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Introduction slides for Joint GIFS-TIGGE/PDP Meeting Richard Swinbank, Masayuki Kyouda, Heini Wernli, Istvan Szunyogh Joint PDP & GIFS-TIGGE WG meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction slides for Joint GIFS-TIGGE/PDP Meeting Richard Swinbank, Masayuki Kyouda, Heini Wernli, Istvan Szunyogh Joint PDP & GIFS-TIGGE WG meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction slides for Joint GIFS-TIGGE/PDP Meeting Richard Swinbank, Masayuki Kyouda, Heini Wernli, Istvan Szunyogh Joint PDP & GIFS-TIGGE WG meeting World Meteorological Organization Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 19-20 March, 2014

2 Aims of the meeting  Prepare for new working group on Predictability, Dynamics & Ensemble Forecasting.  Agree Terms of Reference  Scientific foci  Links with other WGs  How best PDEF, TIGGE & TIGGE-LAM can support WWRP projects (particularly high-impact weather, polar prediction).  Membership  Related research.  TIGGE paper  T-NAWDEX  Predictability

3 AGENDA 1.Organisation of the meeting 2.Report and actions from previous meetings 3.Links with other WMO & WWRP groups 4.Research work 5.Plans for TIGGE and TIGGE-LAM developments 6.Plans for new PDEF working group 1.Terms of reference (co-chairs) 2.Possible future PDEF science projects / foci (all) 7.Membership 8.Any other business 9.Review of meeting outcomes, decisions and actions; next meeting

4 HI Weather project From Sarah Jones:  Two important functions of TIGGE-LAM:  TIGGE-LAM for specific RDPs/FDPs or field campaigns  Regular database for predictability studies  Our job is to tell HI Weather how they can use and benefit from TIGGE-LAM  (DAOS gave really helpful input)  Workshop in June in US. Likely GEOWOW side- meeting

5 Polar Prediction Project From Thomas Jung:  How can the PDP and GIFS-TIGGE working groups contribute to the PPP flagship themes (next slide)  Are there any volunteers from PDP or GIFS-TIGGE that are willing to review the draft YOPP implementation plan?  Interested in using TIGGE to support Polar Project, and discuss their requirements with us.

6 Polar Prediction Project Flagship Themes  Sea ice prediction  Explore predictability  Develop of coupled prediction systems  Linkages between polar regions and lower-latitudes  Determine mechanisms and strengths  Implications for predictions in middle latitudes  Improved availability of observations from polar regions  The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)

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