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Accelerator summary M. Biagini for the SuperB Accelerator Team SuperB III Collaboration Meeting LNF, March 20-23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerator summary M. Biagini for the SuperB Accelerator Team SuperB III Collaboration Meeting LNF, March 20-23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerator summary M. Biagini for the SuperB Accelerator Team SuperB III Collaboration Meeting LNF, March 20-23, 2012

2 Accelerator status A cost estimate of the accelerator, based on the «blue book» parameters (Dec. 2010) needs to be ready by July This meeting was essentially devoted to the organization of the team and discussions on costing Lattice issues have also been addressed in order to be able to freeze it by summer Most of the accelerator subsystems leaders have been identified and are starting the cost estimate

3 SuperB footprint @ Tor Vergata for the V16 Circumference= 1195 m LER tilted wrt HER (about 3 mrad) 5 Photon lines for HER 6 Photon lines for LER Tomassini

4 4 Main Rings Lattice Work on the finalization of the lattice is proceeding We have set up a list of topics to address BINP will help a lot by devoting at least 3 people for 4-6 weeks (to be agreed with Cabibbo Lab for funding) Main decisions taken at this meeting:  we fix V16, that at present is the most complete lattice  we leave the IDs cells as they are (3m space for ID) without optimization  we leave the tilt at the IP to simplify the layout and ease the injection lines  we delay the work on the low energy lattice to concentrate on the baseline one

5 LER & HER rings Spin Rotator FF 3 ID cells Injection section RF section IP Circumference 1195 m Horizontal separation of arc ~2 m Vertical separation of RF section 0.9 m Dimension sizes of rings 416 m x 342 m Siniatkyn

6 6 Scheme of ring separation α tilt =2.6 mrad Vertical separation 0.9 m Siniatkyn

7 Dynamic Aperture Dynamic aperture with the crab sextupoles and errors is the top priority We need some effort to understand how to overcome the limitations coming from the fringing fields and nonlinearities in the FF We have the tools (tracking, analytic, FMA) to do it Studies at DA  NE will help

8 Low energy option Choice of the beam energies:  Boost desired by detector group is 0.5  LER energy cannot be too low because of instabilities and lifetimes

9 Polarization With present lattice max polarization in the ring 70% (assuming gun has P=80%) Injection of fresh bunches (full bunch current) can increase P but this increases the requests on the injection system In any case no more than 75% can be achieved even with V12 Polarized guns with 90% polarization could be found (Russia, Japan) We need to complete a spin tracking with beam-beam We will have detailed discussions between polarization experts and lattice/injection experts to try to fix this

10 SuperB injector options IPAC11 – Sep 2011 CDR - Dec 2010 e- beam quality at the beginning of the Linac defined by the damping ring 50 Hz S-band Linac e- beam quality at the beginning of the Linac defined by the polarised gun 100 Hz S-band Linac (options to have it C-band)

11 Injection system decisions A Baseline configuration of the injection system has been selected to be the basis for the cost estimate We have chosen simple and well tested solutions that do not require further R&D and are available on the market The scheme is flexible enough to allow for the introduction of alternative solutions that can improve performances or reduce costs once their feasibility is proven We will study the possibility to use the high energy Linac to produce electron pulses for an XFEL in a time sharing configuration that does not affect the SuperB injection rate Boni, Guiducci, Variola

12 Injection system Baseline configuration Both e + and e - are stored in the DR as in the layout presented in the “blue book” (2010) All the 3 linac sections are based on S-band, SLAC type, accelerating sections with SLED systems The electron energy at the positron converter will be evaluated to get the required charge with 5 bunches per pulse The basic module for cost evaluation consists of the sections that are powered by one klystron station The waveguides will be estimated assuming that the klystron gallery is adjacent to the linac tunnel with 2.5 m concrete shielding For each accelerating section we assume to have 1 quadrupole (FODO lattice), 1 BPM and 1 orbit corrector Pre-alignment tolerances: 0.8 mm for the sections, 0.12 mm for the quadrupoles Boni, Guiducci, Variola

13 SuperB as SASE XFEL source Possibility to use the 6 GeV Linac for a SASE XFEL rather than SR beamlines from MR is appealing for the possibility to have a time sharing that does not compromize collisions Discussion with experts from SPARCLAB was very fruitful Found a way of operation that can satisfy both the collider and the FEL 3 documents to be produced asap:  CDR of the time-shared FEL operation in the superb LINAC  CDR of the FEL (baseline parameters and performances)  CDR of the source for the FEL (baseline parameters and performances)

14 X-rays FELs FLASH47-6.5 nm1 GeVSC L-band1MHz (5Hz)SASE/sFLASH FERMI40-4 nm1.2 GeV S-band50 Hzseeded HGHG SPARX40-3 nm1.5 GeV S-C-band100 HzSASE/seeded Wisconsin1 nm2.2 GeVSC/CW L-band1 MHzseeded HHG LBNL100-1 nm2.5 GeVSC/CW L-band1 MHzseeded MAX-LAB5-1 nm3.0 GeV S-band>100 HzSASE/seeded Shanghai10 nm0.8-1.3 GeV S-band10 Hzseeded HGHG NLS20-1 nm2.2 GeVSC/CW L-band1-1000 kHzseeded HHG LCLS0.15 nm14 GeVS-band120 HzSASE/ss SACLA0.1 nm8 GeVC-band60 HzSASE XFEL0.1 nm17.5 GeVSC L-bandCW (10 Hz)SASE/ss Swiss-FEL0.1 nm5.8 GeVC-band100 HzSASE Pohang0.06 nm10 GevS-C-band60 HzSASE Swiss-FEL10 nm2.1 GeV C-band100 HzSASE/seeded LCLS-II4 nm4 GeVS-band120 Hzseeded wavelength LINAC energy RF technology rep. rateFEL type Bartolini

