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Published byNoel Greer Modified over 8 years ago
2 Outline of Presentation Introduction: Brief on NBS NBS Mandate NBS Achievements Data Collection: Practices and Experiences in NBS NISH Approach NISE Approach SAS Approach Some NBS Publications New Initiatives and Challenges of Data Collection in NBS Conclusion
1. Introduction Brief on National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) The NBS was re-established by the Nigerian Statistics Act in 2007 as the apex National Statistics Office (NSO) Through a Statistical Master Plan (SMP), the NBS evolves a statistical development strategy aimed at strengthening the National Statistical System (NSS) It is the main and only autonomous public agency responsible to the Presidency for the development and management of official statistics in Nigeria NBS has a Governing Board and operational offices in the 36 States of the Federation and Federal Capital Territory, Abuja NBS also has operational zonal offices in the six geo-political zones of Nigeria It has seven (7) technical Departments and three (3) special professional units all with a staff strength of over 4,000
2. Mandate NBS Mandate To co-ordinate the National Statistical System (NSS) To advise the Federal, States and Local Governments on all matters related to statistical development To develop and promote use of statistical standards and appropriate methodologies in the system To collect, compile, analyze, interpret, publish and disseminate statistical information alone or in collaboration with other agencies both governmental and non-governmental To develop and maintain a comprehensive National Data Bank (NDB) by encouraging statistical units of line Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to develop their sectoral data banks and forward same to the Bureau To provide a focal point of contact with international agencies on statistical matters; and To carry out all other functions relating to statistics, as the Federal Government may assign to the Bureau
3. Achievements NBS Achievements The State Statistical Agencies (SSA) were strengthened through capacity building programmes in: o Information Communication Technology (ICT); o Statistical Analysis Techniques; o Survey Methodology; o Survey Design and Operations; o VSAT Operation and Management; and o Use of SPSS software package for data analysis Designed and produced e-template for National Statistical Year Book and a web-driven data capture system for sector-based statistics Executed and coordinates the NBS/SSAs VPN/Broad Band internet connectivity of 23 out of the 36 states of the Federal Statistical Agencies (FSA) to ease communication and enhance seamless flow of information within the NSS Plans to assign officers to all MDAs, Research Institutes and SSAs for better monitoring and coordination Trained personnel of MDAs at the federal level in ICT web enabled programmes to assist in the free flow of data from the MDAs and SSAs throughout the Federation
3. Achievements NBS Achievements All the NBS zonal offices in the six geo-political zones of the country were linked to the National Data Centre at the Corporate Headquarters in Abuja Organized advocacy workshops for journalists to increase statistical awareness amongst the media and the general public Holds press briefing before any survey results are released to the public Successfully executed and completed the Statistical Master Plan (SMP) and ushered in the National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) in the last quarter of 2010 Implemented the operation of the Statistical Year Book (SYB) templates in 2010 to ensure uniformity in the production of statistics in the Nigeria Statistical System. The template aims to capture socio-economic data by sector/ward in all the 36 states of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Produced Compendium of Statistical Terms (CST) for MDAs with detailed concepts, definitions and methodology for the production and management of Administrative Statistics in all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The compendium covers all socio-economic statistics about Nigeria and its content is presently used to construct the National Socio-Economic Database (NSED) for the ware-housing of sector statistics Through the able leadership of the Statistician-General of the Federation and continued assistance of donor agencies the above mentioned achievements were made possible
4. Data Collection: Practices and Experiences in NBS Mode of Data Collection in NBS The data collection stage is very important in the statistical production process as the quality and accuracy of any data depends to a large extent to what happens in this stage. Also, data collection methods or procedures represent the steps to be taken in producing required data in any survey. The key factors in deciding an enumeration procedure are: Type of information required or needed The level of details required The desired unit(s) of analysis The stage of development of the country and Nature and dispersion of the population In NBS, the following methods or combination of methods are used for data gathering: Face-to-face interview Self-enumeration (delivered/returned by hand or mail) Direct observation and measurement More recently, use of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for Prices Statistics and CAPI machines for Panel Data NBS implements data collection through the following approaches: National Integrated Survey of Household (NISH) for all household-based inquiries National Integrated Survey of Establishment (NISE) for all establishment-based inquiries System of Administrative Statistics (SAS) for all administrative-based inquires
5. NISH Approach National Integrated Survey of Household (NISH) All household-based socio-economic surveys are channeled through NISH. It is integrated because at the beginning of every year (March) listing of households are conducted in all sampled Enumeration Areas (EAs). An up-to-date Master Sample EA from the last census form the frame from which enquiries are carried out. Sub-samples are sometimes taken depending on the objective of the enquiry. The following surveys are conducted through this medium: NBS/CBN/NCC Collaborative Survey on Socio-Economic activities conducted yearly Labour Force Rapid Assessment Survey conducted yearly National Survey on Exportable Commodities conducted yearly National Food Security Survey conducted on ad-hoc basis National Baseline Survey on Persons With Disabilities conducted on ad-hoc basis Harmonized Nigeria Living Standard Survey conducted every 5 years National Manpower Stock and Employment Generation Survey conducted every 5 years National Rice Survey conducted on ad-hoc basis Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted every 5 years Core Welfare Indicators Survey (CWIQ) conducted every 5 years
