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Women in investing Challenging the status quo Dynamic Funds, May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Women in investing Challenging the status quo Dynamic Funds, May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in investing Challenging the status quo Dynamic Funds, May 2014

2 2 Did you know…

3 3 By the numbers… 80% $20 trillion One third Source: Barclays Wealth, Ledbury Research

4 4 AGENDA Headwinds and hurdles facing women Uplifting facts and success stories Money matters: Investing trends and opportunities Taking action

5 5 PART 1: Headwinds and hurdles The current challenges facing women

6 6 1. Employment

7 7 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women Women tend to have more intermittent work histories. WHY? Life events – namely, the birth of children. DATA: Over 13% of women work part-time because they are caring for children…vs. 1% for men. Source: Statistics Canada

8 8 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women $0.83 Source: “Study: Why has the gender wage gap narrowed?”, The Daily, Statistics Canada, December 20 2012

9 9 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women Average total income of women and men Source: Statistics Canada

10 10 2. Time allotment

11 11 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women How do women spend their time? Source: Statistics Canada

12 12 Headwinds and hurdles: The current challenges facing women Caring for the elderly: Many women are caring for a senior who lives outside of their home... …to the tune of 14% If the senior lives inside the home, many women spend more than 10 hours a week caring for the individual… …to the tune of 40% Source: Statistics Canada

13 13 3. The family unit

14 14 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women Source: Statistics Canada

15 15 4x more single mothers leading families than single dads Source: Statistics Canada

16 16 Headwinds and hurdles: The current challenges facing women The 56 th birthday Source: Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report, Statistics Canada 2005

17 17 4. Retirement realities

18 18 Headwinds and hurdles – the current challenges facing women Women are living longer than ever. Depending on the province and birth year, women are living anywhere from 3 to 6 years longer than men on average. A stark figure: 10% = the number of women classified as low income in retirement…compared to only 4% of men. 10% Source: Statistics Canada

19 19 PART 2: Uplifting facts and success stories (it’s not all doom and gloom!)

20 20 Uplifting facts and success stories A half century of women in the workforce: Fifty years ago: 1.8 million Today: 8.1 million Source: Statistics Canada, 2012

21 21 Uplifting facts and success stories Self-employment among women is on the rise: Today 1976 26% of self- employed are women 35% of self- employed are women Source: Statistics Canada

22 22 Uplifting facts and success stories Canada is a world leader in women entrepreneurship: Roughly half of small businesses are owned by women In 2011, female business owners created almost 10,000 jobs! Source: Statistics Canada/Industry Canada, August 2013

23 23 Uplifting facts and success stories Women's salaries are growing… 3.5% growth 53% growth! Source: Statistics Canada

24 24 In education, women are leading the way HIGH SCHOOL: More girls than boys earn their high school diplomas within four years Girls are less likely to drop out UNIVERSITY: Enrollment in post-secondary programs is greater in women than in men A greater percentage of women graduate from these programs than men Source: Statistics Canada

25 25 Uplifting facts and success stories Source: Statistics Canada Percentage of women among university graduates

26 26 Uplifting facts Need even more proof that women are succeeding more than ever?

27 27 Women are leading in politics.

28 28 Women are leading in business.

29 29 Women are leading in the media.

30 30 Women are entrepreneurs.

31 31 Women are changing the world.

32 32 PART 3: Money matters Trends and opportunities

33 33 Money matters- trends and opportunities 47% = the portion of RRSP contributors who were women. 39% = the portion of total RRSP contributions that came from women. Source: Statistics Canada

34 34 Money matters – trends and opportunities Retirement savings statistics Only 55% of women say they have a financial plan Only 45% of women have started some kind of retirement savings plan the time they turn 34. Source: BMO Women & Wealth Study

35 35 Money matters – trends and opportunities How much do you think you’ll need to have saved in order to retire?

36 36 Money matters – trends and opportunities A third of men answered $1 million or more. Only one fifth of women had the same answer. Most women think they will need less than $500,000 to retire. Source: BMO RRSP Survey, Harris Decima, December 2010

37 37 Money matters – trends and opportunities Women “tend” to be less willing to take on risk Women are “more likely” to seek GIC investments before equities or mutual funds Source: Barclay’s/Ledbury, BMO Retirement Income Planning Survey, Leger Marketing, December 2010 Understanding different risk profiles

38 38 Money matters – trends and opportunities Understanding different risk perceptions Source: BMO Wealth Institude report: Divergent paths to retirement: How men and women plan differently

39 39 Money matters – trends and opportunities Risk needs to be better explained, and better understood.

40 40 Money matters – trends and opportunities Women are more intent than men on understanding the risk-return profiles of investments In fact, with increased information supply, over 70% of women favoured conservative balanced strategies. Source: Boston Consulting Group, “Leveling the Playing Field”, July 2010

41 41 On having a tailored, goal-oriented approach… “Wealth is a means of life planning, rather than a goal in itself.”

42 42 PART 4: Taking action

43 43 Wealth management in a nutshell What is wealth management? Investment planning Retirement planning Tax planning Estate planning

44 44 Steps to financial security Build a plan with your Financial Advisor Keep a long term perspective Be diversified and balanced Stay disciplined Review, reassess, and rebalance

45 45 Benefits of making a plan It helps define your “big picture” Your plan should help you decide where you want ago, and the legacy you want to leave. It should account for your goals and your future. It helps you to keep your eye on your goals Your plan will keep you on track and ensure you don’t make investment decisions that take you away from your long-term goals. It gives you peace of mind Your financial plan should also take into account the reality of the various unexpected events you may face down the road. Knowing – and planning – for this should give you significant piece of mind.

46 46 Q&A

47 47 Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in units value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Views expressed regarding a particular company, security, industry or market sector should not be considered an indication of trading intent of any funds managed by 1832 Asset Management L.P. These views are not to be considered as investment advice nor should they be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. This document is not to be distributed or reproduced without the consent of Dynamic Funds. Dynamic Funds is a division of 1832 Asset Management L.P.

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