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Punctuation Review: The Game!. 1 The best parts of the wedding were the food the DJ and the dancing!

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Presentation on theme: "Punctuation Review: The Game!. 1 The best parts of the wedding were the food the DJ and the dancing!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Punctuation Review: The Game!

2 1 The best parts of the wedding were the food the DJ and the dancing!

3 2 I never told him to go but Dave still went anyway.

4 3 The championship tennis match which took place on Thursday was four hours long.

5 4 Just try to relax Samantha.

6 5 Her thick bulky sweater kept her warm on those cold nights.

7 6 When I asked her what she thought Kylie said “ I haven’t decided yet. ”

8 7 This neverending plane ride took five hours seven minutes and 13 seconds.

9 8 She went to the store and she tried to buy some milk.

10 9 She went to the store and tried to buy some milk but they were all sold out.

11 10 I’m a fan of New Super Mario Brothers my wife however is more partial to Mario Kart Wii.

12 11 Valentine's Day was February 14 2012.

13 12 Paul said “ I think I’m going to be sick ” and then he got very sick all over my shoes.

14 13 Jessica’s boss Mr. Featherbottom has a very impressive beard.

15 14 Kyle ran the race in 25 minutes Eric finished it in 31 minutes.

16 15 The puppy is only seven months old however she has learned so many tricks already.

17 16 Sally don't let stress from school get to you.

18 17 The only things you can do Dave are to sit back relax and watch the fireworks.

19 18 After Pete played the guitar Scarlett joined him in singing.

20 19 I tried everything: I went to the mall I bought some pants socks and shoes and I still ended up with nothing to wear!

21 20 On the other hand I would love to go to the store with you.

22 21 I yelled out loud “ David just go outside! ”

23 22 She drove down the long winding road.

24 23 She drove down the long winding road but she never stopped to ask directions.

25 24 She drove down the long winding road however she couldn’t find the right address.

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