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1 Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Let’s Get Fit!!. 2 What are the 5 Components of Physical Fitness?  Aerobic Endurance/Cardio- Respiratory Fitness  Muscular.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Let’s Get Fit!!. 2 What are the 5 Components of Physical Fitness?  Aerobic Endurance/Cardio- Respiratory Fitness  Muscular."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Let’s Get Fit!!

2 2 What are the 5 Components of Physical Fitness?  Aerobic Endurance/Cardio- Respiratory Fitness  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition

3 3 Essential Question  How do I know if I am exercising at a level that will help me achieve maximum benefits?

4 4 What is Physical Fitness?  The capacity to meet the demands of everyday life with little or no strain  Physically Fit people are able to work or  play with relative ease due to their  continual preparation for activity.

5 5 What is: Cardio-Respiratory Fitness  A combination of the respiratory system and circulatory system and their ability to work efficiently for an extended period of time.  Ex.: running, walking, climbing stairs, riding a bike or swimming

6 6 The MOST important aspect of fitness  Cardio-Respiratory fitness improves the cardiovascular system by:  Decreasing cholesterol levels  Decreasing blood pressure  Increasing circulation  Strengthening the heart

7 7 Guidelines for Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Mode of Exercise Frequency of Exercise Intensity of Exercise Time of Exercise

8 8 Mode of Exercise  Any LARGE-muscle, rhythmic exercise  Examples: walking, running, biking, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing Frequency of Exercise  3 to 7 days per week

9 9 Intensity of Exercise  60% to 90% of maximum heart rate Time of Exercise  20 to 60 minutes per day

10 10 How do you know if you’re working between 60% & 90% of your max heart rate?  By calculating your target heart rate!!

11 11 Calculating Your Target Heart Rate 1. Use the following Formula to determine your maximum heart rate…..  220 – AGE = maximum heart rate 2. Determine your target heart rate at 60% of maximum  Predicted max heart rate x.60 = 60% Max HR 3. Determine your target heart rate at 90% of maximum  Predicted max heart rate x.90 = 90% Max HR

12 12 CALCULATE YOUR TARGET EXERCISE HEART RANGE Fill in the slip of paper with your target heart rate range!

13 13 How do we calculate our resting HR?  Place your index & middle fingers on the left side of your neck directly under your jaw line  Feel for your pulse  Count how many times you feel a pulse for 15 seconds.  Multiply 15 sec. x 4 = Resting HR

14 14 CALCULATE YOUR RESTING HEART RATE!  Calculate your resting heart rate &  write it on your slip of paper

15 15 ESSENTIAL QUESTION  How do I know if I am exercising at a level that will help me achieve maximum benefits?

16 16 Answer 1. Performing Aerobic Endurance Exercises 2. Performing Aerobic Endurance exercises 3 to 7 days per week 3. Exercising at 60% to 90% of our maximum heart rates 4. Exercising between 20 and 60 minutes per day

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