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Magnetic Problems Magnetics Group DPEC 2004-4-28.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic Problems Magnetics Group DPEC 2004-4-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic Problems Magnetics Group DPEC

2 Consideration of Core Material Selection
1.如何正確建議工程師使用鐵心? Material performance factor f*B T P cv core material fs Pc N49 N97 Pcv=100(kwm3) Pcv=300(kwm3) Pcv=500(kwm3) EPCOS T=100 Pcv=100(kw/m3) Pcv=300(kw/m3) Pcv=500(kw/m3) 1000 3 C96 F35 F4 Pcv=100 kw/m3 Pcv=300 kw/m3 Pcv=500 kw/m3 T=100 Ferroxcube 3C96 3F35 3F4 2000 1000 f*B vs. frequency

3 High Frequency Ferrite Material Class
2. 設計頻率200 KHZ~500KHZ,應如何選擇適用的的鐵芯材質. High Frequency Ferrite Material Class 100kHz~300kHz-----3C94,PC40,3C96,PC44,PC47…. 300kHz~500kHz----3F3,P5,2M,MBF4,BH5…. 500kHz~1MHz F35,N49,MC2,PC50,BH40…. 1MHz~2MHz F4,3F45,N59,7H20….. 2MHz~4MHz F5 4MHz~10MHz F1,F2(NiZn)

4 300kHz~500kHz Material Comparison

5 3.ADP在使用Half Bridge Circuit設計變壓器時,使用3C96鐵心材質會有
好的溫度表現;使用FlyBack Circuit則使用2HM5會有較好的溫度表現。 3C96 Bs = 0.37T 2HM5 Bs = 0.41T ADP-150BP (AHB) Bac = 112mT ADP-75HB (Flyback) Bac = 103mT Bdc = 230mT Bm = 333mT

6 LLC integrated magnetics core
4.如何有效利用鐵心(鐵心開模的建議) LLC integrated magnetics core Original design Uneven flux Optimal design Even flux

7 Modified PJ core Even flux Winding consideration (winding space, terminal)

8 How to Calculate Gap Length?
Challenges in gapped inductance calculation Inductance with gap Gap length Gap location Winding location Frequency Core area Core length Window size Many inaccurate formula! A lot of time spending! More accurate formula Error comparison of the Equations -40 -20 20 40 60 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Air gap (mm) Error (%) Measured Our Eq. Other equations

9 Calculation tool interface
Suitable cases EE core EI core Winding near gap Winding far from gap Calculation tool interface

10 Core and Circuit Type Selection
在多少瓦特數時 (FLYBACK 、FORWARD 、FULL BRIDGE、 HALF BRIDGE等) ,如何選用何種TYPE形式最有效益。 Characteristics of converters Common used core shape Flyback: High output current ripple Po<150W Poor cross regulation High Bm (Bac + Bdc) High turns number PJ, RM core PJ, RM: large Ae, good EMI EE, ETD: large Aw, good heat emission, poor EMI PQ: large Ae, good EMI, poor terminal Forward: low voltage, high current and high power application Half bridge: high input voltage application Full bridge: high power application EE, ER,ETD, PQ core

11 Safety Problem of Transformer
家電類POWER SUPPLY需作PLD測試, (6.6KVac,500A),對X‘FMR會有什麼影響? Good insulation! Good withstand voltage capability!

12 EMI Problem 1.變壓器正繞、反繞及腳位互換時,對於ADP的影響(EMI、特性.…等)?
Vin D S N1 N2 C Vo + - Jumped voltage point Constant voltage point Jumped voltage point: most inside the bobbin Constant voltage point: far away from the jumped voltage point Test result of 75W adaptor Jumped point EMI/dBuV 70 60 50 40 20 10 -10 100k M EMI/dBuV 70 60 50 40 20 10 -10 100k M P2 S P1 P2 S P1 Jumped point Original design Optimal design

13 2.變壓器的EMI 、NOISE過大時該如何改善…?
C1: Switch to Heatsink C2: Heatsink to Ground C3: Secondary to Ground CPS: Transformer Parasitic Capacitance If heatsink is connected to the minus, C1, C2  0. CPS<<C3, CP  CPS. Cps is a key parameter to be minimum. Add shielding: decrease Cps Jumped voltage point: most inside the bobbin Constant voltage point: far away from the jumped voltage point Filter component: far away from transformer

CM choke as an example Filter Power supply CM choke L C LISN 25ohm Vd LISN 50ohm With filter: VLISN = Vs Without filter: VLISN = Vs’ IL = 20lg(Vs/Vs’) Characteristics of filter Vs’ < EMI limit L EMI filter design tool developed by DPEC can help engineers to design filter easily.

