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1 CASA Welcomes You 幼童軍幹部訓練 2015 Cub Scout Leader Resources - Anderson Tsai (P606)

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1 1 CASA Welcomes You 幼童軍幹部訓練 2015 Cub Scout Leader Resources - Anderson Tsai (P606)

2 Cub Scout Leader Resources  Where do I find…?  Where can I get…? Publications Program Ideas People Materials 幼童軍幹部資源

3 Types of Resources 1. People Resources 2. Program Ideas and Information 3. Materials and Equipment 4. Pack Library 5. BSA Supporting Literature 6. 中文資訊 資源種類

4 1. People Resources  Parents and Family Members of Cub Scouts  Boy Scouts (Den Chief)  CASA – Chinese American Scouting Association  Cub Scout Leaders’ Monthly Round Table  University of Scouting  Polaris District  Professional Scouters  Network with Fellow Scouters

5 Polaris District - Roundtable  Monthly Roundtable - Second Tuesday Night of every month from 7:30- 9:30 pm at Home of Christ 5 Church, 10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA.

6 University of Scouting 6

7 2. Program Ideas and Information  Review events at your pack in the past years  Cub Scout Roundtable, University of Scouting  BSA Literature  Cub Scout Program Helps  Webelos Leader Guide  Scouting Magazine, Boys’ Life Magazine  Other Resources- District and council newsletter, libraries, magazines, and World Wide Web

8 Useful Scouting Websites  Scouter Resource Online:  Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council :  Boy Scout of America:  US Scouting Service Project:

9 3. Materials and Equipment  Scout Shop Local Council Service Center (Literature, badges, special recognition)  Boy Scout Troops (Loan of equipment)  Other Packs  Donations (Families, Neighbors, friends)

10 Local Scout Shops  South Bay Scout Shop 970 West Julian Street San Jose, CA 95126 Tel: 408-279-2086 FAX: 408-279-0659  Salinas Office 919 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906

11 4. Your Pack Library Collection of the following books:  Bear, Tiger, Wolf, Webelos Scout Book  Cub Scout Ceremonies for Dens and Packs  Cub Scout Leader- How-To Book  Cub Scout Magic  Cub Scout Songbook  POW WOW books, CDs  Etc..

12 5. BSA Supporting Literature  Wide Variety of Supporting Literature available at local council service center or Scout shop.  Topics include Den and Pack Management, Uniform, Training, Member ship Recruiting and Leadership Selection, Advancement, Program Planning, Recognition etc..

13 6. 中文資訊  Google – keyword: 童軍 技能 帶動唱  13

14 Summary  You are not alone!! Plenty of Resources  People Resources  Program Ideas  Websites (Google is your best friend)  Materials and Equipment  Pack Library and other BSA Supporting Literature

15 Where to Get More Information  Monthly Roundtable  Yearly University of Scouting  Scouting Websites

16 16 End of section 6

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