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For Our Sustainable Future David A. Bainbridge Associate Professor Alliant International University 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "For Our Sustainable Future David A. Bainbridge Associate Professor Alliant International University 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Our Sustainable Future David A. Bainbridge Associate Professor Alliant International University 2009

2 Our challenge How do we provide quality of life for 9 billion people on planet Earth in 2050? How will students find a good job? –True cost accounting –Sustainable management –Sustainable agriculture –Green architecture and planning

3 True cost accounting Perhaps the most important factor is paying the true cost--which favors sustainable practices Money influences human behavior more than anything else The recent spike in gas prices led to changes in driving and car buying The problem--taking away existing subsidies is difficult! Look for my new book Rebuilding the American Economy

4 Sustainable management True cost accounting enables business to do what business does best - innovate! It enables companies to better manage their value chain Better, faster, cheaper, more fun, more sustainable Governments will play a role, but business must shoulder the major work of transition

5 Underway In an Arthur D. Little survey of 95% of responding executives counted sustainable development as important to their business future.

6 The tools Ecological footprints, material intensity per service (MIPS), and material flow analysis (MFA) enable us to count true costs New measures of progress such as the Genuine Progress Indicator and National Happiness Index will replace GDP Effective use of people and resources throughout an organization involves strategic, sustainable management

7 The Triple Bottom Line (3BL) The triple bottom line will become the standard for measuring business and government policy and operations Long term planning will replace the next quarter The stakeholder perspective will replace the shareholder perspective

8 People, Planet, Prosperity

9 Sustainable agriculture Food will be organic, local, and fair traded The global Slow Food movement is playing a critical role Tasteless high response varieties that ship and keep will disappear and be replaced with scrumptious varieties bursting with flavor Community Supported Agriculture will become more common See my book Sustainable Agriculture for California: A Guide to Information

10 The Joy of Slow Food Food will be local, seasonal, well prepared and nutritious - even in schools and prisons Food shipment distances will drop from 1500 miles to 100 miles Net energy efficiency will increase from 10 in to 1 out to 1 in to 2 out--20 times better What we eat helps determine health, well - being and satisfaction with life

11 Organic and Local

12 Environmental restoration Restoration is needed almost everywhere you look-from the deserts to the sea Hopefully the new president will get funding flowing For deserts see my book, A Guide to Desert and Dryland Restoration The first Society for Ecological Restoration workshop Red Rock Canyon State Park

13 Sustainable buildings Buildings will be solar, built of ecologically responsible materials Daylighting will be universal Comfort and enjoyment of spaces will increase, sick leave will decline by 20% Costs will decline All new buildings will be LEED platinum plus!

14 Sustainable Buildings Congregation Beth David, energy use 91% below title 24, San Luis Obispo Sustainability Group--Architects

15 Green Building Materials Straw bale buildings are: Super- insulated Carbon sequestration Local, Quiet, fire resistant See my book: The Straw Bale House

16 Better homes and gardens New homes will be super-insulated, solar - using 90% less energy to provide better comfort and security All homes will have solar hot water, clotheslines and rainwater harvesting systems Many will have solar electric systems as well Look for my forthcoming book: Passive Solar Architecture 2011

17 Integrated Development Village Homes showed what can be done In the 1970s this solar subdivision cut energy use 50% Rainwater use, bicycles and local farm and commercial space See my book Village Homes’ Solar House Designs

18 Water conservation Native plant landscaping and improved irrigation systems can reduce water use for irrigation 90% Gray water reuse for irrigation will be common Recycled water and rainwater will be used for toilet flushing Many new homes in water poor areas will have at least one waterless toilets Overall water use can be cut 50-70% Look for my book Super Efficient Irrigation 2014

19 More Efficient Irrigation Clay pot Porous capsule Wick Rainwater Harvesting

20 Green cities Cities will be reengineered for walking and biking See my book Bikeway Planning and Design Obesity will be beaten! Transit will be cheap, efficient and privately run The lessons of Curitiba, Brazil will be applied to all cities

21 Green jobs In service and manufacturing New buildings Retrofits Restoration Agriculture Community building See my book Integral Passive Solar Water Heaters

22 Green jobs Solar hot water Solar clotheslines Solar electricity Passive solar for natural heating, cooling and ventilation Food, water, building and energy efficiency

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