15 Shared time between FEL and SuperB injection SuperB, LNF 3/20/1215 DR FEL 10 ms FEL 10 ms 10 ms? S. Guiducci Injection rate 25÷30 Hz for each beam: electron injection positron injection FEL beam 10 ms? Guiducci

16 Costing For costing we started to look at the requirements of the technical systems Preliminary considerations on:  Cryogenics  Electricity  Site  Vacuum

17 Cryogenics Cryogenic plant @ 4.2/1.9 K needed for:  detector, 4.5 K, 1.5 T, 4600 A, cooling power 50 W  2 IR doublets + antisolenoids, 1.9 K, 2 cryostats  4 SC solenoids for Spin Rot, 100m far from IP, best to use cryogen-free refrigerators Ligi SLAC 20 years old ? Needs collaboration with the detector integration team Not available anymore!

18 Power plant Very preliminary and incomplete estimate of the electrical power needed exceeds 50 MW Detailed list of power needs in progress Need 4 years to have permissions and build a new electrical line (20 Km)  start asap During construction the power available will be adequate Ricci

19 Reuse of US electrical devices: opportunities and problems 16 HVPS - 2,5 MW Vn: 12,5 kV @60 Hz Option: 1) Use as it is, accepting derating of 20% in power and higher ripple  non standard distribution system (10,4 kV) for about 25 MW to be evaluated 2) Re-winding transformers (not easy) - Poor in power factor  MV reactive power compensating - Low order harmonics to be compensated 11 June 2016 Ricci Need team

20 Site Ground measurements show good properties of the site for vibrations Measured vibrations below the calculates vibration budget for FF and arcs Layout of injection system tangent to the long straight opposite to IP seems feasible Space for undulators and experimental halls at the end of Linac is >200 m Needs design of the injection line into MR  soon Tomassini

21 Vacuum Preliminary estimation of the vacuum system for the MR Key decisions to be taken on pipe materials, number and type of pumps, coating of the HER beam pipe A larger vacuum chamber cross section is probably needed to house a 300 l/m distributed pump and to have a bigger conductance in order to reduce the number of lumped pumps Particular care to evaluate pipe impedance (a larger cross section helps too) Prototyping is mandatory for distributed pumping and cooling studying Clozza

22 MR Magnets Magnets Committee, appointed in February, met twice to discuss on costing methodology and first estimates Started the analisys of the magnetic system needed and available form PEP-II and the evaluation of the BINP proposal There are two independent cost estimates on the basis of the latest V16 lattice, both very similar, to be discussed with BINP experts soon Key issue is the magnets aperture  100 mm is preferable for vacuum and impedance, but it is difficult to design some of the stronger gradient quadrupoles (20-30 T/m)  actions on lattice can be taken to decrease these gradients (longer quads) Fabbricatore Sanelli

23 Independent costing study at LAL Variola Identified two mains fields for a substantial contribution:  Injector accelerating modules  Vacuum systems In agreement with the LAL direction and the LAL SuperB coordinator a team of two expert engineers per field was selected to start this process A meeting to establish a strategy on how to have a cost exercise without some fundamental informations - like the chosen technology, design and the modules integration - organized Defined a process flow chart A fast ‘reasonable’ scenario established

24 Project management LHC experience has developed useful tools which we can use for SuperB planning:  Define the project  Report the progresses  Monitor the project execution We will definitely profit of these tools Bonnal Daudin Lari

25 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Management Tools at CERN EDMS Engineering Data Management System Project Costing APT (evm) Activity Planning Tool Impact Intervention Management Planning & Activity Coordination Tool Indico EDH Electronic Data Handling CET CERN expenditures tracking … Project General

26 DA  NE DA  NE, as a test bench of the crab waist scheme, is an essential partner of the SuperB project Past run has shown that the scheme works very well without solenoidal fields in the IR All efforts will be put in understanding the collisions with the KLOE detector, in order to prove that this configuration does not compromise the performances of crab waist collisions

27 Conclusions I Organization of the accelerator structure is progressing: most of the accelerator subsystems leaders have been identified in order to start cost estimate Most important issues to solve in the next months for baseline lattice decision have been identified Two committees are in charge of evaluating BINP offers for magnets, vacuum and Linac We have taken important decisions on the injection system Work on technical systems (cryogenics, power plant, vacuum) started Option of a SASE XFEL with SuperB Linac is under study Project management can profit from LHC experience and tools for SuperB 27

28 Conclusions II This has been an extremely GOOD meeting, a big step forward the completion of the accelerator desin work We will have soon an accelerator leader to guide us (this is probably my last talk…) We will have a meeting with A. Seryi (JAI, UK) on April 3-4 to define the collaboration with UK I wish to thank Walter who has been able in a short time to point us to few essential issues that need immediate action, and Eugene who is supporting us with all his team of experts We (I) feel much more confident now

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