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A colony is a piece of land that is claimed and governed by a distance ruler or landlord from a foreign country. Colonies are claimed by an explorer.

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4 A colony is a piece of land that is claimed and governed by a distance ruler or landlord from a foreign country. Colonies are claimed by an explorer in the name of a country or a charter company. Boundaries were often overlapped and unclear. There were a lot of disagreements about land ownership. The colonies were are about to learn about were settled by different nationalities but eventually came under British rule.

5 There were several reasons why colonies were founded: Religious freedom Business opportunities Adventure Many Africans were brought as slaves to some colonies


7 Where are the New England Colonies located?? Along the New England Coastline What was the geography like there? The soil was too thin and rocky to grow cash crops Lots of good lumber Rolling hills, mountains, and jagged coastline What was the climate like in the New England Colonies? Harsh winters; four seasons

8 Why did the PURITANS come to North America? To set up a colony to make money, practice their religion freely, and live by their Christian ideas. Who led the first settlements in the Massachusetts Bay area and when? John Endecott led Puritans to found Salem (1628) John Winthrop led even MORE Puritans to settle along Massacusetts Bay – north of Plymouth (1628) What thoughts did John Winthrop and the Puritans hold in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Communities would become models for good living Puritan cities would be models of good Christian living BIG emphasize on RELIGION!!!

9 Why did others leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony and start new colonies? Everyone had to follow the Puritan beliefs.If they did not follow the Puritan leaders’ views, they would be set back to England or to another colony. What belief did Roger Williams (and followers) have about the church and government? Church should be separate from the colonial government and free from the rule of the Church of England. People should not be punished if their beliefs are different from Puritan leaders’ In what way was the Rhode Island Colony different than Massachusetts? The government was based on consent of the settlers Freedom to follow any religion

10 Why other reason did colonists have to leave the Massachusetts colony? To leave the rocky fields and find better farmland in the Connecticut River valley What belief did Thomas Hooker hold which led him to leave and form the settlement of Hartford? The leader’s tried to influence the people to much and a colony should be base on what its people want What were the Fundamental Orders? The first written plan of government in North America that allowed voters to elect their leaders

11 Settlers also out of the Massachusetts Bay north of the Merrimack River to find fertile land into what is now New Hampshire. This colony was claimed as a royal colony by King Charles II, to be ruled by a appointed governor.


13 Why do think there was tension between the colonists and Indian groups???

14 What conflict sparked the Pequot War? The Pequots wanted to stop colonists from taking over Indian lands What is the difference between how colonists and Indians thought about land ownership? Indians felt that no one could “own” land, whereas the colonists did What started King Philip’s War? The Indians attacked a colonial town, and colonists got back by destroying and taking an Indian settlement What resulted from the King Philip’s War? Native American tribes were forced off their lands and settlers began moving farther north What is a frontier? Land that lies beyond settled areas

15 REVIEW: What made up New England’s Economy?? Fishing/Whaling, Shipping, Small Farms, Lumbering EXPORTS: good leaving a country Colonists had to send exports only to England or other English colonies IMPORTS: good brought into a country Colonist had to buy only English made imports

16 What were the Triangular Trade Routes? Trade routes connecting England, the English colonies, and the west coast of Africa – forming imaginary triangles on the Atlantic Ocean What was the Middle Passage? The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to the West Indies What was it like for Africans during the Middle Passage? Overcrowded; starvation; diseases; many died What impact did the slave trade have on Africa? Hurt the economy and societies; loss of population

17 Triangular Trade ExportsImports New England Furs, lumber, fish, whale products Manufactured goods, molasses, sugar, coffee, slaves England Iron products, silver, manufactured goods Sugar, molasses, fruit, tobacco, coffee, lumber, fish, furs, rice West Indies Slaves, sugar, molasses, fruit, coffee Grain, meat, fish, slaves, gold Africa Slaves, goldRum, iron products, silver


19 LOCATIONGEOGRAPHYCLIMATE When the land was cleared of trees and rocks, it was good for farming Fertile soil Not a lot of mountains The climate was good for growing crops. The summers were long, and the amount of rain each year was just right for crops such as wheat, corn, and rye.

20 Reasons settlers came to the Middle Colonies: 1.Farming 2.Rich Resources (the land) 3.Religious Freedom The Middle Atlantic Colonies attracted people from many different cultures and religions.

21 Who settled New Netherland? The Dutch settled here and welcomed settlers from many countries (DIVERSE CULTURE!!!) What did Peter Stuyvesant find when he arrived in New Netherland? TROUBLE! Settlers were fighting over land with Delaware, the Wappinger Indians, and other colonists What did Stuyvesant do? He pushed south into what is now Delaware and New Jersey Why did King Charles II want to fight against the people of New Netherland? He thought it prevented the English Colonies from expanding Why do you think the Dutch refused to fight the English? They did not like how Stuyvesant had ruled and wanted a larger part in their government.

