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MARTEC - Maritime Technologies Funded by the European Commission, 6 th Framework Programme EUROMAR-BRIDGES Conference, Gdansk, 30 th May 2008 Ralf Fiedler.

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Presentation on theme: "MARTEC - Maritime Technologies Funded by the European Commission, 6 th Framework Programme EUROMAR-BRIDGES Conference, Gdansk, 30 th May 2008 Ralf Fiedler."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARTEC - Maritime Technologies Funded by the European Commission, 6 th Framework Programme EUROMAR-BRIDGES Conference, Gdansk, 30 th May 2008 Ralf Fiedler

2 Research Center Jülich is one of the 15 Helmholtz Research Centres in Germany (staff around 4.400) PtJ is a largely independent unit within the Research Centre Jülich (staff around 340) Offices in Jülich, Berlin and Rostock-Warnemünde 8 divisions (one of which is MGS – Marine, Polar- and Geosciences, Shipping and Marine Technology - staff around 30 at Rostock-Warnemünde and Berlin) Central Management, Planning and Controlling BMBF/BMWi Funding Information Centre About Project Management Organisation Jülich - PtJ

3 ERANET - European Research Area NETwork Community of programme owner and programme manager Coordination and funding of research activities (Member/Associated States) Opening of national and regional research programmes

4 ERANETs related to MARTEC AMPERA –Marine Pollution CRUE –Flood Management EUROPOLAR –Polar Research EU-SEC– Security FENCO –Energy Research HY-CO– Alternative Energy INNER–Innovative Energy Research MARIFISH–Marine Fisheries Research MARINERA – Marine Science and Technology TRANSPORT – Transport Systems

5 Funding schemes for international projects Funding Instruments CallEvaluationFinal assessment Funding National Programmes national EUREKAno direct call no direct evaluation EUREKA labelnational MARTECcommon call nationalcommon rankingnational MARTEC IIcommon call common evaluation/assessmentnational ERANET plus or art. 169 common call common evaluation/assessmentcommon (virtual) pot FP7common call common evaluation/assessmentcommon pot

6 MARTEC – Maritime Technologies - Network of Funding Agencies - Duration 01.06.2006 – 31.12.2010 Budget 2 Mio. € Partners PtJ, BMWi, RCN, MEEDDAT, CETMEF, AFMI, Tekes, INNOVAMAR, DMA, MinEZ, NCBiR Observers DTI, SMA, SDG, OSEO Countries Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Spain, UK, Sweden, Romania Project Website http://www.martec-era.net

7 MARTEC – Strategic Objectives Analyse national research programmes Compare management procedures Suggest ways of removing administrative barriers Establish a sustainable network of key funding organisations Establish structures for future maritime technological research funding Define topics for future research activities and calls

8 Work Packages Work package title LeaderDurationEndDelive- rables 1Information exchange PtJ18 month30.11.073 2Strategic activities CETMEF14 month30.11.074 3Joint activitiesRCN28 month31.12.107 4Trans-national R&D activities INNOVARMAR31 month31.12.103 5Project Network Co- ordination PtJ55 month31.12.105

9 MARTEC – Management structures

10 MARTEC – Partners and observers

11 MARTEC partnership 2008 compared to CESA member countries 11 European countries 14 European countries

12 Possible future MARTEC partner countries, identified in WP1 CountryMaritime Programme Attempts to contact in 2007 BulgariayesNational Science Fund – Bulgaria Ministry of Education and Science CroatiayesDirectorate for Science Research Programs and Projects Department GreeceOperational programme for competitiveness Ministry of Development, Secretariat General for Research and Technology ItalyNational industrial research programme in the area of shipbuilding Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport Portugalpart of a general programme Ministry of Science and Technology RomaniaPart of “Excellency in Research” programme Romanian Ministry of Education and Research Russiapart of a general programme Russian Ministry of Education and Science SwedenSafety at seaSwedish Maritime Administration Turkeyno informationMinistry of Transport

13 MARTEC – Priority areas

14 Priority AreasSub areas Shipbuilding new ship types, ship design, ship constructions, production technology, production processes, ship hydrodynamics, ship materials Maritime equipment and services maritime equipment and services including ship systems and ICT Ship operation ship safety and security, shipping services, traffic management Human elements training aspects, education, marine engineering Inland water transport shipbuilding, shipping, equipment and services, human elements Intermodal transport ICT, technical improvements Offshore industry offshore technology (e.g. design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of offshore structures for oil and gas production) Offshore structures for ren. energy wind, waves, tides, currents Port operation security systems, ship manoeuvring, cargo handling systems, waste facilities Fishing/aquaculture Environmental impact anti fouling, ballast water, waste management, wash waves, noise, emission to air Polar technology ice technology and operation of ships and offshore structures

