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Introductory Physics. How we describe motion Speed – how fast something is moving Velocity – speed and direction Acceleration – change in velocity Acceleration.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Physics. How we describe motion Speed – how fast something is moving Velocity – speed and direction Acceleration – change in velocity Acceleration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Physics

2 How we describe motion Speed – how fast something is moving Velocity – speed and direction Acceleration – change in velocity Acceleration of Gravity – 9.8 m/s 2

3 How we describe motion Momentum – an object’s mass X velocity Force – required to change on object’s momentum Mass – amount of matter Weight – force measured by a scale, mass X gravity’s accel.

4 Free-Fall Free-fall – no resistance to slow you down Free-fall leads to being weightless Astronauts are in a constant state of free- fall – If you move fast enough, you can fall continually

5 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s First Law

6 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Second Law

7 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Second Law

8 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Third Law

9 Angular Momentum Similar to momentum, but moving in a circle L = m X v X r Angular momentum is conserved


11 Types of Energy Kinetic Energy – involves motion Radiative Energy – involves light Potential Energy – might later be converted to other forms of energy

12 Thermal Energy

13 Potential Energy

14 Gravitational Potential

15 Conservation Laws Conservation of momentum Conservation of angular momentum Conservation of energy

16 Force of Gravity

17 Newton’s Law vs. Kepler’s Law

18 Newton’s LawKepler’s Law Newton’s Kepler’s Law

19 Gravity, Energy and Orbits Orbital Energy

20 Gravity, Energy and Orbits Gravitational Encounter

21 Gravity, Energy and Orbits Escape Velocity

22 Tides Spring TidesNeap Tides

23 Tides

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