22 Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret were given the land by the English Duke of York In 1674 a group of Quakers, led by Edward Byllinge bought Berkeley’s share of New Jersey. New Jersey was the first colony in North America founded by Quakers

23 What did the Quakers believe? All people are equal and basically good Violence is always wrong Solving problems peacefully is the only way What did they hope to find in New Jersey? REFUGE = a safe place -- Where they could live and worship as they please

24 King Charles II gave a charter to William Penn, which made Penn the owner of what is now Pennsylvania What does “Pennsylvania” mean? “Penn’s woods” What did the Frame of Government (1682) call for? The General Assembly makes the laws for the colony The citizens of Pennsylvania to have freedom of speech, worship, and trial by jury What is trial by jury? Guarantees a person accused of breaking the law the right to be tried by a jury of fellow citizens Penn ruled with justice. What is justice? FAIRNESS!!

25 What happened when colonist in Delaware asked for their own general assembly? Penn granted it to them

26 How did most people in the Middle Colonies make a living? FARMING! Large enough farms to feed their families and have a surplus What types of farm produce was grown in the Middle Colonies? Grains, fruits, vegetables --- wheat, barley, oats, rye, and corn What was the purpose of the Market Town? For farmers to trade livestock and surplus produce

27 ***UNLIKE the New England Colonies, the Middle Atlantic Colonies welcomes people of different religions*** What was the GREAT AWAKENING? A movement that called for a rebirth of religious ways of life

28 Southern Colonies

29 Virginia The Province of Virginia was an English colony in North America that existed from 1607 until 1776. It then was joined with the other 12 of the 13 colonies in rebellion against Great Britain and became the U.S. state of Virginia. Year Founded: 1607 by John Smith and others, at Jamestown. Its major ciiy and town is know as Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond Major Industries: Plantation agriculture (tobacco, wheat, corn) and the iron industry. Geography of Virginia: Mountains, valleys and coastal plain

30 Virginia Climate: The warm climate made it possible to grow crops throughout the year and was ideally suited for plantations

31 Southern Colonies Carolina was split into 1729 by King Charles II into North and South Carolinia Warmest of the three regions, winters not difficult to survive, but the hot and humid summers gave rise to the spread of disease. The Geography of the Southern Colonies featured fertile soil, hilly coastal plains, forests, long rivers and swamp areas. The plantations grew valuable crops, especially rice Relied heavily on slaves to work in fields or do other work. Was not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Baptists, Anglicans and others. Trade / Exports: Tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo (dye), lumber, furs, farm products.

32 South Carolina Was founded in 1663 by English colonists The Southern colonies were the warmest of the three regions. The winters were not difficult to survive but the warmer climate gave rise to the spread of disease. Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Baptists, Anglicans and others. Fish, forests (timber) and good agricultural land. Farming and Plantations were important. Exported agricultural products to other colonies.

33 South Carolina Original Name: The original name of the colony was the Province of South Carolina, later South Carolina. The Southern Colonies had the largest slave population who worked on the plantations. Plantations grew cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, indigo (a purple dye), and other crops. Crops were traded for items that could not be produced on the plantations including shoes, lace, thread, farm tools and dishes. Economics and Trade: Concentrated on agriculture and developed the plantations exporting tobacco, cotton, corn, vegetables, grain, fruit and livestock.

34 North Carolina Was one of the original 13 colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America. The North Carolina Colony was founded in 1653 by the Virginia colonists. Geography of North Carolina: Coastal plains, plateau and mountain ranges. The Southern colonies were the warmest of the three regions, winters not difficult to survive. The warm climate made it possible to grow crops throughout the year and was ideally suited for plantations. Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Baptists, Anglicans and others

35 North Carolina Fish, forests (timber) and good agricultural land. Farming and Plantations were important. Exported agricultural products to other colonies. Economics and Trade: Concentrated on agriculture and developed the plantations exporting tobacco, cotton, corn, vegetables, grain, fruit and livestock. Some of the plantations were massive and consisted of the main house, slave quarters, a dairy, blacksmith's shop, laundry, smokehouse and barns which made the plantations to large degree, self-sufficient. Crops were traded for items that could not be produced on the plantations including shoes, lace, thread, farm tools and dishes.

36 Georgia The Georgia Colony was founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe and other colonists.James Oglethorpe Named after King George II of England. The terms of the charter granted by the king specified that the colony was named after the king. Major Industries: Agriculture (indigo, rice, sugar). Climate: The warm climate made it possible to grow crops throughout the year and was ideally suited for plantations. Geography: Hilly coastal plains with plenty of forests.

37 Georgia Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Baptists, Anglicans and others. Natural Resources: Fish, forests (timber) and good agricultural land. Farming and Plantations were important. Exported agricultural products to other colonies. Trade in the Southern colonies included Tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo (dye), lumber, furs, farm products. Some of the plantations were massive. Relied heavily on slaves to work the fields and other jobs in and around the plantations. The original name of the colony was the Province of Georgia, later Georgia.

38 Choose one of the following and write a letter to a friend: 1.Pretend to be a Pequot Indian during the Indian Wars. Write a letter to a friend explaining the struggles you are facing, your thoughts about the settlers, and what you think should be done. 2.Pretend to be an African during the Middle Passage. Write a letter to a friend explaining the struggles you are facing, your thoughts about the situation you are in, and what you think should be done. Once you are finished, you may meet with your partner to research for your billboard!

39 You will be graded on: Completeness (all requirements are filled) Accurate Information (must relate to the colonial time period, not today) Creativity (Have FUN! Be Creative!!) Neatness

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