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XII-th International Workshop on HEP & QFT Diffraction at the LHC Samara, Russia, July 2015 László Jenkovszky, Kiev

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Presentation on theme: "XII-th International Workshop on HEP & QFT Diffraction at the LHC Samara, Russia, July 2015 László Jenkovszky, Kiev"— Presentation transcript:

1 XII-th International Workshop on HEP & QFT Diffraction at the LHC Samara, Russia, July 2015 László Jenkovszky, Kiev



4 TriTriple Regge (Pomeron) limit ::

5 Simple (but approximate) factorization relations

6 α(0)\C + - 1 P O 1/2 f ω NB: The S-matrix theory (including Regge pole) is applicable to asymptotically free states only (not to quarks and gluons)!



9 Total Cross-Section Luminosity-independent measurement via optical-theorem  simultaneous evaluation of forward elastic and inelastic rate (TOTEM) Inversely:  tot + dN/dt| t=0 ) (  L/L > ~ 2  tot /  tot ) (L + dN/dt| t=0 )  tot /  tot > ~ ½  L/L)  tot ( LHC ) ~ 110 mb (  =2; best-fit )  tot  ( LHC )  95 mb (  =1 )  elastic rate down to |t|=10 -3 GeV 2 to keep extrapolation error small (1-2%)  Sufficient  coverage to access Nel+Ninel

10 Л.Л. Енковский: ЭЧАЯ т.34 (2003) стр. 1196-1255. R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, R. Orava, E. Predazzi, A. Prokudin, O. Selyugin, Int. J.Mod.Phys., A24: 2551-2559(2009).

11 Elastic Scattering momentum transfer -t ~ (p  ) 2  = beam scattering angle p = beam momentum = 14 TeV prediction of BSW model d  /dt (mb/GeV 2 ) L,  tot ,  b, and  from FIT in CNI region (UA4) CNI region: |f C | ~ | f N |  @ LHC: -t  ~  6.5 10 -4 GeV 2 ;  min ~ 3.4  rad (  min ~ 120  rad @ SPS).


13 CERN LHC, TOTEM Collab., June 26, 2011:

14 Fine structure of the Pomeron (at the LHC)

15 Fine structure of the Pomeron (TOTEM )

16 Tiny oscillations on the cone?

17 dσ/dt -t 0 dip “break” Im h b pion clouding “atmosphere” absorptions 0 e Bt Gaussian Geometrical scaling (GS), saturation and unitarity 1.On-shell (hadronic) reactions (s,t, Q^2=m^2); t  b transformation: and dictionary:

18 Im h 1/2 R(s)  b0

19 P. Desgrolard, L.L. Jenkovszky and B.V. Struminsky, Z.Phys. C; Yad. Fizika, 1995. Black disc limit

20 Low-mass diffraction dissociation at the LHC L. Jenkovszky, O. Kuprash, J. Lamsa, V. Magas, and R,. Orava: Dual-Regge approach to high-energy, low-mass DD at the LHC, Phys. Rev. D83(2011)0566014; hep-ph/1-11.0664. L. Jenkovszky, O. Kuprash, J. Lamsa and R. Orava: hep-ph/11063299, Mod. Phys. Letters A. 26(2011) 1-9, August 2011.


22 Alternative (to the triple Regge) approach: Diffraction dissociation and DIS : G.A. Jaroszkiewicz and P.V. Landshoff, Phys. Rev. 10 (1974) 170; A. Donnachie, P.V. Landshoff, Nucl. Phys. B 244 (1984) 322.

23 R. Fiore {\it et al.} EPJ A 15 (2002) 505,hep-ph/0206027;. R. Fiore {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. D 68 (2004) 014004, hep-ph/0308178. JLA JLAB  LHC; γ  P; q^2  t









32 SD and DD cross sections

33 “Reggeized (dual) Breit-Wigner” formula:

34 SDD cross sections vs. energy. *Normalization to ~14 mb at 7 TeV.

35 Approximation of background to reference points (t=-0.05)

36 Approximation of background to reference points (t=-0.5)

37 B-slopes for SD B-slope for SD cross section vs. t for different M2 values

38 Double differential SD cross sections (left) Double differential SD cross sections as a functions of M2 for different t values, (right) Double differential SD cross sections as a function of t for different M2 values.

39 Single differential integrated SD cross sections

40 DDD cross sections vs. energy.

41 Integrated DD cross sections (left) Single differential SD cross sections as a functions of t integrated in different M1:M2 regions. (right) Double differential SD cross sections as a function M2 integrated in region [0.0: 1.0] of t. value.

42 Triple differential DD cross sections t = - 0.1 t = - 0.2 t = - 0.3

43 Open problems: 1. Interpolation in energy: from the Fermilab and ISR to the LHC; (Inclusion of non-leading contributions); 3. Deviation from a simple Pomeron pole model and breakdown of Regge-factorization; 4. Experimental studies of the exclusive channels (p+π,…) produced from the decay of resonances (N*, Roper?,,,) in the nearly forward direction. 5. Turn down of the cross section towards t=o?!

44 Prospects (future plans): central diffractive meson production (double Pomeron exchange)

45 L.L. Jenkovszky, O.E. Kuprash, J.W. Lãmsã, V.K. Magas, R. Orava, Dual-Regge Approach to High-Energy, Low-Mass Diffraction Dissociation, Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 056014: arXiv:1011.0664. Laszlo Jenkovszky, Oleg Kuprash, Jerry Lãmsã, Risto Orava, Mod. Phys. Lett. A26 (2011) 2029-2037; arXiv:1106.3299. Laszlo Jenkovszky, Oleg Kuprash, Risto Orava, Andrii Salii, Low missing mass, single- and double diffraction dissociation at the LHC, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 77 (2014) #12, 1463-1474, arXiv: 1211.5841.

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