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Energy Unit.  Reminders:  Plate Tectonics Content Summative Retakes will be Monday in class.  You will need your books and binders today.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Unit.  Reminders:  Plate Tectonics Content Summative Retakes will be Monday in class.  You will need your books and binders today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Unit

2  Reminders:  Plate Tectonics Content Summative Retakes will be Monday in class.  You will need your books and binders today.

3 Drive a Nail

4  How does height and mass of an object affect it’s gravitational potential energy?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

5  Define these in your notebook:  Energy Transfer – transfer of energy from one object to another  Energy Transformation – the change from one type of energy into another type  Gravitational Potential Energy – Stored energy due to the pull of gravity.  Kinetic Energy – Moving energy  Potential Energy – Stored energy that has not yet been used

6  You will need your books and binders today.  Open up your textbooks to Activity 54.

7  EN.11: I can identify kinetic or potential energy in everyday situations.  EN.12: I can explain the transformation between potential and kinetic energy in simple mechanical systems (roller coasters, pendulums).

8  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Procedure Manager  2 – Team Coach  3 – Data Recorder  4 – Equipment Manager

9  Open your books to Activity 54 analysis questions.  Take out the analysis questions sheet you were working on yesterday.

10 Drive a Nail Data Tube Rod (number of drops) Long SteelShort SteelLong AluminumShort Aluminum Long Short

11 Roller Coaster Energy

12  How is energy transformed on a roller coaster?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

13  Define these in your notebook:  Friction - a force that holds back the movement of a sliding object  Thermal Energy - the energy a substance or system has related to its temperature

14  Reminders  PT Summative Assessment retakes will be Monday in class.  You will need your books and binders today.  Open to Activity 55 Analysis Questions.

15  EN.11: I can identify kinetic or potential energy in everyday situations.  EN.12: I can explain the transformation between potential and kinetic energy in simple mechanical systems (roller coasters, pendulums).

16  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Equipment Manager  2 – Procedure Manager  3 – Team Coach  4 – Data Recorder

17  Reminders:  Plate tectonics summative retakes today. Please have your retake form and original test out on your desk.  You will not need your books at the beginning of class today.

18  Reminders:  You will need your books and binders today.  Open to Activity 56 in your textbook and open your binders and get ready to complete a warm-up question.

19 Shake the Shot

20  Explain one way that kinetic energy can be transformed into another energy type?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

21  Define these in your notebook:  Heat – movement of thermal energy from hot to cold  Temperature – measure of the average energy per molecule of a substance

22  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.  EN.42: I can illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.

23  You will need your books and binders today.  Take out the video notes from yesterday.

24  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Data Recorder  2 – Equipment Manager  3 – Procedure Manager  4 – Team Coach

25  Please take out your activity 56 analysis questions and open to activity 56 in your textbook.

26 The Conservation of Energy

27  How do we know energy is involved in everything that happens?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

28  Define these in your in your notebook:  Efficiency – ratio of useful energy that is released to the total energy absorbed by the process  Law of Conservation of Energy – Energy can be transferred or transformed, but cannot be lost or destroyed  Energy Conservation – to reduce, or “save”, the total energy transformed in the first place

29  EN.42: I can illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.

30  You will need your binders and books today.  Open to Activity #57 in your textbooks.  Take out the worksheet from yesterday.

31  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Team Coach  2 – Data Recorder  3 – Equipment Manager  4 – Procedure Manager

32 Follow the Energy

33  Can you follow the transforming energy? Where did it come from?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

34  Define this in your notebook:  Chemical Energy – energy stored in the bonds of atoms  Elastic Energy – energy stored by stretching or compressing  Electrical Energy – energy stored by the buildup of charges  Light – energy transferred by the rapid movement of electromagnetic fields  Nuclear Energy – energy that is stored in the nucleus of atoms  Sound – energy transferred by the vibration of an object

35  You will need your books and binders today.  Please open your books to Activity #58.

36  EN.11: I can identify kinetic or potential energy in everyday situations.  EN.12: I can explain the transformation between potential and kinetic energy in simple mechanical systems (roller coasters, pendulums).  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.

37  You will need your books and binders today.  Open to Activity #58 and take out the worksheet from yesterday.

38  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Procedure Manager  2 – Team Coach  3 – Data Recorder  4 – Equipment Manager

39 Ice-Melting Contest

40  How can you increase the energy transferred to an ice cube?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

41  Define in your notebook:  Conduction – process by which energy is transferred directly when materials touch each other  Conductor – materials that have a structure that easily allows energy transfer

42  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.

43  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Equipment Manager  2 – Procedure Manager  3 – Team Coach  4 – Data Recorder

44  You will need your binders and books today.  Open to Activity #59 analysis questions and take out your questions from yesterday.

45 Ice-Preserving Contest

46  Define these in your notebook:  Insulation/Insulator – materials that are poor conductors and, therefore, slow down the rate of energy movement

47  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.

