity Agency - on 18 August 2014, following a decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice which confirmed a report of the Agency finding that certain local public officials infringed the legal regime of incompatibilities, the Agency asked the prefect to revoke 9 local public officials (mayors and local councilors). - on 22 August 2014, the Agency found a difference of about 41.000 Euro between the declared assets and the regular income in case of a police officer. All findings of the Agency are made public on its website.

19 Public procurement Importance: i) it is one of the most important modality in which public money is spent; ii) it is very sensitive to corruption and conflicts of interest; iii) it has an important economic impact, bringing significant advantage to companies which are selected following public procurement procedures (within the EU, public procurement is treated within the free movement of goods).

20 Public procurement  legislative framework - transposition or harmonization with EU law, particularly Directives 2004/17 and 2004/18  In Romania, complete transposition of these directives was achieved in 2006 (Ordinance 34/2006);  Institutions: National Authority for Regulation in the field of Public Procurement and National Council for Regulating Complains  Importance of “declaration of interests”

21 Public procurement - Mentality  Long practice of good practices and challenges – even criminal cases or administrative sanctions for incompatibility – in order for civil servants to develop behavioural patterns  “reflex” to apply the correct public procurement procedure.  Practice: mayors to get rid of a tendency to “agree” with a business person for a “common” project; central government - the practice not to be able to establish with a foreign partner, for example an infrastructure project.

22 Importance of Free Access to Information  decentralized system  each public institution or authority has to implement the right to free access on its own basis, through a specific compartment/unit  The control of applying the law is done by the judiciary – no national authority for the supervision of the right to free access to public information.

23 Importance of Free Access to Information In most cases, public information requests concerned:  restitution of property;  salaries of civil servants;  measures adopted in criminal proceedings;  expenses from public funds;  requests for reobtaining Romanian citizenship

24 Study conducted in 2011 (IPP) Tribunal (first instance jurisdiction) rejected 61,5% of the requests based on Law 544/2001. Decisions of the Tribunal were reversed by the Court of Appeals in 17% cases (of which, in 27% of the cases the appeals were filed by petitioners and in 71% of the cases by the authorities)

25 Free Access to Information Develops mentality change through: i) the fact that institutions are obliged by law to create special divisions/units or to assign persons for the implementation of the law; ii) the fact that civil society became active and big NGOs submitted requests for free access to information in an organized manner; iii) the fact that one of the biggest users of the right to free access is media, and lack of reaction or a negative response may have a media impact, if not a legal one.

26 Continuing challenges  E-government  Achievements: electronic tenders are conducted and the Electronic System of Public Procurement  Challenges: Case no. 447/28.02.2011 CIISTE SRL v. National Agency for Civil Service, 52 cases ISD v. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, one case being 670/24.03.2011 - demonstrate that if institutions already detained databases, there would have been no grounds to refuse the free access to information. Lack of databases determined that the institutions and, in certain cases, courts, establish that the information is not available and thus refuse free access.

27 Continuing challenges  Codification of administrative procedure  in 2008 a Government Decision (no. 1360/2008) was adopted concerning the preliminary thesis of the Code of Administrative Procedure  A draft text of the Code was presented publicly by the Ministry of Interior.  bring together all relevant pieces of legislation concerning central and local authorities, administrative claims  incorporate the provisions of Law no. 544/2001 on free access to public information.


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