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1 Recruiting and Retaining Cub Scouts. Recruiting Growing Your Pack with New Scouts.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Recruiting and Retaining Cub Scouts. Recruiting Growing Your Pack with New Scouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Recruiting and Retaining Cub Scouts

2 Recruiting Growing Your Pack with New Scouts

3 Your Recruitment Toolbox Unit Recruiting Plan Cub Scout Recruiting Workshop Recruiting Calendar Recruiting Events and Registration Event Available Resources 3

4 Unit Recruiting Plan Plan should reflect your local community Fall Plan o Easier and best time of the year to recruit o School visits/communication and registration night o Community outreach o Do not limit your effort to just Tigers Spring Plan o Smaller, concentrated campaign 4

5 Building a Recruiting Plan

6 Cub Scout Recruiting Workshop Annual workshop to learn and share recruiting ideas, methods, and sign up for marketing materialsworkshop Recruiting Methods o School Based o Community Based Registration Night Council Marketing Materials Registration Night Sign-up with District Executive 6

7 Recruiting Calendar Calendar should reflect your unit’s plan General calendar for basic planningGeneral calendar Pack Recruiting Calendar 7

8 Building a Recruiting Calendar 2010-2011 Pack 552 Recruiting CalendarQ1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Activity JANFEB MARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC January - Present Pack Recruiting Plan 1/15 Begin working on Kindergarten contact list 2/12 Den Leader email - ask boys to invite friends 3/12 Kindergarten informational email - "please pass on" 4/16 Kindergarten invitation - Cub Cart Derby 5/14 Kindergarten reminder - Cub Cart Derby 5/21 Cub Cart Derby - June Pack Meeting – Recruit new Tiger Den 6/4 4th of July Parade (Fishing Derby in 2011) 7/4 Kindergarten invitation - Pool party & Open House 8/7 Pool Party 8/22 Open House signs up in school driveway 9/1 Ice Cream Social 9/? Kindergarten reminder - Open House 9/9 Open House 9/23 Rocket Derby - Reminder to recruit friends 9/26 Tiger Cub Den meeting #1 10/5 Tiger Cub Den meeting #2 (turn over to den leader) 10/19 Pack Meeting - Recognize Tigers & New Cubs 10/21 All Pack meetings – Ask boys to recruit their friends

9 Recruiting Events and Registration Event Recruiting School Visits Community Outreach Registration Night Plan for the evening Sign them up! 9


11 Available Resources Chief Seattle Website o Membership Resources Membership Resources National Resources o Marketing Materials Marketing Materials o Membership Membership BeAScout Unit Pin Management o Self help for families looking for a unit o check it out check it out 11

12 12 Put the Tools Together

13 Retain Keeping Your Pack Healthy

14 Your Retention Toolbox Program Communication Camping Opportunities Attitude Succession Plan 14

15 Program Fun Pack meetings Fun Den meetings o Program delivery methoddelivery 15

16 Communication Pack Calendar Emails from Den Leader Pack Announcements and Handouts Volunteer Involvement Technology o Pack Website o Microsoft Live or Google Group o Facebook 16

17 Camping Opportunities Pack Camping Event Summer Day Camp Residence Camp Mom and Me 17

18 Attitude “We are ALWAYS happy to see you!” Parent opportunity to spend one-on-one time with your son – no standing on the sidelines 18

19 Succession Plan Identify and personally invite parent to join as a volunteer Volunteer opportunity is a small identifiable task Opportunity to show your son how an entire community joins in raising a child 19

20 Recruit Retain Enjoy 20

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