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Presentation on theme: "HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: FOSSILS How do fossils form?."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: FOSSILS How do fossils form?

2 What gets preserved? Fossils are the record of life preserved in ______. Almost all living organisms can leave fossils, but usually only the ______ parts of plants and animals fossilize. The soft part get yucky and do not get preserved generally. There are some exceptions.

3 Trace Fossils _________ Fossils include the footprints of animals left in soft mud, later to be buried, and turned into stone.

4 Fossils Don’t Stink Under certain circumstances fossils of animal _____, ______, and even complete nest with eggs have been preserved in stone.

5 ABC of Fossil Preservation Fossils are formed in a number of different ways, but most are formed when a plant or animal dies in a __________ environment and is buried in ______ and _________. Soft tissues quickly decompose leaving the hard bones or shells behind. Over time sediment builds over the top and hardens into rock. As the encased bones decay, _________ seep in replacing the organic material cell by cell in a process called "petrification."

6 Petrification

7 Mold Verse Cast Alternatively the bones may completely decay leaving a _______ of the organism. The ________ left behind may then fill with minerals making a stone replica of the organism (________).

8 Sap to Amber Fossils can form in unusual ways. Small bugs or insects can become trapped in tree sap. Eventually the sap hardens and forms the semiprecious material called __________. In some pieces of amber the entombed remains of organisms can be found.

9 Let me Out of Here!!!!!

10 When your Hot your Hot!!! Volcanic eruptions can form fossils when animals get trapped in the hot ______ flows. In this case, the fossil is a _____ in the shape of the animal.

11 To the Sea, to the Sea, to the Wonderful Sea. By far the most common fossil remains are those of _______ ____________ sea loving creatures such as snails, corrals, and clams. These make up most of the fossil record.

12 MARINE FOSSILS RULE galleries/fossils-from-britain/index.html

13 Rare Finds Fossils of land animals are ________ than those of plants. In order to become fossilized, animals must die in a watery environment and become buried in the mud and silt. Because of this requirement most land creatures never get the chance to become ___________ unless they die next to a lake or stream. Indeed there may be whole species of land animals in which no fossil record has been discovered. We may never know how many and diverse these animals were.

14 The Incomplete Record

15 Relative Time Telling relative time simply involves placing events in a sequence relative to one another. This sort of time says nothing at all about age in years before the present.

16 Geologic Column The geologic calendar that we use to place events in a sequence of relative time is the ________ _______. The largest scale division of time is into two _______. Precambrian eon (older) Phanerozoic eon (younger)

17 ERAS Eons are divided into ___________. Archean (older Precambrian) Proterozoic (younger Precambrian) Paleozoic (oldest Phanerozoic) Mesozoic (middle Phanerozoic) Cenozoic (youngest Phanerozoic)

18 PERIODS Eras are divided into _________ (see column for divisions) Periods are divided into ________ (see column for epochs of the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era (Paleocene, Eocene, etc.)

19 Absolute time Absolute time is the age in years before the ______ of a rock or a particular geologic event. Ma refers to millions of years, and Ba refers to billions of years.

20 Absolute time Absolute ages are generally assigned to events in the geologic column by _________ _______ of rocks formed during the events. Radiometric dating depends upon the constant rate of _______ of radioactive isotopes to produce stable ___________ products. During the decay process, the isotope gives off energy in the form of subatomic particles and radiation generating heat. Radioactive parent isotopes and their stable daughter products Radioactive ParentStable Daughter Potassium 40Argon 40 Rubidium 87Strontium 87 Thorium 232Lead 208 Uranium 235Lead 207 Uranium 238Lead 206 Carbon 14Nitrogen 14

21 Absolute time Basically, the geologist measures the ratio of parent isotope to daughter isotope in a rock, and knowing the rate of decay to form the daughter product, is able to calculate an _____ in ________ before the present. For this procedure to work, the rock must be a closed system, that is, no material can have been added or lost following the formation of the rock. Radioactive Parent Stable Daughter Half life Potassium 40Argon 401.25 billion yrs Rubidium 87Strontium 8748.8 billion yrs Thorium 232Lead 20814 billion years Uranium 235Lead 207 704 million years Uranium 238Lead 206 4.47 billion years Carbon 14Nitrogen 145730 years

