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Key Outcome of the Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 Roula Majdalani, Director Sustainable Development and Productivity Division, ESCWA December.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Outcome of the Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 Roula Majdalani, Director Sustainable Development and Productivity Division, ESCWA December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Outcome of the Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 Roula Majdalani, Director Sustainable Development and Productivity Division, ESCWA December 2011

2 Outline Highlights of the Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) for Rio +20 Main partners Objectives and themes of the RPM Key regional priorities Main regional challenges Outcome of the RPM Recommendations Regional preparatory process Way forward

3 The Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) for Rio +20 (Cairo, 16-17 October 2011) Over 130 participants from: Government representatives Regional organizations International organizations Major groups

4 In the context of its mandate to lead regional preparation for Rio+20, ESCWA has been closely cooperating with: The League of Arab States (LAS) The United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP/ROWA), Main Partners

5 Objectives: Review progress achieved and gaps in implementing sustainable development initiatives in the Arab region Identify new and emerging issues affecting sustainable development in the Arab region Harmonize Arab countries views on Rio + 20 issues Agree on a set of recommendations reflecting Arab countries concerns and stand Themes: Green economy Institutional framework for sustainable development Objectives and themes of the RPM

6 Key Regional Priorities Water Security- Water scarcity and water stress a common characteristic of almost all Arab countries Food Security- Reorientation of Policy framework from food self-sufficiency to food security Energy Security- Implications for Importing and exporting countries Environmental Security- As a result from climate change and extreme weather events- Exacerbating threats to water regional security and increasing uncertainty

7 Main Regional Challenges Political and social change challenge the Development process High and rising unemployment rates, especially among youth Governance and weak institutions- implications for participatory, inclusive & accountable governance Disparity between urban and rural areas Financing- skewed financial resources availability between countries

8 Outcome of the RPM Considered emerging social and political transformations in the region as an opportunity to reconsider development priorities Confirmed the intention of Arab countries to negotiate along with the position of the G77 developing countries Reaffirmed the need for a balanced approach to achieving sustainable development and for promoting linkages among the economic, social and environmental pillars

9 Outcome (Cont’d) Reaffirmed Principle VII of the Rio Declaration on the common but differentiated responsibilities Reaffirmed Principle XXIII of the Rio Declaration “that the environment and natural resources of people under oppression, domination and occupation shall be protected…” Stressed the need to achieve development with due consideration to achieve peoples’ aspirations in terms of human dignity, employment, social cohesion and harmony

10 Outcome (Cont’d) Reaffirmed the 1992 Rio Declaration principles: Called upon the developed countries to fulfill their commitments towards the developing countries, including Arab countries: o Provision of adequate funding o Transfer of technology o Capacity building

11 Arab countries affirmed their commitment to: Implement the Sustainable Development Initiative in the Arab Region adopted by the 2004 Arab Summit Enhance collaboration with the Civil Society and avoid a top down approach to sustainable development Support the participation of various groups such as women, young people, persons with special needs, the private sector and civil society in the adoption and implementation mechanism for sustainable development programmes Recommendations of the RPM

12 Recommendations (Cont’d) Develop and strengthen awareness and capacity building Promote and strengthen regional integration for achieving sustainable development” Establish sustainable development information and data networks to strengthen the decision-making process and create a regional sustainable development information system Enhance and strengthen the role of ESCWA and UNEP/ROWA in sustainable development in the region

13 Recommendations on Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development Not result in imposing any additional burdens…nor use environmental considerations as barriers Strengthen and establish national councils for sustainable development with a clear structure and defined terms of reference, with necessary resources and means to implement SD strategies, plans and programmes Enhance coordination among international, regional and national frameworks Address the three dimensions of sustainable development Activate existing UN mechanisms and institutions to enhance coordination, reinforce cooperation and maximize the use of available resources

14 Recommendations on Green Economy Explore the potential of a Green Economy “well adapted” to the region No agreed upon definition of the green economy Should not become a substitute for sustainable development Gradual transition to a green economy according to socio-economic characteristics of each country Not to be used as a pretext to create trade barriers Not to constitute a precondition for providing financial support

15 While outcome has strong points… Adherence to original Rio principles to confirm full commitment from the Arab States Reaffirmation of the need to achieve a real Sustainable Development involving the three pillars Reaffirmation of common need to proceed on regional integration

16 … other points need further discussion Concept of green Economy still represents a big question mark No commitment made in the debate on the International Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development at the Global level Need to articulate better linkages between socio-political changes in the region and issues of sustainable development The drafting of an Arab Declaration or Initiative on Sustainable Development remains to be discussed in CAMRE

17 Regional Preparations for Rio+20 Trade & Environment (Beirut) Green Finance (Beirut) Green Industry (Beirut) Civil Society (Dubai, Beirut and Cairo) Private Sector (Beirut) Water (Zaragoza) Energy & SCP (Cairo) Green Jobs (Beirut) SD Institutions in the Region (Jeddah) UN Regional Organizations (RCM-Beirut) National Consultations (KSA, Syria, Jordan) Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 (Cairo) A Consultative & Multi-Sectoral Process aimed at Integrating Sustainable Development in the Arab Region

18 Joint Background Paper on Green economy (LAS-ESCWA-UNEP) - submitted to CAMRE Session (December 2010) Regional Report on the Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication (ESCWA) Progress Report on the Implementation of Arab Initiative for Sustainable Development (LAS) Regional Review of Institutions for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region (ESCWA) Regional Reporting

19 EventsDatesRemarks CAMRE 23rd Session21-22 December 2011 Cairo Declaration – confirms political will Arab ministerial initiative - tbc CAMRE Special SessionApril 2012 Cairo Arab position for Rio+20 and post Rio ESCWA Ministerial Session May 2012 Beirut Draft ESCWA Resolution Upcoming Regional Milestones

20 Way Forward Explore the issue of Sustainable development goals for the Arab region Scaling up and consolidating work at the national and regional levels in preparation for Rio+20 Policy briefs Mapping UN regional activities on Rio+20

21 Thank You! Website: http://www.escwa.un.org Facebook: Twitter:!/unescwa!/unescwa

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