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How to Combat Housing Inequality: Focus on Emerging Market Countries Marja C Hoek-Smit The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania International Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Combat Housing Inequality: Focus on Emerging Market Countries Marja C Hoek-Smit The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania International Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Combat Housing Inequality: Focus on Emerging Market Countries Marja C Hoek-Smit The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania International Housing Association 2016 Annual Meeting NAHB, February 17, 2016 Washington DC

2 Scale of the Housing Problem and Challenges

3 The Scale How to Build a Billion New Houses By 2025 and do so Equitably? >50 million new urban dwellers each year Grossly inadequate stock Rising housing demand with rising incomes

4 One Third of Urban Population in Slums in Developing World; Number is Growing! Total Developing Regions (32.7%)

5 Asia and Africa Face the Biggest Urban Housing Challenge Source: The Wealth of Cities: The investment implications of urban expansion. Prudential Investment Management, 2015

6 Challenge: Urbanization Happens at Lower Per Capita Income Levels then in the Past (GDP per Capita < USD 5,000) From: Glaeser, E. A World of Cities, NBER 2013

7 Challenge: Investment in Housing is Lagging Behind Urbanization Housing Investment takes off at GDP per capita levels of $3000 (PPP constant dollars) And tapers off at $36,000 GDP per capita Investment generally follows growth in urbanization with some lag In Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa investment in urban housing lags demand by many years! Messy urbanization process

8 Challenge: Affordability is Low Land/house prices increased faster then incomes Rising Inequality Rising indebtedness Large % employed in non- salaried jobs (e.g. 40% MX; 60% Indonesia) Low mortgage penetration; Small capital markets; market volatility (specifically oil & other commodity producers) Source:L&T Mumbai

9 Mortgage Markets Are Small in Emerging Market Economies Institutional & Structural Issues

10 High Urbanization Levels with Small Mortgage Markets Reduce Affordability

11 11 Big Housing Finance and Supply Gap in Broad Middle-Income Segment Formal Housing with Mortgage Formal Housing Subsidized loans oyment Social Programs Upgrading/New Substandard/ Informal Housing

12 Opportunities and Promising Approaches

13 Opportunity: Example India The facts: 1.25 billion population, 30% urbanized, ~20 million new urban dwellers/year Housing consumption 5sqm pp (compare to US: 55 sqm) >100 million people in slums; <50 percent access to water and sanitation

14 Opportunity: Example India (2) The need: 5% increase in housing stock for urban household formation + 5% needed to bring floor-space up to 10sqm pp in less than 20 years; and another 5% to improve stock quality at higher pace Requires ~15 percent growth in stock for many years! The benefit if way can be found to increase housing stock: Housing is ~25 percent of expenditure 10% to 15% growth is a 2.5 to 3.75 percent annual increase in welfare, benefiting the poor disproportionately!

15 How Can These Opportunities Be Translated into Action: Policies Matter 1. Market segmentation is critical o Expand market and credit based approach for lower-/middle income households, stably employed – Expand mortgage lending and provide market-friendly subsidies o Create PPP and community based approaches (upgrading and new owner-construction, rental) for lowest-income groups, informally employed- Expand micro-finance for housing/ supply support Just focusing on Middle-Income housing won’t create enough units to filter down to Low-income households Just focusing on lowest-income groups will encourage take over; and will distort middle income market 2. Create incentives for lenders, developers, non-profits o Housing supply is fairly inelastic in most emerging markets  supply side support needed if growing demand will not cause poor urban environments and price increases

16 Chile: Early Reformer Many Adjustments over the Years 1978 fundamental reform in provident fund mortgage system Expand commercial mortgage market/capital markets Simple vouchers for ownership--worked only for bankable 1990-2000s Segmented Market approach: Finance-based programs for Middle Income - support to lenders to deal with transaction costs, credit and/or funding risks – voucher subsidy for households; includes existing houses Community–based programs for Low Income – after many false starts - variety of location incl. high density infill, avoiding concentration of poor- NGO intermediation- innovative designs Rental programs /vouchers, but small Programs efficient enough to be used as economic stimulus Alejandro Aravena: Quinta Monroy Housing, 2004, Iquique, Chile.