22 Absolute time Dates on igneous rocks give the age of _________________ Dates on metamorphic rocks give the age of the ________ metamorphic event. Dates on sedimentary rocks are meaningless if they come from minerals that predated the formation of the rock (i.e., minerals in a siliciclastic or terrigenous rock). P ar en t Daugh ter  1/2 Useful RangeType of Material 238 U 206Pb 4.47 b.y >10 million years Igneous & sometimes metamorphic rocks and minerals 235 U 207Pb 707 m.y 232 Th 208Pb 14 b.y 40 K 40Ar & 40Ca 1.28 b.y >10,000 years 87 Rb 87Sr 48 b.y >10 million years 147 Sm 143 106 b.y. 14 C 14N 5,730 y 100 - 70,000 yearsOrganic Material >10 million years

23 Absolute time Sedimentary rocks are usually dated by knowing their relationships to igneous rocks of known age, using ____________ and ___________relationships.

24 Telling relative time Principle of Superposition - In a layered or stratified sequence of rocks, such as sedimentary rocks or lava flows or ash deposits, the rock at the bottom of the pile is the ________ and rocks successively higher in the pile are successively ______________. http://www.classzone. com/books/earth_scie nce/terc/content/inves tigations/es2903/es29 03page03.cfmhttp://www.classzone. com/books/earth_scie nce/terc/content/inves tigations/es2903/es29 03page03.cfm

25 Principle of Original horizontality Layered or stratified rocks are generally deposited ________________. Departure from horizontality generally indicates some sort of ____________, such as tilting or folding.tiltingfolding Deformation usually occurs during mountain building, but gentle regional tilting of rocks can occur during regional uplift of otherwise stable parts of the continent (the craton).

26 Cross-Cutting Relationships When one body of rock, such as a dike, cuts across another rock, such as a sequence of layered sedimentary rocks, the rocks being cut are _____ and the rock doing the cutting is ______________.dike, cuts across another rock This also applies to situations where a fault cut across rocks. The rocks being faulted are __________ than the fault.

27 Principle of faunal succession Organisms change or evolve through time and species do not _________ themselves during this evolution. Certain fossils may be good indicators of certain intervals of time. “_____ FOSSILS”

28 Index fossils Index fossils enable geologists to correlate sedimentary rocks. Index Fossils are fossils of organisms that were... ____________ geographically wide- ranging readily preserved lived a _________ period of time

29 Unconformities and their significance an unconformity is a surface in the rock record along which rocks are ___________ and ____________ is therefore not recorded. the most obvious type of unconformity is an angular unconformity, where rocks beneath the surface are more strongly deformed and those above the surface are less strongly deformed.angular unconformity unconformities often represent an interval of ________________ building, where rocks are deformed, intruded by plutons and uplifted. ___________ removes rocks from the uplifted region, and subsequent subsidence (sinking) of the region is followed by deposition of sediment atop the unconformable surface.

30 Principle of Uniformitarianism Principle of Uniformitarianism or Actualism This principle underlies all of the work we do in geology. This is the way it works. Natural laws are __________. Therefore, the way natural laws govern geologic processes that are operating today is the same way that natural laws governed geologic processes that operated in the past. We can therefore use our understanding of present-day geologic processes to interpret past geologic events. Sometimes this principle is paraphrased as "the _______ is the key to the __________", but be careful. Note, however, that the principle does not imply that past rates of process, or conditions under which the processes work, were the same as today. Nor does it imply that Earth's processes work at constant or uniform rates. Consequently, to avoid confusion, we often refer to the principle of uniformitarianism as “_________________."


32 PRECAMBRIAN The Precambrian record starts about ____ billion years ago and lasted till _______ million years ago. Most of the earth’s history is during the Precambrian. Index fossil is the ________________ formed from Cyan bacteria and sediments in a shallow waters near shore. R/Proterozoic-Stroms.jpg

33 CAMBRIAN the first Period in the Paleozoic Era Time of the Cambrian ____________– Many different life form suddenly developed (Burgess Shale). Index fossils is the ______________. Time: 543 to 490 Million years ago. 422863-ga.jpg

34 ORDOVICIAN PERIOD Ordovician life consisted of brachiopods, bryozoans, Cephalopods, gastropods, echinoderms, corals pelecypods and the ________________ (Index fossil). Time span 443 -490 million years ago.

