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Chapter 14.4 Encounters w/ East Asia

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1 Chapter 14.4 Encounters w/ East Asia
Portuguese reach China from Malacca in 1514. Chinese see them (all foreigners) as barbarians. Portuguese are impressed w/ China.

2 Describe 2 examples of good news in your life recently.
Focus Q: Jan. 21 Describe 2 examples of good news in your life recently.

3 What you’ll learn…….. Why…………. Some Chinese limit trade w/ Europeans. Korea will isolate itself. Japanese attitudes about trade change over time. What is the potential cost to opening your borders to trade? NAFTA? What is the big deal w/trade anyway?

4 Europeans in Ming China
Portuguese want Chinese silks, porcelain Chinese demand pymt in gold or silver b/c ***Chinese didn’t want inferior European goods***


6 Europeans in Ming China
Chinese allow Portuguese limited access to Macao to trade Later the Dutch, English and others too, BUT ***Ming limited trade: foreign traders had to leave at end of trading season***


8 Seeking Converts missionaries, esp. Jesuits try to convert Chinese to Christianity Little success But are great sources of info on the Chinese for Europeans Matteo Ricci

9 Manchu (Qing) Conquest
1600s—Ming Dynasty decaying From the NE—Manchuria—come Manchus 1644—seize Beijing—make it their capital ***to rule effectively, Manchu (Qing) adopt Confucian system of govt***

10 Russia


12 A Little Hmmmph….. Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? A Candle Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? A: If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. It’s Mary!

13 Economy Under Qing (Manchu)
1. ***Chinese economy expands under Qing: Farm output increases, Chinese industries expand*** Farmers get potatoes, corn from Americas Much demand for Chinese silk, porcelain, cotton goods

14 Korea Chooses Isolation
Before 1500s, Korean traders went from Japan to the Mediterranean 1592, 1597 Japan attacks—driven out by 1598 Disastrous for Koreans Villages burned, famine and disease were common, population declines, then…….. Manchus (Qing) attack….make Korea a tributary state—rule themselves, acknowledge Chinese supremacy


16 Korea Chooses Isolation
***b/c of the Japanese, Chinese invasions—Koreans adopt a policy of isolation, excluding foreigners***

17 Foreign Traders in Japan
***Unlike Chinese, Koreans—Japanese, at 1st, welcome foreign traders from the west*** 1543 Portuguese, later Spanish, Dutch, English Jesuits convert some Japanese Firearms, printing press are welcomed

18 Foreign Traders in Japan
***Japanese Shoguns grow more hostile to foreigners Esp. after Spain takes over the Philippines***

19 Foreign Traders in Japan
Shoguns maybe threatened by 300 K Japanese Christians Expel foreign missionaries Kill 1000s of Japanese Christians Japan becomes isolated Expel foreign merchants Forbid Japanese to travel abroad Outlaw building large ships (remember?)

20 Left side—test review Using the following terms, list an important fact and draw a picture or make a simile. Boers Balboa Ming China Qing Dynasty Korea Japan/Shoguns Moluccas Asante Kingdom Columbus

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