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Planning for the Future of Spring Branch ISD Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017 2012-2017 Task Force Organizational Meeting – January 28, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for the Future of Spring Branch ISD Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017 2012-2017 Task Force Organizational Meeting – January 28, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for the Future of Spring Branch ISD Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017 2012-2017 Task Force Organizational Meeting – January 28, 2011

2 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Welcome and Introductions Duncan Klussmann, Ed. D. Superintendent of Schools Kathy Goss, Parent Co-Chair Spring Branch Plan Task Force Roz Keck, Cambridge Strategics

3 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. On the Verge of Greatness Duncan Klussmann

4 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. What is a good education system?

5 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Good Education System  89% Graduation Rate  84% Taking SAT/ACT  61% College Ready  62% Enrolled in Higher Ed  36% Completing Higher Ed Degree

6 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. What is a great education system?

7 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Great Education System  Builds on the strengths/gifts of each child  Students from poverty have the same opportunities for success after high school as students from non-poverty homes  Every adult in the system is committed to the successful completion of some form of higher education for every child

8 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Great Education System  95% Graduation Rate  90% Taking SAT/ACT  90% College Ready  90% Enrolled in Higher Ed  70% Completing Higher Ed Degree

9 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Why a Strategic Plan?  Focus  Clarity  Commitment

10 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Historical Perspective?  Multiple Plans  Five Year Educational Plan  The Spring Branch Plan

11 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.  Over-arching focus of district is post secondary success  Technical or two year certification within 3 years of graduation, OR  Bachelor’s degree within 5 years of graduation Spring Branch ISD

12 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.  New leadership team  Uncoordinated plans; wanted common goals, language, and focus  Wanted shared vision for educational experience and outcomes  Framework for accountability  Guiding work for facilities, bond plans, and technology Long range planning 2006-2011

13 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.  Visioning produced Findings and Directions  Board developed 8 goals with community input  Task groups developed objectives and performance objectives  Annual Action Plans developed by staff with targets for measuring outcomes  Quarterly review for formative evaluation; annual report to Board and community on outcomes Process

14 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Eight Goals   Student Performance ♦ ♦ Post Secondary Success ♦ ♦ Curriculum ♦ ♦ Character Education ♦ ♦ Student Engagement   Safety and Respect   Parent and community engagement   Strategic Use of Resources   Employer of Choice

15 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.  Implementation of performance objectives spread over five year period  Combined and reduced number of performance objectives  Added over-arching focus statement  Combined Action Plans to address multiple performance objectives Process Modifications

16 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.  43 performance objectives  2010-11 is year 4 of the Five Year Plan; plan is completed in June 2012.  18 month implementation plan to develop the second five year plan: Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017 Current Status

17 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Major Results   Passed $597 million bond plan   $27 million technology plan   Focus on college readiness and post secondary success   Stronger focus on teaching and learning ♦ ♦ small group instruction ♦ ♦ literacy across the curriculum ♦ ♦ integrated technology

18 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Points of Pride   Narrowing “UP” of gaps in student performance   86% of students taking ACT or SAT vs. 65% five years ago; increasing performance   Highest college readiness rates in the area and state   3/4 of secondary students involved in extra or co curricular activities   77% of students report having at least 21 developmental assets   Improvement on state accountability measures – Recognized rating

19 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Lessons Learned   Limit number of performance objectives   Spread new initiatives over time   Stronger connection/ownership by campuses   Data used for formative and summative evaluation   Remove embedded practices from plan

20 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017   Stretch the System   Narrower Focus ♦ ♦ Define Outcomes ♦ ♦ Let Staff Get to Work ♦ ♦ Hold Staff Accountable   Steering Committee to Guide Process

21 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Spring Branch Plan, 2012-2017   Stretch the System   Narrower Focus ♦ ♦ Define Outcomes ♦ ♦ Let Staff Get to Work ♦ ♦ Hold Staff Accountable   Steering Committee to Guide Process

22 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Sir Ken Robinson

23 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. I believe we are on the verge of greatness, and your work will lay the foundation for moving us in that direction.

24 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Charge and Timeline Kathy Goss, Co-chair Duncan Klussmann

25 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. CHARGE Spring Branch Plan Steering Committee and Task Force   Steering Committee ♦ ♦ Guide development of Plan ♦ ♦ Serve as leaders in Task Force ♦ ♦ Communicate work of Task Force ♦ ♦ Review and recommend goal statements from Task Force ♦ ♦ Review and recommend objectives, targets, initiatives from Task Groups

26 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. CHARGE Spring Branch Plan Steering Committee and Task Force   Task Force ♦ ♦ Conduct Needs Assessment ♦ ♦ Participate in Visioning ♦ ♦ Recommend goals   Task Groups ♦ ♦ Develop objectives, targets, and propose initiatives for each goal

27 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Timeline   January- March 2011 – Task Force ♦ ♦ Needs assessment and visioning ♦ ♦ Recommends goal statements   March - Board reviews and approves goals   March - April – Task Groups ♦ ♦ Recommend objectives, targets, and propose initiatives for each goal   May – August – Staff develops multi-year plan for each goal

28 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Timeline   Sept – October - Parent, community, staff meetings to elicit feedback on SBP work   October - Board review objectives, targets, multi-year plan   Nov – December, 2011 - Staff develops activities for 2012-13 Spring Branch Plan   April – May, 2012 - Staff finalizes first year activities of the Spring Branch Plan   July 2012 - Begin first year implementation of the Spring Branch Plan

29 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Findings & Directions Activity Roz Keck

30 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Strengths & Challenges Activity Roz Keck

31 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Student Panel

32 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Closing Remarks

33 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Questions and Answers

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