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How do different types of water effect the rate of photosynthesis on Wisconsin fast growing plants? By: Kristina Geiger Rachael Taddiken Georgia Holmberg.

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Presentation on theme: "How do different types of water effect the rate of photosynthesis on Wisconsin fast growing plants? By: Kristina Geiger Rachael Taddiken Georgia Holmberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do different types of water effect the rate of photosynthesis on Wisconsin fast growing plants? By: Kristina Geiger Rachael Taddiken Georgia Holmberg Alli Bouwma

2 Independent Variable: Type of water (tap, well, distilled, smart)  Wondered effects of different waters on photosynthesis  Many studies  Best to water household plants  Distilled is the best  Well is the worst  No studies found on smart

3 Purpose  What water is best for the photosynthesis on common house plants

4 Hypothesis  Distilled water will best effect the rate of photosynthesis  The "Smart Water" will have negative effects on the rate of photosynthesis  The well water will have negative effects also  The tap water will not have negative effects, but the rate of photosynthesis will be slowed down

5 Procedure ( Planting )  Gather all the necessary materials  Label the pots  Put the specified amount of soil in each bottle and plant seeds  Put in water  Keep the self watering systems filled with water at all times.  Measure and take pictures of plants every other day

6 Procedure ( Experiment )  Gather all materials  Make a 0.2% solution.  Punch out leaf disks  Remove the piston/plunger from syringe  Add the ten disks into the syringe  Put 0.2% solution in syringe  Hold a finger over the syringe opening and pull the plunger back  Repeat  Once all the disks sink put into cup with solution  Watch and Time  Repeat

7 Data - Trial One OOMPH!

8 Data – Trial Two OOMPH!

9 Statistics P-value Tap1-Well1 0.00098944= 0.098944% Tap1-Smart1 0.001352003= 0.1352003% Tap1-Distilled1 0.004037418= 0.4037418% Tap1-Well2 0.0000249975= 0.00249975% Tap1-Smart2 0.0000308495= 0.00308495% Tap1-Distilled2 0.006242902= 0.6242902%

10 Statistics continued Trial one Well 99.901% sure Trial one Smart 99.865% sure Trial one Distilled 99.596% sure Trial two Well 99.998% sure Trial two Smart 99.997% sure Trial two Distilled 99.376% sure

11 SO THAT MEANS.. Even though our hypothesis was not right the different types of water did have an effect on photosynthesis Tap is the best on photosynthesis Distilled comes second then Smart and Well Tap 2 ND PLACE 3 RD PLACE 4 TH PLACE Distilled SmartWell

12 Reasons For Error 1. Not sure if plants were watered properly and evenly 2. Small sample size 3. Not completely controlled environment 4. Some didn’t float (D1&2 W1) 5. Distilled2 and Smart1 had hairs in them 6. Smart1 and Well1 leaf disks sunk and rose numerous times 7. Not a true 0.2% solution 8. Tap1 first disk floated as soon as placed in solution 9. Distilled water used in well plants for first three days

13 Reasons For Error Continued 10. Well is tap well, not true well 11. Not exact measurements in Wisconsin fast plants procedure 12. Alli talked to some plants more than others 13. Some seeds did not grow 14. In growing system it was crowded with 12 containers 15. Not all same sized containers 16. All tap systems are not the same ANDDDDD……

14 Reasons For Error Continued RACHAEL KILLED A BABY, AND WE CRIED!

15 Conclusion Tap best effects rate of photosynthesis Plants need certain nutrients and a more acidic pH Even though we had numerous reasons for error there is definitely a correlation between different waters and their effect on the rate of photosynthesis

16 A Special Thanks To Mrs. Coury and Kevin Badik

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