48  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Data Recorder  2 – Equipment Manager  3 – Procedure Manager  4 – Team Coach

49  You will need your binders and books today.  Clear your table of everything but a pencil for the quiz.

50  You will need your binders and books today.  Open your binders to complete a warm-up question.  Open your books to Activity 61.

51  You will not need your books or your binders today.  You will work on the states of matter webquest today. This needs to be finished by the end of the hour.  When you are finished with the states of matter webquest, you will hand it in to me and pick up the second energy webquest.

52  You need your books and your binders today.  You are getting back both webquests. Please keep them out on your table, we are going to discuss some of the questions.

53  You need your books and your binders today.

54 Mixing Hot and Cool Water

55  What happens to the energy when hot and cool water are mixed?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

56  Define these in your notebook:  No New Key Words

57  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.  EN.42: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.1: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.2: I can explain how mass is conserved as it changes state of matter in a closed system.

58  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Team Coach  2 – Data Recorder  3 – Equipment Manager  4 – Procedure Manager

59  You will need your books and binders today.  Please take out the States of Matter reading from yesterday.  You are going to receive two quizzes back, please do not put them away in your binder.

60  Draw the arrangement of molecules in a solid, liquid and gas.  Explain the motion of the molecules in each.

61  You will need your books and binders today.  Open to Activity #62 in your book.  Open your binders and prepare for a warm-up question.

62 Quantifying Energy

63  How much energy does it take to melt an ice cube?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

64  Define these in your notebook:  No New Key Words

65  EN.41: I can explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection.  EN.42: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.1: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.2: I can explain how mass is conserved as it changes state of matter in a closed system.

66  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Procedure Manager  2 – Team Coach  3 – Data Recorder  4 – Equipment Manager

67  You will need your binders and books today.  Open to Activity #62 analysis questions and continue working.  If you finish, please keep your analysis questions at your table.  You may draw, read a book or work on a word search you have until everyone is done.

68  You will need your binders and books today.  Please fill out the work habits form on your desk and turn into the tray.  We will be working on a study guide for the test. You can use any of your notes, quizzes, and/or textbook to answer the questions.  Summative Assessment will be Tuesday, March 17 th.

69  You will need your binders and books today.  Please fill out the work habits form on your desk and turn into the tray.  We will be working on a study guide for the test. You can use any of your notes, quizzes, and/or textbook to answer the questions.  Summative Assessment will be Tuesday, March 17 th.

70  Please take out your study guide.  We will go over the study guide and then play a bingo review game.  Summative Assessment is tomorrow. Please take your study guide home to study. You will turn in your study guide at the beginning of the hour tomorrow.

71  You will need your binders today – no books.  Take out your egg drop packet, scratch paper, graph paper, etc.  You must get my permission on your design before you can begin building a prototype.  Before you leave, make sure you have a plan to have your materials here on Monday to start building!!

72  You will need your binders today – no books.  If your design has been improved, you may begin building your prototype.

73  Energy Content Standards Retakes – Friday in class  Don’t forget to record the following in your notebook after each trial.  Trial #1  Weight = __________grams  Scoring #  What happened? Why?  What do we need to change? Why?

74  ½ Day Today.  Energy Content Standards Retakes – Friday in class  We will go over tests today.  Trial #1  Weight = __________grams  Scoring #  What happened? Why?  What do we need to change? Why?

75  Energy Content Standards Retakes – tomorrow in class.  Final Egg Drops start today. You may volunteer or we will draw for order of tests.  After your final run, make sure you have recorded all your data in your science notebook.  Complete the second page of your egg drop packet.

76  Energy Content Standards Retakes – today in class.  Final Egg Drops finish today.  After your final run, make sure you have recorded all your data in your science notebook.  Complete the second page of your egg drop packet.

77  Energy Content Standards Retakes – today or tomorrow in class.  Final Egg Drops finish today.  After your final run, make sure you have recorded all your data in your science notebook.  Complete the second page of your egg drop packet.  When you are completely finished, see me for a grading rubric and a packet.

78  Energy Content Standards Retakes – today in class.  Final Egg Drops finish today.  To Complete today:  Egg Drop Packet including rubric, ½ sheet and data from notebook  Work on Ecology Packet  If you finish the Ecology Packet, see Ms. Ebert.

79  You do not need your binders today.  We will be watching a Planet Earth Video. You do not need to take notes, just watch the video.

80 Measuring Calories

81  How many calories are in a nut?  Answer in your notebook to the best of your ability and we’ll discuss together.

82  Define these in your notebook in your own words:  Calorimeter – a device that measures the amount of chemical potential energy  Calorie – the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius  Endothermic – absorbing of heat  Exothermic – releasing of heat

83  EN.42: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.1: I can describe and illustrate (draw) changes in state of matter through the arrangement and motion of the atoms or molecules.  CM.2: I can explain how mass is conserved as it changes state of matter in a closed system.

84  Things to keep in mind:  Follow the procedure.  Stick to your roles.  Be a TEAM player.  Test what you know (or think you know).  Jobs  1 – Equipment Manager  2 – Procedure Manager  3 – Team Coach  4 – Data Recorder

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