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AdvancED Systems Accreditation Principals’ Meeting October 14-15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AdvancED Systems Accreditation Principals’ Meeting October 14-15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AdvancED Systems Accreditation Principals’ Meeting October 14-15, 2015

2 The purpose of this session is to provide an overview of the AdvancED Accreditation Process and make connections to our current work. ◊ Why/Who/What regarding AdvancED Accreditation ◊ Internal Review process for schools/system  What is required of schools?  How/when do school leaders get started?  What supports will be provided to schools as they complete their Internal Review? Session Purpose

3 Why?

4 ◊ Created in 2006 via merger of the PreK-12 divisions of  The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI)  The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI) ◊ Expanded through the addition of the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) Who is AdvancED?

5 ◊ A Model for Continuous Improvement ◊ A voluntary method of quality assurance ◊ An international protocol for institutions committed to systemic, systematic, and sustainable improvement ◊ An external audit of continuous improvement processes What is AdvancED Accreditation?

6 Continuous Improvement Cycle Meet AdvancED Accreditation Standards for Quality (ongoing) Implement a Continuous Improvement Process (ongoing examples: Success Plan, District Improvement and Assistance Plan, School Improvement Plan, Title 1 CNA, Self Assessment, Stakeholder Surveys) Conduct an Internal Review Host an External Review (Every 5 years) Respond to Required Actions (within 2 years from visit) 2015-2016 school year 2016-2017 school year September 11-14, 2016

7 School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances System Executive Summary System Self-Assessment System Student Performance Diagnostic System Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic System Assurances/ System Improvement Plan System Executive Summary System Self-Assessment System Student Performance Diagnostic System Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic System Assurances/ System Improvement Plan School ABC Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School ABC Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School PQR Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School PQR Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances What is the Internal Review?

8 What is expected of every school in this process? School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances ARM to provide after first of year February 2016 Late spring Start Now

9 Tells the Story… ◊ Description of School ◊ School’s Purpose ◊ Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvements ◊ Additional Information Executive Summary

10 School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances

11 For each Standard, complete: ◊ Indicator ratings and Evidence checkboxes ◊ The Standard Narrative A thoughtful and deliberate reflection of the school’s current reality… Self-Assessment (using the Standards)

12 Standard Statements ◊ 5 statements of quality practices/conditions Indicators (33) ◊ Operational descriptions of exemplary practices/conditions ◊ Rated individually ◊ Contain multiple concepts Performance Levels ◊ Four levels (1, 2, 3, or 4) Evidence Checkboxes (no crates!) Standards

13 What are the Standards?

14 Standards and Indicators

15 How do the Standards connect to our system and Areas of Focus?

16 Talk at your table: What are some connections to Pasco’s Areas of Focus?

17 Connections to Current Work: Standard 1  Development and support of powerful coalition  Development of consensus  Solicitation of staff and stakeholder input  Communication plan  SIP and PLC focus on high impact instruction for all  SIPs with fidelity and effectiveness monitoring plans

18 Connections to Current Work: Standard 2  SIPs: development of and evidence of implementation and monitoring  Staff and student handbooks  SAC minutes  SBLT minutes  Communication plans  Professional Growth System

19 Connections to Current Work: Standard 3  Graduate survey  Lesson Plans  Curriculum maps  High Impact Instruction  Curriculum guides  Balanced assessment plan  Interdisciplinary projects  Communications with families  PLCs  Prioritized PD  MTSS

20 Connections to Current Work: Standard 4  Master Schedule  Hiring Practices  School Budget  Emergency Procedures/Plans  Media and Information Resource Plans/Practices  Technology Plans/Policies  Balanced assessment system  MTSS

21 Connections to Current Work: Standard 5  Balanced assessment system  Samples of varieties of assessments  MTSS  SIP  Assessment training  PLCs  Leadership involvement/monitoring of work  Data Driven Decisions

22 o Use Standard and Indicator 3.3Standard and Indicator 3.3 o Read the four performance levels o Identify the words/phrases that differentiate each level o Use the concept map to identify distinct concepts within each Indicator.concept map Understanding the Standards Activity

23 Performance Levels

24 Concepts within Performance Levels

25 o What does a level 4 look like in a system/school? o What conditions, practices, policies, etc. would you expect to see? o What type of evidence would you look for? o What is the difference between a level 3 and level 4? Understanding the Standards Reflection

26 Possible Evidence for 3.3 (Evidence Checkboxes)

27 ◊ What were the areas of strength you noted? ◊ What were areas in need of improvement? ◊ What actions are you implementing to sustain the areas of strength? ◊ What plans are you making to improve the areas of need? Standard Narrative

28 School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances School XYZ Executive Summary Self-Assessment Student Performance Diagnostic Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Improvement Plan/Assurances

29 Adaptive System of School Improvement Support Tools Each of these components will be completed in the ASSIST platform: Executive Summary Standards Self Assessment Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic (School Level) Student Performance Diagnostic Improvement Plan Assurances What is ASSIST? How do I access my tools in ASSIST TM ? Log in at using your Pasco email address and password

30 Accreditation Canvas



33 Moving Forward ◊ Explore Canvas site ◊ Start work on Executive Summary ◊ Start work on Self-Assessment ◊ Upcoming Meetings:  Standards and Evidence  Surveys  Performance Data  Meet w/schools selected for visit

34 Questions

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