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US HISTORY 19th Century Issues. 1. The Constitution 2. Dilemmas of the New Republic 3. „The peculiar institution”: Slavery 4. Territorial changes in the.

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Presentation on theme: "US HISTORY 19th Century Issues. 1. The Constitution 2. Dilemmas of the New Republic 3. „The peculiar institution”: Slavery 4. Territorial changes in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 US HISTORY 19th Century Issues

2 1. The Constitution 2. Dilemmas of the New Republic 3. „The peculiar institution”: Slavery 4. Territorial changes in the 19th century


4 Slavery “Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included in this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons.” (Constitution, Article I, 2.3)

5 The Northwest Ordinance (1787), Article 6: “There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted: Provided, always, that any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original states, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service aforesaid.”

6 The Missouri Compromise (1820)

7 The Compromise of 1850  The abolition of slave trade in DC  Admission of California as a free state  The confirmation of the fugitive slave law of 1790  Texas and New Mexico Act: organized New Mexico on the principle of popular sovereignty and fixed the border of the two states  New Mexico and Utah Act: popular sovereignty; their border established at the 37th parallel

8 Abolitionism and Anti-Slavery  Pennsylvanian Quakers  1817: American Colonization Society promoting the liberation of slaves  William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator in 1831  Split of the abolitionist movement:  Radical and moderate abolitionism  “anti-slavery, but not abolitionist”  Underground Railroad (Harriet Tubman )

9 Preludes to the Civil War  The rivalry between the North and the South for the terminus and the path of the future transcontinental railroad  The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) -> the Missouri Compromise invalidated  “Bleeding Kansas” – John Brown’s movement  1854: the foundation of the Republican Party  1857: the Dred Scott case  The Lincoln-Douglas debates in Illinois  1860 election: Lincoln wins -> split of Northern and Southern Democrats because of Douglas’s failure (the southern candidate, John Breckenridge supported in 11 southern states)

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