35 SILURIAN PERIOD Silurian life is similar to those found in the Ordovician. Except a new animal has appeared. The _____________ (sea scorpion). Shallow seas covering N.A. begin to dry up. Large deposits of Salt and Gypsum develop.

36 Devonian Period Age of the _________ –Jawless fish like lampreys, jawed fish which were armored. –First lungfish appears. –Birth of the ______________ Mountains occurs. –Time 417 - 354 Million years ago.

37 Carboniferous Period or the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods Mississippian was when the __________ and ________________ made their appearance. Pennsylvanian (Swamps) was when the first __________ became the 1 st land animals. Time Miss- ____ – 323 million years ago. Time Penn- 324 – ______ million years ago.

38 Permian Period Time of wide spread mountain building. ____________ has formed Nearly ½ of all known animal groups have become extinct. Diversity of animals within a group is greatly reduced. Survivors __________ and _______________. Time 290 to 248 Million years ago.

39 Mesozoic Era- Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods Triassic Period 248- 206 million years ago. Index fossil is the ____________ part of the Cephalopods. Plants have invaded the land including ______ trees, cycads, and conifers. Pangaea is joined still but has begun to _______.

40 Mesozoic Era- Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods Jurassic Period- 206 to 144 million years ago. Large __________ roam the earth, and some smaller dinosaurs are evolving into ______ and ________ are everywhere. _________ make their first appearance (rodent like)

41 Mesozoic Era- Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods Cretaceous Period 144 to 65 Million years ago. Tyrannosaurus roamed the earth along with many other large meat eaters. The period comes to an abrupt halt. Why, not really known. Possible ____________ impact, causing dust to block the sun. What ever the cause 50 % of all _______ and _______ were wiped out.

42 Cenozoic Era – Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary Periods Cenozoic Era 65 million years ago to recent. Paleogene Period 65 to 24 million years. Consist of the ________, _________, and ___________ Epoch. During the Paleocene the western mountains are forming. In the Eocene coal in western NA is forming. And during the Oligocene the Alps and Himalayas are rising. The Cenozoic Era

43 Cenozoic Era – Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary Periods Paleogene Period- fossils indicate many new species of _____________.

44 Cenozoic Era – Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary Periods Neogene Period 24 to 2 million years ago. Consist of the _________, and ________ Epochs. Mammals have made great progress and are the dominate large organism. During the Pliocene _______ makes his entrance. The climate is changing.

45 Cenozoic Era – Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary Periods Welcome to the Quaternary Period which started about ____ million years ago and continues thru today. If you haven’t noticed _____________ have done real well, and are now the top dog so to speak.

46 The Family Picture 1 HOMO HABILIS ~ NICKNAME: Handyman LIVED: 2.4 to 1.6 million years ago HABITAT: Tropical Africa DIET: Omnivorous – nuts, seeds, tubers, fruits, some meat 2 HOMO SAPIEN ~ NICKNAME: Human LIVED: 200,000 years ago to present HABITAT: All DIET: Omnivorous - meat, vegetables, tubers, nuts, pizza, sushi 3 HOMO FLORESIENSIS ~ NICKNAME: Hobbit LIVED: 95,000 to 13,000 years ago HABITAT: Flores, Indonesia (tropical) DIET: Omnivorous - meat included pygmy stegodon, giant rat 4 HOMO ERECTUS ~ NICKNAME: Erectus LIVED: 1.8 million years to 250,000 to 30,000 years ago HABITAT: Europe and Western Asia DIET: Relied heavily on meat, such as bison, deer and musk ox 100,000 years ago HABITAT: Tropical to temperate - Africa, Asia, Europe DIET: Omnivorous - meat, tubers, fruits, nuts 5 PARANTHROPUS BOISEI ~ NICKNAME: Nutcracker man LIVED: 2.3 to 1.4 million years ago HABITAT: Tropical Africa DIET: Omnivorous - nuts, seeds, leaves, tubers, fruits, maybe some meat 6 HOMO HEIDELBERGENSIS ~ NICKNAME: Goliath LIVED: 700,000 to 300,000 years ago HABITAT: Temperate and tropical, Africa and Europe DIET: Omnivorous - meat, vegetables, tubers, nuts 7 HOMO NEANDERTHALENSIS ~ NICKNAME: Neanderthal LIVED:,1.jpg

47 Cited ssilformation.html ml dio.htm metric_dating.htm __430x328%2C1.jpg

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