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Steve Horenstein CASE STUDIES OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROCESSES AND RESULTS : Comprehensive planning as an economic development tool; Striking the right.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Horenstein CASE STUDIES OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROCESSES AND RESULTS : Comprehensive planning as an economic development tool; Striking the right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Horenstein CASE STUDIES OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROCESSES AND RESULTS : Comprehensive planning as an economic development tool; Striking the right balance between jobs and housing to encourage growth

2 Key Principals in Adoption 2007 GMA Plan A “values and principals” based approach to GMA planning:

3 The Board of County Commissioners developed a set of values and principles that guided their work in developing the new growth management plan.  Maintain balance of land use inventories between the cities.  Equalize land allocation and jobs/population ration so that cities have equitable share of jobs – diverse job base.  Respect Vancouver’s desire to minimize UGA expansion and small cities’ desire for UGA expansion.  Maintain the tax base for the County and equitably among the jurisdictions.  Each city must meet its density and housing mix requirements: 8 units per acre for Vancouver 6 units per acre for all other cities (except Yacolt) Values and Principals

4 Values and Principals (continued)  Mapping: Put job lands close to transportation so that capacity is provided to job opportunities. The Discovery Corridor is now open for business.  New growth needs to blend well with existing neighborhoods (i.e., transition zones, buffering, gradual transitions in development style, type). Density is lessened at the outer reaches of UGAs.  Critical areas: Identify those areas that should “never” be urban (critical areas of county-wide significance). Minimize inclusion of critical areas for cities that do not have critical area ordinances that have met the test of “best available science.” All other factors being equal, select areas for UGA expansion that has fewest critical areas.

5 Values and Principals (continued)  Ground-truth where jobs “make sense” – no more “wetland industrial.” Make a realistic determination as to where we can effectively grow jobs.  Need to provide an equitable tax base for school districts. Tax base equitably distributed between residential and job producing lands.  Focus Public Investment Areas – “hubs” of job growth that can be serviced effectively (adjust Transportation Improvement Program if necessary).

6 Values and Principals (continued)  Breaks/Green spaces between communities – natural borders.  Minimize the conversion of productive farmland – those lands which have long-term commercial agriculture viability: Is it being used today for commercial agriculture? Balance goals, e.g. economic development versus agricultural land preservation.  Maintain a mix of housing options (a variety of housing densities – large, medium, and small lots).

7 Key Principals in Adoption 2007 GMA Plan The new plan accommodates new residents: 181,288In urban growth area 19,262Rural population growth to be accommodated based on existing zoning 200,550Total new residents in 20 years (2004-2024)

8 Key Principals in Adoption 2007 GMA Plan The job creation target for the 20-year plan is: Retail Jobs30,271 Industrial Jobs43,095 Business Park Jobs55,039 Public Sector Jobs9,907 Job Capacity Target138,312

9 Pending environmental stormwater regulations Wetland and habitat land/buffers Infrastructure issues in Ridgefield and La Center –Sewer –Water –Power Urban Holding Impact of new TIFs on development costs Key Principals in Adoption 2007 GMA Plan Is it as good as it sounds?

10 Land Use Acreages for Each City’s New UGA










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