15 4.雜散電容的定義與測試方法? C1: Switch to Heatsink C2: Heatsink to Ground C3: Secondary to Ground CPS: Transformer Parasitic Capacitance Cps is a key parameter to be minimum. The impedance analyzer can not be used to measure the Cps because of the transformer shielding and non-constant voltage distribution along the primary winding turns.

16 Cps Test Device Step1: Getting the C-EMI curve
Shielding Shielding Step1: Getting the C-EMI curve Step2: Getting the Cps with interpolation

17 ADP-10UB Thailand transformer TP – EMI passed TF – EMI failed
Taiwan transformers are similar to the yellow curves. Cps is a key factor for EMI level Cps can be tested by our fixture

18 Magnetics Design Problem

19 For copper foil 1D Dowell Model For solid wire
1.Design tools中也有AC WINDING LOSS的分析程式, 是否 可告訴我們原計算公式為何?有哪些是必要的影響參數? For copper foil 1D Dowell Model Wcu For solid wire Key parameters: f, D, Wcu, structure (H), current waveform same area same Rdc (change )

20 2. Design tools是否可加入漏感的計算及告知我們影響參數有哪些?
Leakage calculation by out tool Effect factor From a circuit point of view, the energy storage capability of the magnetic field between the windings is called leakage inductance. Leakage Energy = H Simple, sandwich B Air, low u core P S Low u core Space between windings

21 3.當X’FMR GAP過大時,圈數比的測量將會失真,Design tools
Lk N2 N1 Lm im V1 V2 Lp Ls If Ls is low enough If Ls is relative high If Lk<<Ls, the effect of Lk can be neglected. If gap is high, Lm will be low, and then the Lk can’t be neglected compared with the Lm. Open Lp, measure Ls Short Ls, measure Lk

22 4. Design tools是否可加入LLC線路的設計?
Design parameter: Vin-min, Vin-max, Vin-nor, Vo, Io, fo, fmin, Vc-max 1. Transformer effect turn ratio, n 5. Coupling coefficient, k 2. Resonant capacitance, Cs 6. Secondary inductance, L2 7. Transformer physical turn ratio, na 3. Resonant inductance, Ls 4. Transformer magnetizing inductance, Lm 8. Highest operating frequency, fmax

23 Model of Tr with Ls Measure method: Simulation method: i i i
Lk Lm n:1 Effect turn ratio Np:Ns Physical turn ratio Common used model Convenient for circuit analysis model Measure method: Simulation method: L1 i Lk = Lpsshort Lm = Lp – Lk n = (Lm/Ls)1/2 i L1 L2 U1 Lp Lpsshort: short circuit inductance Lp: primary self inductance Ls: secondary self inductance i L1 L2 U2 Ln Lk = (1-k2)*L1 Lm = L1 - Lk n = (Lm/L2)1/2 L1, L2, M (k)

24 DC gain of output to input voltage
Cs Ls Lm n2R nVo D1 D2 Vo Different requirements (low profile, low cost, low loss…) need various LLC magnetics design.

25 LLC magnetics design for low cost requirement
Challeges of LLC magnetics: Many magnetic components (Tr, Ls) High AC component for Ls High winding loss x r h P S h Lk Lm h n (P:S) Adjust gap position to obtain certain circuit performance Influence of gap position on magnetic parameters

26 5.Design tools是否可加入INVERTER X’FMR及低頻(60Hz)變壓器的設計?
Vin C 1 N Cs Cp Rlamp Vi Basic schematic diagram of the backlight inverter Backlight inverter for a 14’’ notebook as an example 220mm long CCFL Ignition voltage of 1400Vrms Lamp voltage and current in burning state: 600Vrms and 5mA C: DC blocking capacitor Cp: Lamp’s parasitic capacitor ( 15pF for 14’’ lamp ) Cs: Ballast capacitor, normal start with 47pF

27 components to secondary
Inverter Transformer Design Circuit analysis Ls1 Lm Vin 1:N Ls2 Vsec Cs Cp Rlamp Vs ( k: coupling factor, 0.4~0.7 ) Transfer primary components to secondary L Cs Cp Rlamp Vs Vsec L, Lsec N,Lpri Before ignition L C Vs Vsec ( fo = 55kHz )

28 Transfer function Burning state: Ignition state: Ignition frequency
Burning frequency

29 Turns number of primary and secondary
Core and winding loss Core material: 3C91 (minimum loss around 50 degree) Winding design based on winding space in the bobbin Temperature rise ( for frame&bar T)

30 The end ! Thanks !

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