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Do Now Take out Worksheets from class yesterday Continue to work on them.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Take out Worksheets from class yesterday Continue to work on them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Take out Worksheets from class yesterday Continue to work on them

2 How can you convert a variable situation into an equation?

3 Let’s Review A variable is a letter or symbol that represents an unknown number. x = Lisa’s pencils y = total pens and pencils Lisa has Δ = bags of chips

4 Core Lesson Your class is going on a trip to the state fair. The trip costs $52. Included in that price is $11 for a concert ticket and the cost of 2 passes, one for the rides and one for the games. Each of the passes cost the same price. Write an equation representing the cost of the trip.

5 To write an equation: 1. Identify the variables & the constant 2. Identify the relationship among the variables and the constant 3. Use these relationships to build an equation

6 Your class is going on a trip to the state fair. The trip costs $52. Included in that price is $11 for a concert ticket and the cost of 2 passes, one for the rides and one for the games. Each of the passes cost the same price. What don’t we know? The cost of each pass! Let x = cost of each pass What do we know? The price of concert ticket! The constant is 11.

7 Your class is going on a trip to the state fair. The trip costs $52. Included in that price is $11 for a concert ticket and the cost of 2 passes, one for the rides and one for the games. Each of the passes cost the same price. 2x + 11 = 52 Relationship between variable & constant: Combine them to equal the cost of the trip!

8 Guided Practice Amy has $26 to spend on school supplies. After buying a notebook for $3.50 and 8 pens of equal cost, she had $16.18 left. Write an equation representing the money Amy spent.

9 David purchased three shirts that cost an equal price as well as a hat for $15. If he spent $47.50 shopping, write an equation that represents the situation. Tiffany withdrew three equal amounts then deposited $13 during the week. At the end of the week her bank account had $56.70. Write an equation to represent Tiffany’s bank account.

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