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Avery Roberson.  With the implementation of the new Common Core Standards in Georgia. We are trying to align our assessments and improve student success.

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Presentation on theme: "Avery Roberson.  With the implementation of the new Common Core Standards in Georgia. We are trying to align our assessments and improve student success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Avery Roberson

2  With the implementation of the new Common Core Standards in Georgia. We are trying to align our assessments and improve student success with other states with high academic achievement.

3  Trying to align our standards along with Common Core caused for a massive drop in test scores.  As you can see from 2012 to 2013 scores plummeted and showed that standards haven’t been aligned to providing the best education for our students.  Mainly in Mathematics 63% of students failed to meet proficiency

4  Staying aligned with our vision and mission we want to incorporate technology and find ways of assessing our students properly.  Using formative and summative assessments throughout the year to gauge and pinpoint areas of deficiency.  Be consistent with offering training to develop high skilled instructors.

5  ActiVotes at a glance: Simple, easy operation with six- button, A-to-F interface. Encourages whole-class participation and facilitates formative assessment. Instant results can be used in real time to inform instruction and can be saved, exported and printed. Let’s watch a small clip on how ActiVotes are used in the classroom.

6  Budget -The cost is minimal. Activotes have already been purchased. Only cost is for technical support.  Timetable -Beginning of the 2014 school year. Baseline data can be recorded and properly handled  Professional Development - We will hold weekly Professional learning community meetings. Along with district and in school professional development on strategies and proper data collection.

7  Within the first year of implementing this technology we are hoping to see a 5% increase in Carver SOT numbers through Math/ ELA test  2 nd year of implementation we are striving for a 10% increase in scores from the year before

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