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The Impact of CIRTL on Member Institutions Lucas Hill, Ann E. Austin Michigan State University Summary Methods What do institutions gain from Network Participation?

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1 The Impact of CIRTL on Member Institutions Lucas Hill, Ann E. Austin Michigan State University Summary Methods What do institutions gain from Network Participation? CIRTL as COP We conducted a qualitative semi- structured interview study in the summer of 2014 with members of the CIRTL network. We found that institutional benefits derived from CIRTL Network participation are a result of institutional leaders and co- leaders participating in a community of practice, where they access Network Capital, Network Products, and Network Learning. These leaders then translate what they gain from Network participation for their unique institutional context to help facilitate programming for doctoral students and postdocs to become effective teachers in diverse higher education institutions. Network Capital The prestige and cachet of being part of a large externally-funded network with well-respected peer institutions helps to advance and support future faculty programs on campus. “You see, it’s not just me that wants to do this…this is a big NSF supported thing, that has a certain cachet….” “…faculty see teaching as such a non-scholarly and individual endeavor and the fact that there’s a group of major R1 institutions that says this is important…it just gives it…authenticity…” “…participating in CIRTL has made us far more visible to the central administration of our university.” “…I am leveraging CIRTL in my conversations with department chairs about the importance of TA training….” Participants (n=30) consisted of institutional leaders, administrative co-leaders, and two individuals from the Network’s administrative team known as CIRTL Central. Using a semi-structured interview protocol, participants were asked questions such as: How has your institution benefited from CIRTL participation? What key CIRTL resources or characteristics are most impactful? What barriers have you encountered in implementing CIRTL concepts and programming on your campus? What institutional characteristics affect CIRTL’s impact? Interviews were transcribed and loaded into NVivo for qualitative data analysis. We used a thematic analysis approach to generate codes, identify emerging themes, compare themes across the dataset, and finalize major findings. Network Products CIRTL’s core ideas/learning outcomes provide tools, content, and structure for local programs and cross-network programs and the CIRTL MOOC further expand opportunities for doctoral students and postdocs. “…we have worked hard to build the CIRTL learning outcomes and the CIRTL pillars into the things we’ve already been doing for 20 years. And we saw that as a useful structure, rubric…that really enriched and broadened the thinking of our students in those existing classes.” “…[the learning outcomes are] stronger than anything…that we could’ve sat down and created on our own…this is the wisdom of 22 institutions, of your peer and aspirational institutions...” “We have our local programming certainly, but we look to the network to augment and supplement that…so being part of CIRTL allows me to expose grad students and post docs, faculty and staff…to a broader range of ideas and information…” What does CIRTL, as a Community of Practice, provide institutional leaders and co-leaders? A community with a shared mission/purpose A culture of collegiality and support Opportunities to learn from each other The chance to participate in an important national conversation Opportunities to collaborate ( Doctoral Students & Postdocs prepared as effective teachers for diverse institutions Programs Institutional Context CIRTL as a Community of Practice Network Capital Network Learning Network Products Network Learning The sharing of effective practices and participation in collaborative ventures enhances the learning of Network participants, which has the potential to inform the improvement or expansion of local programs. “I’m thinking they’ve already figured this out and why try and recreate the wheel?” “I’ve learned a lot from my colleagues in CIRTL…there’s a lot of different and…really exciting models that other folks are using that I’d like to see about institutionalizing here.” “And then by virtue of being part of the network…we’ve been able to improve those programs, based on feedback from other network members, much more rapidly than we would’ve done on our own.” Implications The impact of CIRTL is embedded in the interrelationship of Network functioning, institutional context, and programming for doctoral students and postdocs. Institutional leaders and co-leaders must engage in the Network and understand, navigate, and translate their institutional context to effectively implement Network Learning and Network Products. Institutional leaders and co-leaders must find ways to leverage Network Capital across campus to support and advance their local programs. Institutional Context What key institutional characteristics influence CIRTL’s local impact? The degree to which CIRTL fits with existing institutional goals and programming Campus structure and characteristics Campus support for teaching development of doctoral students and postdocs Local learning community and leadership structure * The study was funded by CIRTL through a generous grant from the National Science Foundation, No. DUE-1231286.

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