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LCLS-II Cryomodule Interconnect Camille M Ginsburg (FNAL) FNAL LCLS-II Deputy Team Lead – Cryomodules Cryomodule Control Account Manager 29 July 2015 Project.

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Presentation on theme: "LCLS-II Cryomodule Interconnect Camille M Ginsburg (FNAL) FNAL LCLS-II Deputy Team Lead – Cryomodules Cryomodule Control Account Manager 29 July 2015 Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCLS-II Cryomodule Interconnect Camille M Ginsburg (FNAL) FNAL LCLS-II Deputy Team Lead – Cryomodules Cryomodule Control Account Manager 29 July 2015 Project Management

2 2 Outline Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Cryomodule Project Overview Scope of work Procurement methodology Integration with partner labs Organization and staffing CM interconnect characteristics CM interconnect schedule CM interconnect risks and prior reviews This review

3 Fermilab cryomodules: lead-in to LCLS-II Use existing designs to extent possible to optimize cost and schedule -LCLS-II SRF linac closely based on EuXFEL / ILC / TESLA design -Similar designs have been under development ~ 20 years 100 cryomodules to be built for XFEL FNAL has been working with these designs for ~10 years in ILC context -Two 1.3 GHz cryomodules built and tested (singly): CM1 and CM2 -One 3.9 GHz cryomodule was built for DESY/FLASH; in operation FNAL responsible for the CM design, in collab with JLab & SLAC Procurement/fabrication/assembly/test shared by FNAL and JLab  Cooperation and assistance from DESY/XFEL and CEA Saclay extremely beneficial Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 3

4 LCLS-II cryomodule production model 1.3 GHz cryomodules (35) Produce two streams of identical 1.3 GHz production CM at FNAL&JLab -Tightly coordinated activity among partner labs -Common procedures, common test performance database, common travelers, etc. (within infrastructure limits) -Split procurements between the two labs Assemble two prototypes in advance of 33 production cryomodules -Prototype designs optimized to use existing components to confirm as many design concepts as possible, on a rapid schedule -Design, engineering development, R&D, core staff training, and infrastructure updates are completed with the prototypes Test cryomodules prior to delivery to SLAC, including prototypes 3.9 GHz cryomodules (2) Designed, produced and tested at FNAL, following 1.3 GHz for efficiency Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 4

5 5 LCLS-II 1.3 GHz cryomodule procurement model Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Procurements distributed JLab/FNAL Deliveries split between JLab/FNAL Documented LCLSII-4.1-PM-229-R0 6/12/2014 Using JLab SOTR framework One assigned at each lab Direct communication

6 6 Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Sub-Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (SOTR) Important Role / Responsibility “Glue” between design, prototyping, procurement and assembly phases Technical expertise for sub-system components Design Phase Develops technical specifications from higher level requirements Prepares drawings and supporting technical documents Prototyping Phase Works with Acquisition/Procurement to procure prototypes from industry/partner labs Participates in prototype development and testing Feeds forward experience into production process Production Procurement Phase Provides technical leadership and point of contact with suppliers Inspection/Assembly/Integration Provides sustaining engineering during receiving inspection & manufacturing Technical judgment to resolve non-conformances Daly

7 7 QA/QC Summary Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Quality systems are in place at both Labs, and have proven effective in numerous past projects SLAC-specific requirements have been incorporated Completed QA Cross-Walk exercises in Nov/Dec 2014 On-going regular QA discussions between JLab and FermiLab on project QA. Both Labs are using electronic travelers, and will be collecting a common set of parameters Designs are controlled through Teamcenter Both SLAC and JLab have access Our quality systems are in use now for the pre-production Cryomodule work Thanks to Anne McEwen, Johnny Leung and Valerie Bookwalter for their help Blowers

8 LCLS-II cryomodule project integration Regular teleconferences JLab & SLAC personnel work closely with FNAL for design, procurement, fabrication and test of the 1.3 GHz cryomodules Documentation Physics Requirements Documents Functional Requirements Specification Engineering Specification Documents Interface Controls Documents Reviews All include safety in the charge Safety and quality assurance are incorporated into all procurements and assembly travelers Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 8

9 FNAL LCLS-II 1.3 GHz cryomodule team Cryomodule CAM Camille Ginsburg Test Facilities VTS - Melnychuk HTS - Hanna/Ozelis CMTS - Leibfritz pCM Technical Coordination – Genfa Wu Managers & Support Solyak – Accelerator Science Grassellino – High Q0 Theilacker – Project Engineer Hoffer – Controls/Schedule Trimby – Budget Cibic – Procurement Blowers – QA/QC Design Verification Nikolay Solyak CM Design Tom Peterson Cavity Prep/Test Allan Rowe CM Ass’y Tug Arkan CM Test Elvin Harms FNAL Senior Team Lead Rich Stanek Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 4

10 10 CM Interconnect Overview Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015  A bellows interconnect installed between two modules  Outer shell of the inter-connect unit can slide over the vacuum vessel to allow space for welding of six cryogenic pipes in-situ  Mechanically decouples adjacent CM’s and allows for thermal contraction or expansion during thermal cycling  33 interconnects are needed for the 37 CM’s in the LCLS-II configuration Yun He

