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CHAPTER 4 Leadership. The background to leadership today Strategy and leadership Management and leadership Theoretical frameworks of leadership – The.

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1 CHAPTER 4 Leadership

2 The background to leadership today Strategy and leadership Management and leadership Theoretical frameworks of leadership – The qualities or traits approach – The functional or group approach – Leadership as a behavioural category – The leadership styles approach – The situational approach and contingency models – Transformational leadership – Inspirational leadership The research agenda

3 The background to leadership today Leadership is a major aspect of organisational management – MSC Standards 2005 – IiP 2003 – CIPD 2007 Flexible and matrix organisational structures Information and Consultation Regulations

4 Strategic leadership The activities involved in the initial creation of an overall business or organisational strategy, then directing and energising organisational resources towards the achievement of that strategy. It is primarily about business vision and mission. ‘Doing the right thing’

5 Managerial leadership The activities surrounding the creation, maintenance and development of an appropriate infrastructure for business operations, including that which involves organising the work of other people. Management includes leadership. ‘Doing things right’

6 The strategic planning process Analyse the environment. Identify key organisational resources. Consider strategic options. Choose the preferred strategic option. Realign organisational resources to achieve the strategy. Direct and energise these resources. Respond to unexpected events during implementation.

7 MSC Occupational Standards Managing self Providing direction Facilitating change Working with people Using resources Achieving results Source: Management Standards Centre

8 The qualities or traits approach The ‘great person’ theory Identifying the characteristics of successful leaders Seeking these traits or qualities in potential leaders Choosing and promoting those with the appropriate qualities

9 The functional approach Researching what leaders actually do Identifying the main leadership functions Training and developing individuals to perform these functions Monitoring performance in accordance with the required functions Using functional analysis as the basis – for example: – Adair: Task, Team, Individual – MSC: 56 units of the Management Standards

10 The behavioural category approach Includes the impact of leaders on the performance of groups Ohio State and Michigan Institute studies of the 1960s and 1970s Related to McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y – Concern for production – Concern for people Different balances of concern produce different results

11 The leadership styles approach Similar to behavioural approaches Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 1970s Relative power of managers and subordinates in decision-making on a continuum Democratic style Autocratic style

12 The situational approach Mixes styles and circumstances Which mix is effective in what circumstances? The ‘contingency’ approach Hersey and Blanchard model Four styles for four sets of circumstance: Low High SKILL WILLINGNESS TellingDelegating ParticipatingSelling

13 Transactional and transformational leadership Transactional leadership – Position power and legitimate authority – Bargaining with rewards (and punishments) Transformational leadership – Limited position power and authority – Importance of creating motivation and commitment – Making people want to work

14 Inspirational leadership Full circle back to the traits approach? The significance of ‘charisma’ Communicating a vision Exhibiting passion and dynamism Inspiring followers to achieve extraordinary things

15 The research agenda The problems of leading in an increasingly complex environment Virtual organisations and ‘e-leadership’ – ‘Telepresence’ Globalisation and organisational leadership – Culturally rich theories of leadership (GLOBE project) – ‘LMX’ theory of leader-member dyadic exchange

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