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Jeopardy Achieve- ments CitiesPeople Places Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Beliefs Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Achieve- ments CitiesPeople Places Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Beliefs Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Achieve- ments CitiesPeople Places Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Beliefs Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Achievements Roads, terrace farming, and quipu

4 $100 Answer from Achievements Incas

5 $200 Question from Achievements Aqueducts and canals

6 $200 Answer from Achievements Aztecs

7 $300 Question from Achievements Textile industry—cotton, carpets, brocades

8 $300 Answer from Achievements Mughals

9 $400 Question from Achievements Porcelain

10 $400 Answer from Achievements Ming Dynasty

11 $500 Question from Achievements Elite fighting corps called the Janissaries

12 $500 Answer from Achievements Ottomans

13 $100 Question from Beliefs Human sacrifice was part of their religion

14 $100 Answer from Beliefs Aztecs

15 $200 Question from Beliefs Influenced by Confucianism and Buddhism

16 $200 Answer from Beliefs Ming/Qing Dynasties

17 $300 Question from Beliefs Believed they needed to remain isolated from European traders (two possible answers)

18 $300 Answer from Beliefs Tokugawa Japan Or Qing Dynasty

19 $400 Question from Beliefs Three Muslim kingdoms or empires

20 $400 Answer from Beliefs Ottomans, Mughals, Songhai

21 $500 Question from Beliefs Minority religions in this empire included Hindus and Sikhs

22 $500 Answer from Beliefs Mughals

23 $100 Question from Cities Istanbul

24 $100 Answer from Cities Ottoman Empire

25 $200 Question from Cities Tenochtitlan

26 $200 Answer from Cities Aztecs

27 $300 Question from Cities Machu Picchu

28 $300 Answer from Cities Incas

29 $400 Question from Cities Timbuktu

30 $400 Answer from Cities Songhai

31 $500 Question from Cities Edo

32 $500 Answer from Cities Tokugawa Japan

33 $100 Question from People Leader of Japan

34 $100 Answer from People Shogun

35 $200 Question from People Greatest, most magnificent ruler of the Ottomans

36 $200 Answer from People Suleiman (the Lawgiver Or the Magnificent)

37 $300 Question from People Died of smallpox, Aztec Emperor

38 $300 Answer from People Moctezuma

39 $400 Question from People Mughal leader who practiced religious tolerance

40 $400 Answer from People Akbar

41 $500 Question from People Spanish explorer who killed the Inca emperor Atahualpa

42 $500 Answer from People Francisco Pizarro

43 $100 Question from Places Location of the Tokugawa shogunate

44 $100 Answer from Places Japan

45 $200 Question from Places Which empire was located in India?

46 $200 Answer from Places Mughal

47 $300 Question from Places Andes Mountains

48 $300 Answer from Places Incas

49 $400 Question from Places West Africa

50 $400 Answer from Places Songhai

51 $500 Question from Places Beijing/Forbidden City

52 $500 Answer from Places Ming/Qing Dynasties

53 Final Jeopardy Category: ReligionCategory

54 Final Jeopardy What was the Ottoman system of tolerance for different religious beliefs?

55 Time’s Up

56 Final Jeopardy Answer Millet System

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