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Inquiry on the State of Evaluation Practice, Experience, and Use in Kenya Evaluation 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA Douglas Grane, Doctoral Candidate, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry on the State of Evaluation Practice, Experience, and Use in Kenya Evaluation 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA Douglas Grane, Doctoral Candidate, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry on the State of Evaluation Practice, Experience, and Use in Kenya Evaluation 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA Douglas Grane, Doctoral Candidate, University of Iowa, Karen Odhiambo PhD, Lecturer, University of Nairobi,

2 Why Kenya? Captures Global, National, and Local Evaluation perspectives in developing regions – Regional Donor Footprint and Anchor State – Shares Common Characteristics with countries in the Global South – Unique local perspectives from national evaluation network

3 What we did? Interviewed 17 evaluators in Kenya Transcribed Interviews Analyzed transcripts for common themes – Kenyan perspectives and experience – Global and regional influences – Uses and What U.S. colleagues should know

4 Evaluation Conceptual Paradigm in Kenya


6 Professionalization and Training

7 CF:Major Thematic Areas for Evaluators HIV/AIDS School based evalua tion~ Gender and evaluation Environment and Evaluation National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) Major Thematic Areas for Evaluators




11 What Kenyan M & E Professionals would like U.S. Colleagues to Know

12 What’s missing from our inquiry? Local Experiences Recent Political Changes in Kenya – 2007-2008 Election Crisis – 2010 New Constitution Project specific case studies

13 Next Steps Contextualize the global processes, national policies and politics, and local experiences shaping evaluations Examine integration of M & E into the Kenyan public sector in current political climate Capture local stakeholder experiences concerning purposes of development M & E

14 References Bamberger, Michael. 2000. "The Evaluation of International Development Programs: A View from the Front." American Journal of Evaluation 21(1):95-102. Patton, Michael Q. 2008. Utilization-Focused Evaluation / Michael Quinn Patton. Vol. 4th ed.Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications. Scriven, M. 2008. "A Summative Evaluation of RCT Methodology: & an Alternative Approach to Causal Research." Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation 5(9):14. Scriven, Michael. 1991. Evaluation Thesaurus / Michael Scriven. Vol. 4th ed.Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications. White, H. 2010. "A Contribution to Current Debates in Impact Evaluation." Evaluation 16(2):153.

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