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Presentation on theme: "BIOMETHANE ROADMAP FOR ITALY"— Presentation transcript:

Lorenzo Maggioni, R&D

2 Consorzio Italiano Biogas (Italian Biogas Consortium)
Agricultural biogas plants > 500 The CIB - Italian Biogas Consortium, formed in March 2009, has national coverage and aims to be the reference point in the Italian biogas and biomethane sector.


Number of plants, subsidies, potential, possibly developmnets, etc. BIOMETHANE AS S BIOFUEL SWOT analysis CONCLUSIONS

5 Third biogas in the world
BIOGAS IN ITALY Third biogas in the world - 3th biogas sector after China & Germany - 4 Billion € invested in the last 5 years - > 1300 biogas plants built (agriculture + sewage + waste + industrial) - > MWel - About 2 billion Nmc Biomethane equivalent utilized per year - Less than 2% of italian agricultural land used for monocultures qualified green jobs

6 New upgrading plants (2013-2015)
BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Number of plants Upgrading plants ( ) Roma 5 San Giovanni Persiceto (BO) Modified by New upgrading plants ( ) Pinerolo (TO) Pieve Fissiraga (LO) Mantova (MN)

7 Entry into force (art. 9 of the Decree) :
BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013 Entry into force (art. 9 of the Decree) : 18 december 2013 Duration: upgrading plants that will be in service by 17 december 2018

8 Organic Fraction Municipal
BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Feedstock Agriculture Organic Fraction Municipal Solid Waste

9 The new rules will apply to different kinds of plant
BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013 The new rules will apply to different kinds of plant NEW UPGRADING PLANTS (new sites) EXISTING BIOGAS PLANTS (you have to add the upgrading unit) incentive reduced compared to new plants

10 BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013
<The “natural gas grid” includes not only the transport and distribution grids of natural gas, but also other useful systems for the transport of biomethane as dedicated grids, the CNG trailers and distributors (gas station), including the agriculture, also not connected to the networks of transport and distribution of natural gas>.

11 BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013
DIFFERENT SCENARIOS DEPENDING ON FINAL USE OF BIOMETHANE CASE 1: Biomethane injected into the natural gas grids PREMIUM TARIFF linked to the market price of natural gas Duration of the incentive: 20 years Supplementary incentives for use of by-products and if < 500 m3 CH4/h In the best scenario (< 500 m3 CH4/h, use of 100% by-products, single buyer = GSE): 79,6 €/MWh FOR THE MOMENT, ISN’T POSSIBLE

12 BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013

13 BIOMETHANE IN ITALY Decree 05 Decembre 2013
CASE 3: Biomethane used in high efficiency cogeneration plants Waiting for the new scheme (not very different from this one) Decree 6 July 2012

According to Italian Biogas Consortium a realistic development plan of methane/biomethane within 2020 should include: doubling service stations to 2000; Doubling current means of transport consumption of CNG methane (preferably LNG) up to about 2 billions Nm3 by 2020; Increasing biomethane consumption up to 25% of the total consumption, about Nm3/year (bio-CNG or bio-LNG)


16 SWOT analysis - Strenghts Why USING BIOMETHANE LIKE A FUEL ?
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - Strenghts Why BIOMETHANE? flexible input material, flexible sale options, storable, efficient, tailored to demand, climate-friendly Why USING BIOMETHANE LIKE A FUEL ?

17 SWOT analysis - Strenghts

18 SWOT analysis - Weaknesses
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - Weaknesses UNCERTAINTY Quality parameters and quality measurement? Injection into the grid? Value of certificates?

19 SWOT analysis - Opportunities
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - Opportunities 19 ADVANCED BIOFUELS MANDATE Ma da ultima , l’italia ha voluto immaginare un utilizzo del biometano prioritariamente nei trasporti . Ed in questo caso ha anticipato l’Europa dotandosi di una legislazione per i biocarburanti avanzati che prevede la produzione al 2022 di 2% . Sono circa 600 milioni di litri di metano equivalente. 3 mrd di nmc di metano equivalenti, di cui 600 milioni per i biocarburanti avanzati sono obbiettivi alla portata del biogas italiano a condizione di una stretta collaborazione per sviluppare le tecnologie del biogasdoneright da una parte , e dall’altra per sviluppare il mercato dei veicoli a gas naturale in Italia che oggi rappresentano un mercato da circa 1 miliardo di nmc e che potrebbe contribuire in modo immediato anche alla riduzione dell’inquinamento atmosferico locale . biofuels Advanced biofuels In 2018 it means ~225 Mm3 biomethane (compressed or liquified) 19

20 SWOT analysis - opportunities
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - opportunities Italian Gas Grid infrastructure data: Primary transport network: 34,000 km; Distribution: km networks. The top 10 NGV countries in the world based on total NGVs High interest from industrial groups

21 SWOT analysis - opportunities
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - opportunities Dual Fuel: diesel + biomethane Biomethane Diesel engine Electronic Controller Dual Fuel d-gid ECU Thanks to

22 SWOT analysis - Threats
BIOMETHANE AS BIOFUEL SWOT analysis - Threats Powerful lobbies are fighting against biomethane Political uncertainty

23 CONCLUSIONS As the chemical composition and energy content of biomethane are close to natural gas, it can likewise be used in the same way: Gas grid injection and used as a natural gas substitute in any blend proportion Vehicle fuel Biomethane is a very important advanced bio-fuel. It could contribute to the European climate targets thanks to the reduction of CO2 eq emissions, it advances security of supply and European energy independency from third countries. Biomethane production also generates green jobs. In Italy biomethane has enormous potential. It is important to remove, as soon as possible, some of the major barriers for his development.

CIB Consorzio Italiano Biogas c/o Parco Tecnologico Padano Via Einstein, Loc. Cascina Codazza Lodi (LO) +39(0) Fax +39(0) Lorenzo Maggioni, PhD


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