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Learning Support Placement Tests Department Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Support Placement Tests Department Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Support Placement Tests Department Information

2 Placement Tests asTTle Reading asTTle Mathematics asTTle Writing Raven Standard Matrices

3 AsTTle Mathematics, Reading, Writing Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning. An educational resource for assessing literacy and numeracy (in both English and Māori). Developed for the Ministry of Education by the University of Auckland. Provides information about a student's level of achievement, relative to the New Zealand curriculum achievement outcomes, for levels 2 to 6. Used extensively in primary and intermediate schools and children’s previous test results accumulate electronically in the database.

4 Raven Standard Matrices Tests how a student thinks and problem solves. Gives results as a percentile. This means the result compares the student with 99 other students of the same age.

5 Test results Are combined with other data which arrives from the contributing school to form a profile. The profile gives us an indication of each student ’ s learning successes. The team at MAGS uses the profiles to inform the Year 9 teachers and confirm class placements.

6 Learning Support Our Department The Learning Centre

7 Literacy and Numeracy programmes Class-based programmes Group and Individual help Rainbow Reading, SRA Reading, CSI Reading, Lexia Reading, STEPS. Computer assisted programmes/apps – Reading Plus, Maths Buddy,Mathletics

8 The Learning Centre Junior Homework Centre Catch ups, extra tuition Sickness and injury cover Specialised courses – touch typing Individual learning plans Different needs = Individual plans

9 Individual learning plans Specialist interventions Modified timetables Adaptive technology Short or long-term plans

10 Specialist interventions Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour Specialist Teachers or other professionals within or from outside the school SPELD or similar tutors Teacher aide support – in class, with groups and individually

11 Modified timetable Modified to allow for extra time in a curriculum area or for reinforcement of skills Adapted to a lower or higher curriculum level Adapted for temporary illness or injury Correspondence School dual enrolment

12 Adaptive technology Keyboards, computers, FM systems, cameras Mobility aids Reader/writer help for tests, extra time, special accommodations, medical allowances NZQA requires this to start from entry to the school

13 Learning Support If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child ’ s learning needs please contact me: Pam Drake846 2044 ext 8100

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