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Elizabeth Dole Hanford Group 3 96420422 王美月 Lisa 96420536 陳怡婷 Teresa 96420714 莊欣蓓 Betty.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth Dole Hanford Group 3 96420422 王美月 Lisa 96420536 陳怡婷 Teresa 96420714 莊欣蓓 Betty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth Dole Hanford Group 3 96420422 王美月 Lisa 96420536 陳怡婷 Teresa 96420714 莊欣蓓 Betty

2 Three Points Personal Background Content of Speech in 1996 The influence of the Elizabeth’s speech

3 Personal Background Born : July 29, 1936 (age 74) Residence: Salisbury North Carolina Spouse(s): Bob Dole (1975) Political party : Republican Children: Robin Dole (stepdaughter)

4 Education Background 1958 Duke University 1960 Harvard Graduate School of Education 1965 Harvard Law School

5 Political Careers 1983-1987 US Secretary of Transportation 1989-1990 US Secretary of Labor 1991-2000 President, American Red Cross 1999 US Presidential Election 2003-2009 United States Senator (North Carolina ) 2008 Unsuccessful Candidate for ReelectionUnsuccessful Candidate for Reelection

6 2008 Percentage of Votes Obtained

7 Speech to the Republican National Convention  Aug, 8, 1996  For her husband, Bob Dole  Bob Dole was a candidate for Presidency in 1996  Special speech style gorized/2008/06/20/elizabeth_dole_2.jpg

8 Bob Dole  Robert Joseph "Bob" Dole  born on July 22, 1923  attorney and politician  a member of the house of representatives(1961-1969) & Senate(1969-1996)  1976: Republican nominee for Vice President & 1996 for presidency

9 Content of Speech  Went down to audiences  Got hurt at a war of Italy --convalesced because his stamina  Doing many things on caring disadvantaged minority --foundation of the disabled Bob_Dole_CaP.html

10 Content of Speech Saved social security --led the US Senate to pass the largest tax cut --led the Senate to save Medicare, increase spending 62% e.html

11 Content of Speech  Quoted from some people --Diane Feinstein said: ”Bob dole’s word is his commitment and his commitment is a matter of honor and we often disagree on issues, but even when we disagree I know where I stand with Bob Dole and I know I can trust his word."

12 Content of Speech --Claude Pepper said: “You never lost hope and faith in our accomplishing the immeasurable task in saving Social Security. We could never have produced these results without your skill and sincerest desire to make a meaningful contribution.”

13 Video cvrYocR68&p=ED792A2954933997&pl aynext=1&index=4 cvrYocR68&p=ED792A2954933997&pl aynext=1&index=4

14 The influence of Elizabeth’s speech  Influence on Republican party Speech Inspired the Republican party members  Indirectly Influence on her future Speech made Elizabeth Dole nominated as the candidate of the vice president....Discussion in NBC Today Show………….

15 Inspiring the Republican party members

16 Influence on Elizabeth’s future

17 In the latest years She lost re-election bid to United States senator in 2008 joined the Gang of 20  A group for energy reform act  Purpose ─ to conserve energy

18 Conclusion Learn from Elizabeth’s speech….. 1. A good example for public speaking  know what the audience wants to listen to  Using an interactive speech “if the speech is like a dialogue, it will be remembered deeply.” 2. Helping herself to find her own stage “ Elizabeth helped to sell her husband maybe help herself, too.”

19 Quotes The host, BOB FAW, said : “the wife who would be first lady strutted her stuff for Bob Dole.” Current New York Times columnist, William Safire, said: “it's not something one expects from the potential first lady, so it was a surprise.” “This will be remembered not for what she said, but the fact that she got away from the barrier of the podium and walked to the crowd.”

20 References Elizabeth.html#ixzz0UEjMiFok fairs/v005/5.1anderson.html er AN=2W62W63936997273&lang=zh-tw&site=ehost-live m

21 References YocR68&p=ED792A2954933997&playn ext=1&index=4 D-0NG1s&feature=related

22 Q&A 1. What is her party? 2. Who is Elizabeth Dole’s husband? 3. When was this speech published? 4. Why did Elizabeth lose the re- election of the senator in 2008? 5. What is Elizabeth’s special speech style?


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