17 South Africa: Single Focus on Low-Income Ownership Program for <30 th % ~3.0 million new formal low-cost houses given away since 1996 Locational issues/distance Vacancies and undervalued sale prices Middle-income segment cannot compete with free houses => no supply Shortfall of 2 million houses remains Informal squatter areas continue to grow

18 South Africa: 2016 Timid Change in Approach New Draft White Paper o Adjust give-away program for lowest income HH; owner- contribution o Provide lower-middle income households with demand-side subsidies linked to housing finance o For acquiring new and existing houses— facilitate mobility o Address supply-side bottlenecks for developers (focus on special projects) o Explore rental options Binding Constraint o Lack of mortgage expansion/ bank dominated system with related constraints in expanding long-term lending

19 Mexico: Focus on Credit Based Formal Ownership for Low-Income HH Housing provident funds control supply-chain; subsidized loans + upfront subsidies /guarantees reach very low income hh-1.5 MW Unit costs/type set by provident funds/ land cost compromised location Massive vacancies Developers under stress Excludes informally employed Housing deficit continues to grow

20 Mexico: at a Critical Junction Shift in subsidy policy to include locational variables in subsidy amount -2013 Expand housing choices, including rental Address vacancy overhang Remaining Challenges: Inclusion of existing houses in subsidy program Active supply side support (regulations, permitting, PPPs) to developers PPP with rental investors Source: Conavi; Mexico city

21 Major Market Distortions b/c of past policies: Past rent control  immobility + no maintenance=> neighborhood decline Vacant units 25% in Cairo-new subsidized units and old stock Since 1980s housing programs provide supply-side subsidies for middle income housing in desert locations 65% of new urban HH cannot afford formal house >60% of new construction in past decades was informal Egypt: Subsidies, Rent Control, High Standards Limited Formal Mid- Market Supply

22 Egypt: Reform Agenda since 2009 Middle/lower middle income Since 2004 - Deepening mortgage market 2010 - Demand subsidy program linked to mortgage for ownership- middle income Central Bank stimulus for mortgage market after revolution Locational guidelines; commuting time to employment centers Lower income Rental or lease-to-own programs Upgrading program for informal housing (legalization first step) Remaining Challenges Attract private developers: PPP arrangement Create diversity in supply: densities, mixed use, infill

23 Thailand 1990s Extend Formal Housing Supply for Broad Middle Income Groups Policies to increase mass housing development: Facilitate private housing/urban development- land acquisition, zoning, permitting, infrastructure Expand mortgage lending – mass market, through competition by Government Housing Bank, small cross subsidies Results Private developers built mass housing Affordable to 20 th percentile But: Price increases Lagging Infrastructure

24 Thailand 1990s Government Provision for <20 th % Manageable when Market Penetration is Deep New small, expandable houses built by Government Government loans, serviced by Government Housing Bank but not in risk-taking position Slum resettlement in core areas; high density rental Slum upgrading – peoples process Result: Major reduction in slum settlements before recent economic downturn

25 Successful Approaches to Expand Affordable Housing for Broad Middle Income Market 1.Reliable mass mortgage system that serves target market – o Need to off-load/sell stock upon completion; owners or rental investors need long-term finance o Alternative of installment sales decreases affordability 2.Access to project finance – both debt and equity 3.Real side requirements: access to serviced land, transport, relative freedom to set density for location, mixed development, facilitative permitting, 4.Competitive market - cannot enter market segment that competes with subsidized stock (South Africa, Egypt, Indonesia) + lack of competition creates poor, dull housing projects

26 MARJA C HOEK-SMIT CONTACT Director of International Housing Finance Program Adjunct Professor of Real Estate Wharton School University of Pennsylvania WEBSITES International Housing Finance Program Housing Finance Information Network EMAIL

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