15 National Research Programmes CountryMaritimeName of programme GermanyYesShipping & Maritime Technology for the 21st Century PolandNoNational Framework Programme NorwayYesMaritime activities and Offshore Operations (MAROFF) FranceNoProgramme de Recherche et d’innovation dans les transports terrestres (PREDIT) SpainNoNational Plan for R&D/PROFIT Programme DenmarkNo/YesStrategic Research Programme Innovation Consortia Danish Maritime Trust Fund FinlandYesMERIKE - Technology Programme for the Finish marine industry NetherlandsYesMaritime Innovation Programme UKNoTechnology Strategy

16 National Research Programmes Maritime programmes General programmes

17 National Maritime Programmes * Budget for the whole national programme, not just for maritime CountryMaritime Programme Duration Budget 2007 Calls year Programme Owner Programme Manager GermanyShipping 21st 2005 – 201021 Mio. €openBMWiPtJ FinlandMERIKE2003 – 20075 Mio. €openTekesAFMI FrancePREDIT2002 – 200750 Mio. €*oneMTETMADEME, OSEO NorwayMAROFF2002 – 200911 Mio. €twoRCN PolandTechnologyopen since 2005 21 Mio. €*not fixed MSHE SpainPROFIT2004 – 200767 Mio. €*oneMEC, MITyCINNOVAMAR Denmark Innovation Consortia open since 1995 17 Mio. €*twoDMA Strategic Research open45 Mio. €*one or two DCSRProgramme committees Danish Maritime Trust Fund open since 2006 9 Mio. €openPrivate NetherlandsNewplan 2007- -MinEZSenterNovem UKTechnology2005 - 2008120 Mio. €*twoDTI

18 MARTEC – Web page

19 MARTEC – Programme information

20 MARTEC Next Steps Discussion on common maritime programme Database – National Programmes (open to public) Database – Maritime Projects (user access: national 2008 + FP7) Future calls Stakeholders database of new member countries

21 Database – National Programmes Programme name Year of programme start Year of programme end Next programme update Number of calls per year Dates of call deadlines Project information List of completed projects Funded R&D projects Funded disciplines Funded institutions Annual programme budget Funding type Funded cost items Lowest funding rate Highest funding rate Further information Programme owner Name of institute Website Contact address Brochures Further information Programme manager Name of institute Website Contact address Brochures Further information

22 Database – Maritime Projects Project title: Project acronym: Project coordinator: Project duration: Programme: Programme owner: Programme manager: Participating organisations full name: Project description: Keywords: Project website: Maritime area: Final report:

23 Stakeholders database of new member countries Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia

24 MARTEC Pilot Call

25 Pilot Call – Minimum Rules 8 open priority areas Minimum 2 industrial partners from 2 partner countries Common call National evaluation of draft proposals International assessment of full proposals (ranking) National funding

26 Evaluation Criteria CRITERIADEPLNOFRESDKFITOTAL Relevance to the programme333333321 Innovative potential333333321 Scientific and technical quality of proposal 332333320 Relevance to industrial application 33333318 Potential of applicant/team13233315 International competitiveness323311 Viability of the project11311310 Profitability21339 Internationality123118

27 Time Table for Pilot Call Pilot CallTime Table Remarks Partner search from 18.07.07 MARTEC web page MARTEC call closed 31.01.08 draft proposals Nat. evaluation 01.02. - 29.02.08national rules Decision 11.03.08BPM meeting, draft proposals Full proposals01.04. - 31.05.08applicants Int. evaluation01.06. - 31.07.08MARTEC criteria RankingAugust 2008scoring Decision 30.09.2008SC meeting, full proposals Negotiations01.10. - 31.12.08national rules Earliest start 01.01.09national funding

28 MARTEC Pilot Call Results Before national evaluation After national evaluation Number of proposals1510 Number of applicants63 (59 different)45 (44 different) Total budget19,5 Mio. €15,7 Mio. € Requested funding (total)14,0 Mio. €11,3 Mio. € Minimum requested funding (per pre-proposal) 300.000 €530.000 € Maximum requested funding (per pre-proposal) 3 Mio. € Average requested funding (per pre-proposal) 0,95 Mio. € 1 Mio. €

29 MARTEC Calls Time Table20082009 (proposed) Submission (pre-proposal)31.01.none National Evaluation (pre-proposal)29.02.none Decision (pre-proposal)11.03.none Submission (full proposal)30.05. Int. Evaluation (full proposal)June, July Ranking, nat. documents (full proposal)August Funding Decision (full proposal)September Earliest Start of ProjectsJan. 2009Jan. 2010

30 MARTEC – Further Information Dr. Ralf Fiedler Research Centre Juelich GmbH Project Management Organisation Juelich (PtJ) Division MGS Seestr. 15 D-18119 Rostock, Germany Phone: +49 (0)381 5197 282 Fax: +49 (0)381 51509 e-Mail:

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