11 CM interconnect parts list Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 11 Upstream module Downstream module Inter-module kit Vacuum vessel inter-module bellows unit, F10009987 Thermal shield, F10038024 & F10038467 HGRP, F10030193 Bellows spools for cryogenic pipes (Qty. 5), F10030695 HOM absorber, F10017631 MLI blankets (10 layers to 5 K, 30 layers to 50 K) Gaskets, fasteners Yun He

12 12 CM Interconnect Responsibilities Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015  JLab and FNAL are jointly responsible for procurement of the parts  SOTR for absorber  H.K. Park (JLab, primary), N. Solyak (FNAL, secondary)  SOTR for remaining interconnect parts  T. Peterson (FNAL, primary), N. Huque (JLab, secondary)  The interconnect kit comprised of these parts is delivered to SLAC  SLAC is responsible for installation in the LCLS-II tunnel  DESY/XFEL providing installation guidance  JLab and FNAL also provide installation guidance

13 Cryogenic Systems Schedule Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 FNAL CM Assembly / Test JLAB CM Assembly / Test Cryoplant CDS install CM work FY16-Q2 to FY18-Q1 CM / CDS FDR FNAL FY15-Q2/3 Ross, DOE CD3B, Apr 2015 13

14 CM Interconnect Schedule Highlights A full P6 schedule has been developed Takes into account the CD milestones, facility throughput, lead time on procurements Working Schedule for interconnect parts (H.K. Park for HOM’s): -Today is the gating review for procurements -Award contract Nov 2015 -Receive and inspect components: May 2016 – Jan 2017 -Deliver to SLAC Jan 2017 – Feb 2017 -The interconnect parts have a lot of schedule float Some schedule modifications will be made prior to CD-2 baselining Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 14

15 Past Reviews Related to the CM Interconnect LCLS-II Director’s CD-1 Review – 9-11.Dec. 2013 LCLS-II DOE CD-1 Review – 4-6.Feb. 2014  Prototype 1.3 GHz Cryomodule – 6.Jun. 2014 CM cryomechanical issues LCLS-II Cryogenic System Preliminary Design Review 13-15.Aug. 2014 LCLS-II DOE Status Review – 19-20.Aug.2014  Prototype 1.3 GHz cryomodule 20-21.Jan. 2015 – Final Design LCLS-II FAC Review at SLAC 5-6.Feb.2015 LCLS-II Director’s CD3B Review at SLAC 17-19.Feb.2015 LCLS-II DOE CD3B Review at SLAC 6-9.Apr.2015 1.3 GHz Production CM Final Design Review May 12-14 2015  No recommendations of relevance to this review Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 15

16 FNAL CM Interconnect Risks (in Risk Registry) 16 Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015  None

17 17 LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR Committee Charge Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Evaluate CM interconnect design readiness to approve implementation, procurement, fabrication & installation activities. 1.Technical Scope a)Are the design, conceptual procedures and intended fixtures technically sound and mature enough to satisfy design requirements and installation concepts ?TP, YH, NS, KF b)Is the design likely to meet performance expectations? TP, YH, NS c)Have installation issues been sufficiently addressed to ensure that interconnect procurements may proceed and that there are no show stoppers? KF d)Have all the major interfaces been identified and incorporated into the design as appropriate? TP e)Are all design specs, reqts, performance, & interface documents sufficiently identified and prepared? TP 2.Design Management a)Is the design team organized and staffed to successfully complete the project? CMG b)Have all of the major risks been identified and managed? CMG c)Are procurements appropriately identified? CMG, JP d)Is the development of the 3D model sufficiently mature? TP 3.Schedule: Is interconnect design & procurement schedule reasonable to meet project requirements? CMG 4.ES&H: Are all related ES&H aspects being properly addressed? TP 5.Miscellaneous:. Are there any other issues that have been identified that need to be addressed? CMG(b) 6.Overall Readiness: Is the design sufficiently mature so as to allow Final Design Review (i.e. ~90-100% design maturity) approval? All

18 Design Review Definitions (LCLSII-1.1-QA-0009-R0) Preliminary Design Review [~30-50% Design Maturity] Documented technical and interface requirements Mechanical/structural/thermal design and analyses Preliminary layouts, drawings Reliability, maintainability Assessment of risk areas Plan for obtaining safety approval Final Design Review [~90-100% Design Maturity] Requirements of PDR plus… Final detailed design Final implementation plans including engineering models, prototypes and spares Engineering model test results and design margins Readiness Review Needed for authorization prior to construction activities Objectives, documentation, QA, safety, residual risk 18 Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015

19 19 Review agenda Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 Welcome and introductions – Ross/Ginsburg Cryomodule (CM) interconnect design project management – Ginsburg/Preble CM Design Overview and Interconnect Requirements - Peterson Cryomodule interconnect design –Yun He HOM Absorber Design – Solyak HOM Absorber Procurement – HyeKyoung Park Installation Guidance from DESY/XFEL – Karen Fant Any accumulated issues – Ginsburg (for the Team)

20 Conclusions CM interconnect design is mature Heavily based on existing designs [Peterson, He, Solyak] Staff available and working Project plan derived from experience  Thanks in advance for your help; we anticipate a productive review Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015 20

21 21 Backup Slides Ginsburg - LCLS-II CM Interconnect FDR, 29 July 2015

22 22 The Cryogenic System Production Cryomodule Final Design Review, 12 May 2015 Figure from LCLS-II-4.9-EN-0300 (ED0001995) LCLS-II CDS Relief System Analysis

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