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Module 8.0: Selection Process for Effective Innovations DIT Installation Series Trainer Name Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 8.0: Selection Process for Effective Innovations DIT Installation Series Trainer Name Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 8.0: Selection Process for Effective Innovations DIT Installation Series Trainer Name Date

2 2 Pre-Reading: Prior to engaging in the second DIT Installation module please review the following : and any notes written in the Scoring Guide 1.Your district’s DCA baseline data for item 5 and any notes written in the Scoring Guide “The Hexagon Tool: Exploring Context” 2.Documents titled: “The Hexagon Tool: Exploring Context” Pre-Reading & Work

3 3 Pre-Readings and Pre-Work: Quick Reference

4 4 8.1Unpacking a Selection Process for Effective Innovations 8.2Developing a High-Quality Selection Process 8.3Revisiting Your MTSS Implementation Plan Agenda

5 5 8.1Unpacking a Selection Process for Effective Innovations

6 6 “Continual practice abandonment creates a perpetual cycle of frustration for educators and school / district leaders. The cycle of (1) selecting a new practice; (2) implementing the practice; and (3) abandoning the practice, impacts many people within the educational system. The end result of this cycle is educators becoming leery of change that will require them to adjust their practices; which means, more careful attention needs to be paid to how best to support people through the implementation process” (p. 1). Recall the Consensus White Paper

7 7 There is a systematic way to select Effective Innovations (EIs) It is critical you have a process to select EIs so resources (personnel, funds, etc.) can be allocated to effectively support people to implement the things that are best suited to improve outcomes A selection process will also help to develop staff consensus to implement EIs and to avoid false starts that will lead to EI abandonment Why a Process to Select Effective Innovations?

8 8 Why are Process to Select Effective Innovations? (cont.) As the DIT and schools begin to analyze data and engage in problem solving, questions will emerge regarding the effectiveness of selected curriculum materials and the quality of implementing those materials This may result in advocating for new curriculum materials (behavior and reading materials for tiers 1-3) or advocating for additional support to implement the existing materials better (with higher fidelity)

9 9 Decisions to purchase new curriculum materials and / or to allocate additional resources to support the implementation of materials should be based on a thoughtful review of essential components to determine if they are the best things to select to implement in order to achieve the desired results

10 10 Broad Factors to Consider for a Selection Process

11 11

12 12 Refer back to your baseline DCA data for item 5 to determine what your district already has in place for a written procedure to select EIs. Refer to the 2-point column of the DCA Scoring Guide to determine what should be added to enhance current procedure. Activity

13 13 8.2Developing a High Quality Selection Process

14 14 Example Process

15 15 Example Process Potterville Public Schools

16 16 Review the two examples of the EI Selection and Review Processes to determine what if any, elements could be used to develop your district’s process (or to enhance the process you already have in place). As a team, take moment to discuss whether you want to spend time now developing / refining your district’s selection & review process. If not, identify what next steps need to occur (who, when) to develop / refine your process. Add this to your action plan. Activity

17 17 8.3Revisiting Your MTSS Implementation Plan

18 18 Today’s Work: Capacity Objective

19 19 Today, you will develop your third objective: capacity objective You have an objective frame that also includes some guidance in developing a S.M.A.R.T. capacity objective Writing your Objectives

20 20 Based on what your team decided worked best for developing the two previous objectives, apply the same decision for developing the capacity objective for your MTSS Implementation Plan. Activity

21 21 Develop a draft of a formal procedure to select and review EIs for the DIT and other appropriate groups / teams, and administrators to review and provide feedback. Finalize the procedure and place it behind the appropriate tab in your DIT binder. Ensure everyone who needs to use it understands how to do so. Review its effectiveness after the first use and revise as needed so it achieves the desired outcomes. Develop your capacity objective for your MTSS Implementation Plan. Assignment

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