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Presentation on theme: "Action West London. ACTION WEST LONDON MISSION ‘CHANGING LIVES THROUGH EMPLOYMENT+ EDUCATION + ENTERPRISE Jobs, Education, Training, Enterprise Turnover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action West London

2 ACTION WEST LONDON MISSION ‘CHANGING LIVES THROUGH EMPLOYMENT+ EDUCATION + ENTERPRISE Jobs, Education, Training, Enterprise Turnover between £850k- £1.25 million Reg. Charity; Ltd company; social enterprise (Social Enterprise Mark accreditation) 80% of income is from delivering public service contracts 2004—5 staff, 1 premise---developed over 12 years to 2016 ---17 staff -8 volunteers; 4 premises- plus outreach venues BUT facing severe financial challenges like everyone else today

3 3 key objectives 1.) EMPLOYMENT--Helping unemployed, disadvantaged individuals get JOBS and self employment 2) EDUCATION--Helping disadvantaged individuals get EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS 3)ENTERPRISE-- SUPPORT to start up businesses and social enterprises

4 EMPLOYMENT – helping disadvantaged individuals into employment Long term unemployed Refugees Offenders NEET young people Lone parents ‘Job ready’ black young men

5 How we get funding 1.Bid for contracts/tenders (DWP/SFA/London Councils, Europe ) 2.Bid to charitable Trusts (Big Lottery/ Trust for London etc) 3.Contracts with Boroughs- Hounslow and Ealing 4.INCOME GENERATION (social enterprise-Acton Market, Doughnut Factory Business Workspace etc) 5.In kind support - Free Time/expertise/Free training 6.Corporate support

6 PROBLEMS!! Funding strategy is too dependent on winning and delivering contracts Payment by Results very risky and ‘Margins’ very low due to need to sub contract to Prime contractors Commissioners asking for more ‘outputs’ for less money Drying up of funding due to austerity

7 Acton Market –social enterprise

8 Generating earned income Acton Street Market -4 days week x 50 weeks 20+ self employment opportunities for local community each day Scope to increase ASSETS--Doughnut Factory Business start up premises-generates rental income OTHER opportunities –e.g Recruitment agency

9 Challenges Will a Recruitment agency make money! Fierce competition from private sector What is the need? Resources needed to do business planning Market research-- -who are potential customers? Who will pay? Start up capital plus cash flow

10 ISSUES Go it alone --or with partners ? Problems providing ‘free’ recruitment service to employers (e.g. Work Programme) Then marketing ‘pay for’ recruitment service Lack of experience in running a Recruitment agency Need to identify ‘niche’ recruitment need

11 Action Recruitment Research -- Black young men 18-24 (at all educational levels) twice as likely to be unemployed as other young men Trust for London ‘Move on Up’ project AWL taking recruitment agency approach Recruiting black young men Engaging with Employers for vacancies


13 What’s in it for Employers? Increased pool of Talent Diverse work force can increase profitability Reflects positively on Employers links with community Provides Equal Opportunities Positive CSR and PR benefits New Government campaign

14 CONNECTING EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL HELP Share ideas and experience Will lead to

15 Here’s one example!!

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