6. NISE Approach National Integrated Survey of Establishments (NISE) All establishment-based surveys are channeled through NISE. It is also integrated because at the beginning of every 5 years (November) listing of establishments are conducted in all the states of the Federation. The listed Establishments in the country form the frame. Again, depending on the objective of the enquiry, group of establishments by sectors are sampled for this purpose. The following surveys are conducted through this medium: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) conducted Quarterly Prices Collection conducted monthly NBS/SMEDAN Survey on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises conducted yearly
7. SAS Approach System of Administrative Statistics (SAS) All secondary data collected from other public or private agencies are put together and analyzed for use through this system. It is a system because all Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the Nigeria Statistical System. The following are conducted through this medium: Foreign Trade Statistics conducted yearly Crime Statistics conducted yearly Tourism Statistics conducted yearly Environmental Statistics conducted on ad-hoc basis Energy Statistics conducted on ad-hoc basis Public Sector Accounts conducted yearly
8. Publications Some NBS Publications Usually at the end of every survey, the results of such survey are published. Over the years, NBS have developed some basic publications and in addition a net portal,, where these could be accessed. The following are some published reports from surveys available in NBS: GDP Estimates at Current and Constant Prices Sectoral Distribution and Growth at Constant Prices GDP Estimates, Cost Components and Gross Value Added By Kind of Economic Activity Expenditure GDP Gender Statistics Newsletter – Quarterly NBS/CBN/NCC SAS Report Annual Report On Women and Men in Nigeria GHS - Panel (Agric) Report Annual Abstract of Statistics Digest of Statistics Facts and Figures About Nigeria Nigerian Statistical Year Book Nigerian Statistics Pocket Book Nigeria In Figures Consumer Price Indices, Inflation Rate & Retail Price Series – Monthly Producer Price Indices, Inflation Rate & Producer Price Series – Quarterly Import and Export Data – Quarterly Export Index – Quarterly Import Index - Quarterly
8. Publications Some Other NBS Publications The following are some other reports published from surveys available in NBS: Terms of Trade – Quarterly Review of Economic Performance Fact Sheet on Social-Economic Indicators Social Statistics in Nigeria Nigeria Trade Summary National Accounts of Nigeria (1981-2006) Consumption Pattern in Nigeria Retail Prices of Selected Items (1997-2006) Poverty Profile of Nigeria Gender and Poverty Monitoring Nigeria Poverty Assessment 2007 The Middle Class in Nigeria Analysis of Profile, Determinants and Characteristics (1980-2007) Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire Survey Report Agricultural Survey Report (1994/95-2005/06) Quick National Employment Generation Survey Design and Production of National Register of Market Outlets Inventory of Forestry Products in Nigeria Retail Prices of Selected Materials/Hire-Rate Hour of Plant, Machinery and Equipment/Wage Of Workers in Building and Construction Algorithm for Costing Road Transportation Within Local Government Areas of Nigeria 2007 Review of External Trade (1987-2006) Directory of Nursery School Institutions in Nigeria 2007 Women and Men in Nigeria Facts and Figures 2001-2006 Directory of Primary Schools in Nigeria (National Summary) 2008
8. Publications Some Other NBS Publications The following are some other reports published from surveys available in NBS: Directory of Primary Schools By Each Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria 2008 Directory of Tertiary/Research Institutions in Nigeria 2008 Compendium of Statistical Terms, Concepts and Definitions and Methodologies for Data Production and Management in Nigeria Compendium of Statistical Terms By The 30 Sub-Divisions in the Main Compendium The Directory of Health Establishments in Nigeria 2007 Training Needs and Assessment Survey and Three Year Training Plan for NBS Proceedings of The First Bi-Annual Meeting of Federal Agencies’ Consultative Committee on Statistics (FACCS) 2006 Proceedings of The 5 th Meeting of Directors of Planning, Research & Statistics Departments (PRSDs) of Federal Ministries Statistical Master Plan for Strengthening the National Statistical System in Nigeria (2004/05-2008/09) State Statistical Master Plan for Strengthening Statistics At Sub-National (State level) Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey Foreign Trade Labour Force Sample Survey The Development and Harmonization of Social Research Indicators in Nigeria.
9. Challenges New Initiatives and Challenges of Data Collection in NBS Presently, there are plans to harmonize all socio-economic surveys and develop a single survey instrument that will collect all possible data needs all at once thus removing both interviewers’ and respondents’ burden. Special data gaps and needs can be met only by request. There are plans also to totally move away from using paper questionnaires in conducting interviews. Thus Personal Digital Assistant s (PDAs) are currently used to collect retails prices Global Positioning System (GPS) are currently used in Agriculture Surveys Computer Assisted Programming Interface (CAPI) machines are currently used in Panel Survey These great moves has revolutionized data collection and improved the accuracy of the data gathered Statistical advocacy seminars are being organized for major producers and users of statistics in Nigeria to encourage more collaboration in data production, and more use of statistical data by individuals, planners and policy makers. The following are some challenges the Bureau faces in carrying out data collection: Poor culture of good record keeping resulting in poor responses Inadequate funding of data production Poor executive commitment Poor attitude towards data collection Poor road networks making it very difficult to reach some sampled areas Difficult terrain experienced in some part of the country
10. Conclusion – The Way Forward It is my belief that what we need most to improve data collection in Africa is advocacy in the area of trust and data use. There is the need also to develop trust between the users and producers of data The moment individuals, policy makers in governments, and corporate bodies begin to refer to statistical data before taking decisions all other problems and issues that are associated with data collection would be drastically removed.
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